New Game+

Chapter 91 - Why Not?

Chapter 91 - Why Not?

"Larson Complex is now under quarantine when an intense earthquake hit the area causing a gas explosion on the Medical Center of Larson. Due to the sensitive research being conducted on that area, the Government has sanctioned to isolate it fearing that the chemicals and airborne diseases in that area could kill people.. Staley Kitfield, head of public relations of Larson Conglomerate has released an official statement." A young female reporter narrated.

The screen shifted to a tall, respectable middle-aged woman with jet black hair.

"The Earthquake apparently damaged the large drainage system which keeps the complex flood-free. Our engineers had developed a large flood basin underground the entire complex leading to the Yangtze River. The reports suggest that the Earthquakes strength was amplified due to the hollow water basin. Though the integrity of the buildings above the complex managed to withstand the shock, this led to another accident creating an explosion damaging the medical center. This has only proven that even the slightest laxities can cause great commotions. This is a lesson hard-learned by our company and we will ensure that this won't ever happen again."

The screen returned to the female reporter.

"A lesson hard-learned indeed. Owen Larson, CEO, and founder of Larson Conglomerate could not be reached for a statement. The explosion led to an accident due to the tragic accident of his son and daughter, Granite and Orea Larson. It was found that during the evacuation, the helicopters that were evacuating the two crashed somewhere in the Yangtze River. The community in Nanjing had set out a volunteer search party to search through the Yangtze as the helicopter that these two used reportedly crash some 2 kilometers as it was transporting the two to the south."

"Tina, this is just devastating. Larson Conglomerate has been one of the most outstanding business companies that One China has ever created."

"Indeed it is. Owen Larson has yet to release an official statement. Our deepest condolences to the Larson families. This continues to remind us of that age-old question which continues to haunt Christianity; if there is a God, why would He allow bad things to happen to good people?"josei

Lynd laughed at the reporter's comment.

"You know, I just noticed how even the news reports are pretty anti-Christian or anti-Semitic." Lynd laughed.

"It makes sense. Must be their doing. These small subtle statements can only add to cement the faithless and shake the resolve of the faithful." Meryl sighed.

"Since when are you so poetic?"

"Ugh. Haven't you been doing our homework? I just read the email from the Principal. He's one of the few who knows that Alean is still alive and has sent us the homework we need to finish. We have a lot catch up with. I've been doing eight essays about my opinions in history! That's why my English is a bit dramatic. I have to deal with that advanced mathematics homework next!" Meryl frowned as she continued to write.

"You're still doing homework?" Cliff was surprised.

"Yes. We can't abandon our student identities after all. What are you going to do to hide your identity? We can't afford to leave any suspicious traces. It might draw more attention."

"Oh. That. I've already finished all that including the math homework." Lynd shrugged.

"How? Those were the-" Then Meryl realized it.

"No fair! You just simulated Arthur! That's cheating! That's cheating!"

Lynd gave a hearty laugh.

Cliff didn't know where to begin and he simply kept his mouth shut.

Suddenly, three tall men barged in the lounge where the trio was staying at.

The three wore similar black outfits. The synthetic, leather-like feel added with the strange bulks on certain parts of the suit made it obvious that several of the most expensive technologies in the world has been applied on these suits.

Leading the group was a middle-aged blind man. The person next to him was a man who looked like on his early 20's. He had a bulky, and larger right hand. The last person wore a strange mask to conceal his face.

"Hi, Shock. Looks like you brought your friends with you." Lynd smiled as he approached the familiar assassin who guided them inside the room they were staying in.

The man with the bulky, large hand didn't smile and gave Lynd a strange look.

"Sorry for the doubtful treatment. I had to verify if you are indeed one of Arthur's peers. Your superiors brought quite a trouble in Nanjing." Shock spoke with a serious tone.

"Oh… So that whole thing in the news was caused by our Arthur?" Lynd laughed.

"Man… I wished I went with them." Cliff sighed.

"It seems you two have grown stronger…" The blind man spoke.

"I don't believe we've met." Meryl tried to recognize the blind man before him.

"Sting. I've briefly met Young Master Seeker."

"Oh! You must be that guy Seeker fought in Harker's base! I heard you managed to wound him!" Lynd smiled.

"I merely scratched his skin." Sting laughed. Shock and his other companion gave a curious stare at Sting.

"As expected of Young Master Arthur. He created quite a commotion. We will be escorting you to meet with them now. They have arrived." Sting smiled as he respectfully led the group outside.

Meanwhile, outside the large land that belonged to Greydon Meng, several buildings were secretly taken over as a totally new set of characters observed the area.

"How's the situation?" Pridgeon returned to the main headquarters for this operation.

"Presider, a few hours ago, three individuals walk into the base. We cannot identify them as they were wearing specialized suits. For some reason, they were accommodated inside without any conflicts."

"What?" Larson was surprised.

"Why would they be? Those ought to be Richie's disciples! Why were they granted entry?"

"Pioneer Larson, we are unsure, Sir! But based on the satellite feeds, the three were treated respectfully before they were accommodated inside the building."

"That's strange… Were there no High-tech resonances from our scans?" Pridgeon asked.

"Sir, the scanners are not detecting any high-tech devices outside of Meng's organization. These places are clean."

"So these three went inside without having any support or backup. That means that Meng trust these three. If such a secret organization trust those three, then they are either one of Meng's top men or are a very important guest." Madelyn concluded.

"Could they be from the Government?"

"I doubt it, Presider. The relationship between the two isn't that good."

"Sir, another group has arrived and is entering Meng's fortress."

The satellites zoomed on the images of a group of six entering Meng's gates. All of them wore masks. The six were met by a group of soldiers. Leading the group were five masked figures who wore the same suit the six were wearing.

"The two at the side fit the physical descriptions of the one ones who attacked. That one should be Specter and that should be Trigger."

"So there were six of them who attacked? One of them should be the killer of your kids Larson. Why the hell didn't you put some video feeds on your Underground base?"

"Presider, the Government in One China has required that all video channels and network be monitored. Unless I have a server and internet source of our own, then I won't be able to do so." Larson's expression was raging at the sight of the six.

"Then why is Meng allowed to have this network? Is the Chinese Government so afraid of Meng?"

"It's because of the contributions of his father, Nogard Meng. We've also received information that Greydon carries out assassinations requested by the Government." Madelyn answered seeing Larson buried in his rage.

"I see. So these two are this formidable. If none of the Pioneers enjoy this benefit and he does, that means he still holds more authority here in China. His death will be very beneficial to us."

"Meng! Rosa says, Hi!" A loud and thundering voice shouted. This loud and explosive voice could even be heard inside the secret safe room where Pridgeon presided.

The loud voice commanded domineering power as it raced across the block. It was as if the entire area was shaking.

"It's Richie!" Larson shouted in delight.

"Impossible!" A grave look appeared on Pridgeon's eyes. Seeing the power of Richie's voice shocked the Presider who holds countless technology.

"We found him!"

The satellite focused on a building near the main gate.

"Why aren't there any reactions from our scanners?"

On top of the building, a figure stood tall. Suddenly he disappeared as he started zooming towards the base.

With a powerful shout, the glasses and lenses of the various cameras and CCTV's in the area started cracking.

"Sir! We're losing visuals! Only the satellite feeds remain! Should we send the drones?"

"No. We can't risk getting detected. Let them fight."

"Richie?!" Force shouted in surprise as he turned around.

"Get ready!" One ordered.

The four masked men who awaited them immediately moved with Force and One.

"What's going on?" Arthur asked in confusion.

"That's Richie. The strongest independent assassin." Force spoke with a grim voice.

A figure appeared on the top of the high walls which guarded the entire base. The soldiers below it scrambled and started shooting the enemy.

Far out from the wall, near the entrance to the main building, were the seven assassins who were with Arthur's group.

The figure stood silently and seemed to be observing the group.

"Get back! He's not someone you can handle!" One moved quickly in front of Arthur.

"Twister, Clutch, Specter. Support us. Strike and Force, join me for the melee. Use all techs available. Kill him immediately. Blur, you're the fastest. Contact the others and get Master. We will try to buy you some time." One ordered immediately. The group immediately took out their own sets of weapons.

"Fire at will!" The leader of the soldiers below the wall ordered as he pointed towards this mysterious figure on top of the wall.

But as the guns started firing, the figure disappeared from the area and a sonic boom could be heard.

"Attack!" One ordered.

A powerful burst appeared on Blur's boots as he zoomed towards the main building.

Surprisingly, Lowengren was already standing right on Blur's path. He was already throwing a strange, familiar red and white ball.

"Voltorb! Self-destruct!"

BOOM! The whiplash bomb created another loud sound.

Blur managed to retreat on the last second as another burst appeared on his forearm pushing him backward.

One and the rest were surprised at the sudden attack and immediately Twister and Clutch turned around as the remaining assassins rushed towards Richie.

A large windmill-blade appeared on Twister's arm as he threw it towards Lowengren.

The windmill's blade started spinning and it was moving as it had a mind of its own. But Lowengren didn't even move.


The windmill was shot down and a fiery explosion threw the windmill off-course.

Alean held two large pistols and started shooting Clutch but Clutch somehow disappeared amidst a purplish smoke bomb. The purple smoke then started burning as the shots Alean fired exploded like napalm.

The figure that stood on top of the walls also vanished as it broke through the sound barrier.

One could still see the movement and let out a loud shout as he readied his Iai drawing technique. Force and Strike readied their attacks as well.

A black-red whip appeared on Strike's hand as he prepared whipped it forward. Force's two hands were glowing with a reddish glow.

But Arthur immediately intercepted Force. He held a vibrating mace which was also emitting electrical charges.

Lander was zooming high above and also intercepted Strike as he unleashed a barrage of attacks with his trademark spin.

"Why?!" Force cursed at Arthur.

One was also confused at the sudden attacks. But he could not ignore the approaching threat in front of him.

Specter immediately appeared on top of One as the two zoomed to meet the arriving figure. Though the speed was terrifyingly fast, the two had the capabilities of clashing with it.


Arthur's mace met with Force's fist. A terrifying explosion rang out and Force stepped back.

Arthur who was also thrown out immediately recovered and was rushing to clash once more.

"Why not?" Arthur asked as he smirked.

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