New Game+

Chapter 95 - Seek And You Will Find

Chapter 95 - Seek And You Will Find

Pridgeon continued to look at the battle as the bugs synchronized the images with a shocked expression.

"Impossible. They could easily fight on par with a Presider!" A look of intense anger erupted as Pridgeon looked at the video feeds. The three battles were being transmitted separately. Pridgeon focused on the escalating battle between four specific fighters.

Unlike the other battles which utilized strange weapons, this one largely was a battle that involved closed combat. Soon the battle progressed and it appeared to be that Richie's disciple was about to be defeated.

Suddenly the figure blurred at incredible speed and the sonic boom was even caught clearly on camera.

The flying and battered body of the assassin flew and crashed down the ground.

The dark armor that the man wore was broken. The suits no longer kept its flexible and cloth-like appearance but the damaged caused it to reveal its true, hard and tough form.

Meanwhile, Arthur stood calmly and gazed at the other side of the battle.

"Leave her alone."

Clutch who had witnessed the attack on Force stop and glared back.

"Clutch. Focus on that woman. You're too far from us if you dare attack him he'll get to you first before we can offer any support."

Clutch paused and returned his attention to the woman who had mocking eyes.

"Fine. I'll pay back whatever you owe Force to this woman. I hope you'll enjoy her suffering." The suit that he wore suddenly started to change in color as a vacuum could be felt. Clutch revealed two vials and tossed it to the ground.

Dark purple smoke exploded out as the vials were broken and the strange gas somehow circulated around Clutch.

Alean had a solemn look on her face. If she is wounded just by a bit, the gas would immediately kill her.

"Give her your best and most pleasurable kiss." Arthur ignored Clutch's actions and focused on the two men before him.

Arthur had fractured his right arm at the attack. His right leg which bore the powerful boost was also in pain. The muscles and bones of his foot were pushed way beyond its limits. Even with the shaping armor that Arthur wore, the strain was just too much.

"So a few more and my leg muscles would tear?" Arthur noted the pain in his legs. As his movements were now gravely limited, Arthur started to mumble a series of numbers.

Force finally woke up from his unconscious state.

Blood was dripping out of his chest. The armor was in a total wreck. Even when Force slammed his fist together to create a powerful force field, it was easily broken from the intense strike of Arthur.

"Don't move, Force. Just stay there." One ordered. Several soldiers who stood silently at the barricade finally moved to save Force.

"Quite a disciplined army you have. After everything that we've been doing, they dared not attack me." Arthur admired then went back to his random mumblings.

"It's already embarrassing that we have to ask help to get them to rescue Force. But this is where the battle ends. You've paid quite a price for that move."josei

"It seems that your leg muscles are about to tear. The bones in your arm should almost be fractured." Specter analyzed.

"If I want to defeat one of you, I'd have to be willing to pay that price." Arthur simply shrugged as he continued to mumble numbers.

"Let's just end this. Get ready, Ar-"

The video feeds were all suddenly cut off.

"What happened?" Pridgeon screamed angrily.

The soldiers were all scrambling to identify the cause of the sudden disruption.

Larson was confused at the sudden developments.

"Sir, it seems that our signal receptors are blocked. The feeds from the drone bugs are now being redirected to another receptor. Please give us-"


The building they were on started shaking.

"What was that?!" Pridgeon screamed once more.

The soldiers turned to the video feeds of the security cameras on the surrounding buildings and displayed in on-screen.

A feed from another building where Planted Aragarian's were based displayed an ongoing shooting.

"Intruders! Kill-"


A masked attacker immediately shot the Planted man killing him with a headshot. Two soldiers started attacking the main entrance and killed everyone along the hallways.

The attackers started shooting and killing everybody in the room. It wasn't long before a single man was the only one left alive. His legs were shot twice by the two attackers.

"Why this one? Wouldn't that woman be better?" The man complained.

"My my… someone needs to go over his training notes. Didn't you see that woman's attire? She's a strong and courageous type. This one's more cowardly." A woman's voice came out of the first.

"Now tell me… just who do you work for. And why are you here?" The woman started to interrogate as she stepped her heel on the man's wounds.

"AHHHH!" A piercing scream was heard.

"The Chinese Government! We work with the Chinese Government! We were monitoring Greydon Meng's base!"

"Chinese Government? If you guys are going to lie better make a believable one. We work for the Chinese Government. We are in the middle of a joint operation between the East Asian Alliance, SPU, the America's and One China."


The woman shot the arm of the man.

"AHHH!" The scream echoed out once more. The terrified man started crying and soon a pungent smell covered the room.

"Woah. Man… that's spicy." The man laughed.

"I'm telling the truth! Larson's here! He's one of the leaders of this operation!" The Planted man cried once more as the woman pointed the gun on his temple.

"Larson?" The two looked at each other.

The woman thought for a bit.

"Perhaps his blaming the death of his sons to Richie? But that's strange. Richie met with him and told him not to interrupt this battle."

"Don't overthink it. If he thinks Richie killed his sons, then he probably wants to be the grasshopper stalking the sparrow while it eats the early worm something… Erm… what's the phrase? That Chinese phrase?"

"The mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the sparrow. How the hell did you mix the early bird saying with that?" A voice was heard as two more agents walked into the room.

"You had it so wrong, Dear." The woman laughed at his companion's misquotations.

"We made the same conclusion as well." A cold female voice spoke ignoring the merriment between the two agents.

"So it seems that this Larson wants to kill Richie together with Meng. It's a good thing that Richie has that strange instinct thing…"

Pridgeon watched silently. Larson's mouth kept moving up and down but no voice came out. Regardless of what would happen, Richie would definitely target him after this.

"How the hell did they get to that conclusion!" Larson screamed with great fear.

Suddenly, a strange vibration was felt in the entire building.

"Ohhhhh Larson! Where are you, Larson?!" A familiar and terrifying voice was heard.

"RICHIE!" Larson screamed in terror.

"Looks like things are getting out of hand." Pridgeon frowned.

"So you're on that building, huh?!" Another loud shout echoed out as the building vibrated.

"Goodbye, Larson." Pridgeon couldn't take it anymore. A metal wing appeared from his back and a strange white-pearl armor covered Pridgeon from head to toe. He immediately zoomed out of the room. His flight was not hindered by the walls. The walls melted as Pridgeon's suit passed by and the moment he passed through the wall, Pridgeon turned back and shot a clay-like substance back to the wall.

The substance immediately hardened as it filled the gaps of the wall and copied the color of the wall.

The wall was covered up as if it wasn't even destroyed.

Pridgeon turned around unceremoniously and zoomed up into the sky. His entire outfit turned invisible. No traces could be found. Not even the sound of his escape could be heard. Pridgeon simply disappeared into thin air.

Larson could only stand and watch and wanted to curse at Pridgeon.

"Found you!" Another loud shout was heard but this time several sonic booms were heard after it and a figure was standing over the rubble remains of the wall opposite to where Pridgeon exited.


Everyone immediately stumbled at the strange sound. Various Planted soldiers started convulsing wildly on the floor.

The monitors of every computer started to crack.

Larson stared around him and realized he was the only one left unaffected.

"Wa-why are… you…"

"Why am I here? And who was that man who rushed in earlier pretending to be me? Ask and you shall receive." Richie laughed.

"I'll answer three questions before I kill you. That was my disciple. Erm... Stewy Keyiar. Next question."

Larson gazed fearfully at Richie. He slowly accepted his faith amidst the fact that no one could help him.

"How… did you find…"

"How did I find you despite your extremely secure preparations? As Pastor Eagle would always quote, Seek and you will find." Richie smiled but Larson gave a confused look.

"Alright fine. Through Echolocation. Last question."

"Madelyn?" Larson squeezed the words out of his mouth.

"You mean that girl? Since she was on her way out, I didn't bother with her."

The eyes of Lander turned from fear to anger.

"Oh. You wanted her to die? Since we share this kindred spirit I'll kill you painlessly." Richie shook his head after seeing the angry eyes of a man that demanded justice.

"I had such eyes when I met her too. Farewell, brother." Richie paused.

"Die." Richie smiled. But it was a smile that brought death.

It was a simple word but strange vibrations shook Larson's body.

Richie turned around and gazed at Meng's base.

"No more loose ends. Time to fight the Dragon." A low sonic boom exploded as Richie immediately disappeared from sight.

Everyone left on that room was already dead.

Minutes passed and soon a strange ripple appeared in the middle of the room.

Pridgeon appeared as he undid his cloaking.

"Larson!" Pridgeon rushed towards the lying body of Larson. He immediately used his suit's tech to check on Larson's body.

"No wounds but he is clearly dead. Why didn't the bomb explode?" Pridgeon was bewildered.

At Pridgeon's arrival on earth, he immediately commanded all Pioneers to be implanted with a bomb on their chest which would explode once they die in order to get rid of any evidence and possibly kill the person attacking the Pioneer.

When Pridgeon escaped, he remained at a distance to wait for Larson's murder. But no explosions occurred. After waiting several minutes, Pridgeon finally decided to check.

Pridgeon continued to carefully scan Larson's body.

Unbeknownst to Pridgeon, a strange vibration that was enveloping Larson's heart causing it to continuously vibrate suddenly disappeared…


Backtracking ten minutes before Arthur's battle reached its climax, an interesting meeting also took place.

A figure walked in the dark corridors deep inside the mansion. He wore a thick strange armor, that was similar to the armor the Dawn soldiers wore.

But instead of the slow, clumsy steps, his pace was relaxed and as if the metals he wore bore him no hindrance

Suddenly a powerful sonic boom sounded out as a figure finally reached him.

The armored man simply raised his right hand ready to slap the attacking figure.


The sword was sent flying by the slap while the attacking figure was somersaulting backward and used several minor boosts to regain his balance.

A thin figure landed easily and took out another sword.

"I can't believe you've already reached this level of monstrosity. Looks like this will be an interesting battle." The figure removed its mask and revealed his handsome face towards the armored man.

"The Black Dragon, Greydon Meng. Good to see you." The figure greeted.

Greydon's domineering figure stood firmly. But as it saw the face of the man, it could not help but react in shock.

"You? Why are you here?" A curious and thick voice sounded out.

"Piercing E-Sport Gamer, Seeker Carlean?"

"Oh? You've heard about little old me? Well... What should I say to my beloved fans?" Seeker slowly motioned and the sword which was thrown into the far wall flew back to his arms.

"It's just good to be back.." Seeker's trademark devilish grin finally flashed again.

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