New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 20 - *Flashback*

Chapter 20 - *Flashback*

Kyle can never forget the day. The day that changed their lives forever, and created a bond that could never be broken. It happened in their Third Year of School. It was the School Festival, and everyone was busy with the activities and setting up the classrooms.

Each class was re-arranged and set up to showcase their work. Their tables and desks were taken out to create space, leaving only a few chairs lined up against the wall. The left of the wall contained a small bio-data of the students in the class, which comprised of their names and list of achievements. It ranged from their academic achievements, to their extra curricular activities. josei

Yes, it was that competitive even at such a young age. Every student in the school were not the average person, and such competitiveness was expected and honed from young. Otherwise, how would they survive once they were 'let loose to the world'?

Several tables were set up in the middle of the classrooms as well, showcasing their various school projects. One contained a 3D structure of the school, one had posters detailing research conducted (in Kyle's case, it was on Shakespeare) and so forth. Parents were going around ooo-hing and aaahiing over everything, though there were a few that frowned - obviously displeased at their own child's achievements. Rather, lack of it.

Kyle's bio was normally the one that they would be compared with, and Kyle tsked at that. Each child is different. It's fine if you use it as motivation, but not as a means to degrade another and scold them for failing to meet expectations.

It was during this hectic moment, when the school was full of people, that a group of people managed to enter without notice. Actually, one couldn't really blame the security of the school as the said people were well dressed and blended in quite well. They mingled with the crowd, hardly being noticed as being out of place as they split up and was often seen talking to a child or two.

Kyle was the Class Monitor, and was responsible to oversee everything. The class teacher was there, of course, but essentially Kyle was to help explain the projects and showcased items to the parents who came. If they were parents of his classmates, he wouldn't bother, but there were parents of students from other classes as well.

It was during one explanation that Kyle's face suddenly went white. The parent noticed, and before he could ask, Kyle dashed out of the classroom. Xing Han saw this and quickly ran after Kyle as well.

Xing Han found that he couldn't keep up with Kyle and was in disbelief. Although he had ran out when Kyle did, he couldn't see Kyle anywhere. He ran around the corridors frantically, looking for Kyle in each class. In his desperate search, he came across Sam and Ali, who then joined him in the search.

It took them some time to finally find him, and when they did, they were shocked. In one of the quieter areas of the school as it wasn't part of the School Festival, Kyle was fighting some adults around a dark tinted car. He was obviously wounded, but did not stop as he deftly threw some quick punches and skilled kicks towards the three people that surrounded him.

There were already three adults on the floor, unconscious. They could also see the back door of the car was slightly ajar, and they could just see a fair leg wearing their school's shoes, not moving on the back seat.

It took them half a minute to figure out what was going on. The one in the car must be Kay, and Kyle was trying to stop them. Although he managed to subdue three villains, it could be seen that Kyle was having trouble with the final three. In the end, no matter how skillful Kyle was, he was still only 9 years old. The adults were bigger and could hit harder. It was perhaps a matter of time before Kyle would be overcome.

Without hesitation, all three started shouting and running at full speed towards them. The sound shocked the people in front, distracting them, and in that moment, it allowed Kyle to kick one guy's knee caps, smash the head and stomp on his back before leaping back. He wasn't fast enough, as he felt his head being hit hard.

His vision blurred, but he gritted his teeth and ignored the pain. He was about to give a side kick when suddenly the target moved unexpectedly. Kyle managed to make out Xing Han's round figure latched onto the guy's legs. This caused the person to lose his balance a bit. The guy smashed his fist down at the side of Xing Han's head, but other than a grunt, Xing Han didn't let go. In fact, he opened his mouth wide and took a big bite of the guy's leg.

The guy roared in pain, and grabbed onto Xing Han's hair, pulling it up. Xing Han couldn't hold on and let go due to the pain. The guy then threw Xing Han hard onto the ground. Just as he was about to kick him, he felt his stomach being hit, then as he doubled over in instinctive pain, his neck was kicked. He fell back, clutching his throat before his eyes rolled to the back of his head.

Although worried about Xing Han, Kyle still had to deal with the last man standing that were being attacked by Sam and Ali. Kyle felt a lump at the back of his throat when he saw the guy taking out a knife to slash at his friends. Kyle ran as best as he could, despite the sharp pain that accompanied each breath that he took.

As Sam and Ali were in the way, Kyle couldn't get a good enough position to be able to help quickly. He watched helplessly as his friends were slashed. By the time he managed to grab the wrist that held the knife, Ali had been stabbed once in the thigh, and he was writhing on the floor, clutching his bloodied thigh in pain.

Seeing this, Kyle experienced flashbacks of his past life and how he had been tortured filled his mind. Angered, the adrenaline rush gave him strength beyond a normal 9 year old, and he managed to hold on to the wrist as he twisted it to face towards the man. He pushed with all his strength, and the knife went into the guy's stomach easily. Kyle then twisted it, making the wound bigger before letting go. The man was looking at Kyle in shock, not believing such a young boy was not only skillful, but so ruthless.

Just as the man fell down, there were shouts in the distance, and sounds of feet rushing over to them. Kyle turned, seeing several security guards rushing. Relieved, Kyle turned towards the car but before he could take a step, he fainted.

When he awoke, he found himself in the hospital, being hugged tightly as he lay down. He opened his eyes, and saw that it was Kay holding on to him for dear life, her eyes red. When she saw that he was awake, she started sobbing again, and hugged him tighter.

"Urgh", Kyle grunted in pain and Kay quickly let go.

"I'm sorry Kyle, I'm so sorry! It's all my fault," she started, but Kyle put his finger on her lips.

"Ssssh," he said, "It's nobody's fault other that those stupid fools. Just be quiet and hug me. I'll heal faster."

Kay nodded, sniffing and stayed still. Soon, her steady breathing indicated she had fallen asleep. Kyle figured she must have spent the whole night awake, worrying about him. He kissed her forehead.

At that moment, the hospital door opened and Kyle saw his mother walk in. When she saw that he was awake, she rushed over immediately, gingerly touching him.

"How are you feeling? Are you in pain? Do you want me to get them to increase the pain killer dosage?"

Delilah's heart was in pain, seeing her son all bandaged up in bed. He had a slight concussion, split lips and some broken ribs. Doctors told her that it was lucky he was so healthy and his body was strong. Otherwise, the injuries would have been worse. Delilah and Patrick had turned the school upside down, angered that such a thing could happen.

"How are my friends?" Kyle asked, worried.

Kyle found out that the other three had been treated at the hospital as well. His parents had footed the bill as thanks for their bravery. Sam was the least injured, while Xing Han had some broken teeth and Ali was in the adjoining room. The wound on his leg wasn't serious, but he was being kept for a day for observation.

Kyle listened to it all, warmth spreading in his heart. Those three had unhesitatingly rushed in to help, without any care about their own lives. It was obviously dangerous, yet they didn't falter. Kyle knew there and then. Those were his brothers for life. He could never repay them for what they had done. If it wasn't for them, he would have lost Kay.

He looked at his sister, intense relief filling his heart. Losing her would be like losing half of his soul. Did this mean he loved his children less? Kyle shook his head, and regretted it when the pain hit. Closing his eyes, he decided that wasn't important. It wasn't a competition.

What is important is that he is alive, Kay is safe.

And he had three new brothers.

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