New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 222 - The Bunker / Scene

Chapter 222 - The Bunker / Scene : Revelations (I)

The moment Chad yelled "CUT", Kyle sat up straight on the chair, flipping the wet locks of hair that fell over his eyes. He blew up a bit as some were tickling his nose.

Sam came over with a towel and a bathrobe, while the extras set off to untie Kyle. Luckily, it was guys this time rather than girls for having them bending over at his legs was a bit uncomfortable. Especially when they'd try to sneak glances inbetween his legs.

Kyle wasn't really naked.

He wore flesh coloured speedos and the camera angle was such that it couldn't be seen. Thus, his, er ... manhood was essentially covered. Problem was, speedos were already rather tight fitting and short, and when it is coupled with flesh colour ... well, suffice to say that it doesn't leave much to the imagination as to how Kyle Jr looked like - or rather, what its size was like.

So you can imagine how Kyle was a bit reluctant to get up until Sam handed him the towel.

He wiped his hair and chest first, then swiftly wrapped it around his waist just as he got up. There was a collective sigh of disappointment sound coming from the back. However, when Kyle looked up, everyone was busy and one couldn't tell where the sound actually originated from.

Sam simply smirked at Kyle as he gave the bathrobe and Kyle quickly put it on.

"Glad that scene is over," Kyle muttered, "It's not really cold here but dang, I could seriously feel like I was being stripped."

"Er, hello?" Sam said, hardly containing his mirth, "You weren't exactly wearing much to be stripped, you know."

Kyle shuddered.

It really was hard to act when he could literally feel like hungry eyes all over. Those darn screenwriters were really laying it on thick with all the fan service moments. It was borderline p*rn. No real nudity but the suggestion of it appeared to be more than enough.

Sometimes, hinting at what is there and leaving the rest to the imagination is much more suggestive than baring it all out in the open.

They walked over to the living room and Sam still couldn't believe at the layout of the bunker.

"This place is fantastic. How long did it take to build?" Sam asked curiously.

"Oh, a year or so," Kyle replied, walking to the kitchen and getting two bottles of mineral water. He handed one to Sam and sat back down.

"You guys seriously played in here when you were younger? How come you never told us about it?"

Kyle shrugged, "Never thought about it. We never really talked about the house and what we had, really. All of our time was spent at school rather than at home, let alone here."

Sam nodded, "True. Then again, now that I think about it - why?" josei

"Well, it was the only place we could be ourselves," Kyle explained, his voice going low as his eyes had this soft look in it as he thought of the past, "Before school, we were basically cooped up at home. We weren't allowed out. Security was tight. Things like that."

Kyle leaned back on the chair, "So we kinda looked at home like a sort of prison. We don't now, of course, but we did then."

He gestured towards the living room and everything around, "This was our way of escaping outside. That, and the fact that we were experimenting and learning. I kid you not, it was dang boring at home so this really was an outlet."

"It really looks like you built a house underground," Sam said, "Which architect designed this?"

"Original layout plants were mine, and we collaborated with electricians and so forth to see whether what we envisioned was possible," Kyle explained, "Ventilation, the secondary source of power, water supply, waste disposal - that sort of thing."

Sam nodded, impressed then he suddenly stopped, certain things clicking in his mind. He turned and looked at Kyle with his eyes wide open, "Wait. Wait a minute ... you ... this place was already built before you and Kay went to school."

"Yes," Kyle replied, twisting the cap off the bottle of mineral water and started drinking.

"It took over a year to build ...." Sam continued.

"Yes," Kyle confirmed.

"The original plan was yours," Sam said, his voice now barely a whisper.

Kyle looked at Sam, quiet, waiting for him to finish the sentence, "You thought of this place and drew the plans when you were five?!"

"Four," Kyle replied without batting an eyelid.

"What the fuck!" Sam cursed out loud for the first time, causing people to turn around and stare at him in surprise.

Kyle grinned at him, wriggled his eyebrows and finished the water. He then dumped it into the waste disposal unit for plastic, that automatically started shredding the plastic bottle. The bottle lid was dumped into a normal wastepaper basket.

It was much more environmentally friendly to shred the plastic bottle as it would get rid of any residue liquid. Crushing it was a more popular and easier alternative as not everyone can afford to get such a shredding machine.

It also helped save space for waste.

It was the little things like this that made Sam feel insignificant. It wasn't just the elaborate layout of the place, but how everything had been taken into consideration. It wasn't just about comfort but also about how everything here was using the least amount of energy and environmentally friendly.

Just take the water system for example.

Above ground, there were various water catchments placed that caught the rainwater. It filtered naturally down the ground and was collected into a container. This was their main source of water.

What sort of four-year-old kid would think of such a thing? Even adults don't!

Sam thought that the MIB was already something amazing.

When he looked around the bunker, Sam realised. This bunker was most likely the start of everything.

He leaned back on the sofa as well, drinking and thinking deeply about what this truly meant. Kyle had only given him some brief history about MIB and all that, and he had an inkling about how young Kyle must have been to have started it all.

However, this ... this just showed what Sam had thought in the beginning was nowhere close to what is the reality.

He gave a side glance to Kyle, who was now talking to Chad about the next scene.

Just what other secrets does Kyle hold?

There had to be a reason for this MIB that was more than what meets the eye.

Sam wondered if ... if Kyle would ever reveal the reason. He felt that there was a secret so huge, so mindboggling that he became a bit worried. A part of him wanted to know it, yet a part of him didn't.

Not knowing meant that Kyle didn't trust him 100% yet. Instead of feeling slighted or hurt, Sam understood perfectly why Kyle didn't say anything. He just hoped that one day, he was strong enough - capable enough - to be worthy enough to be able to get into that little world of his - and Kay's.

Yet, he was also slightly apprehensive about entering that world.

If MIB was already like this (the secrecy, the training, the technology) - what would that hidden part be like?

Sam continued drinking the water absent-mindedly.

?? Movie Scene ??

John entered the underground bunker.

Pushing open the door to enter the room, he saw the Bowery King (BK)* sitting at the sofa, seemingly waiting for his return.

Walking straight over, his face slightly twisted as his head was trying to wrap around his thoughts, he simply asked, "Did you know?"

After all, BK had been keeping tabs on the assassin organisation, especially the High Table.

BK looked up at him, raised his eyebrows and seemed to realise something.

"Oh," BK said slowly, cocking his head to the side, "X wasn't there?"

John didn't move, just standing there and glaring at BK.

"Oh, stop that," BK replied, "Spit it out."

BK didn't want to make second guesses. If it wasn't about what he thought it was, it would only be shooting himself in the foot now, wouldn't it?

John studied BK and finally sat down.

He was jumpy and agitated. Being an assassin, trust was a scarce commodity. He loved once, he lost her. He trusted - albeit slightly, but he still got betrayed. Now he was together with BK due to their mutual interest and circumstances.

That, and he owed him one for saving his life.

John gritted his teeth. The last time he honoured a promise, he was double-crossed and was set down this path. Would this be the same?

"Apparently, I have a son," John started, looking at BK seriously, studying him for any change in facial expression and body language. True, BK was an assassin too, but John was confident in his own skills to be able to study the minute changes that BK would be hiding.

Instead of hiding it, however, BK was open about it as he nodded slightly, then said, "Yes, apparently you do. One now, that is. You had five."

"WHAT?!" John roared in disbelief.

"Think back. Before your wife, how many women did you sleep with?" BK asked.

John wasn't a saint but he wasn't one who just grabbed any woman he fancied.

"Only two," he answered, "Didn't really work out with them and it didn't really last that long."

"Two?" BK replied in puzzlement, "That doesn't make sense. Any women you showed interest in then?"

John shook his head, "I can't think of any off-hand. Had some stupid girl or two following me around when I first started training though. Really annoying."

BK went, "Ah. Sounds about right then."

"What the hell are you talking about?" John demanded.

"I heard an interesting tid-bit some years back but didn't really put any stock it in. It was just too far-fetched and there was no way to verify it. Until now."

BK looked at him in the eye, "Are you sure he was your son?"

"Positive," John said confidently, "He looked just like me when I was 13 or so. Well, not 100% like me but the likeness is too striking to be a coincidence."

"Then he's your son with your late wife," BK said, dropping the bomb.

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