New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 288 - Skills

Chapter 288 - Skills

The train they were on had first-class sleeper cabins and the two boys were having the time of their lives. Well, Xing Han was having fun as per normal while Kyle was feeling quite relaxed and happy - a state that he's always in after being Ice.

Being able to vent, or release pent-up stress in such a physical way (though in this case, it had been mental) was really liberating. It was like a pressure cooker that built up its pressure over time, then having that pressure released.

In their sleeper cabin, the beds were double-decker beds on one side and the other side, a two-seater sofa and a table inbetween the two, below the window. The mattresses and pillows were firm - just like how Kyle liked it.

Right now, Kyle was on the top bunk and popping grapes in his mouth. Xing Han was on the sofa, bare-footed and sitting cross-legged on it.

"Want some?" Kyle asked as he took another grape. Black, seedless grapes. His favourite.

Xing Han looked at him, then nodded, "Sure. Something to tide me over just before lunch."

Xing Han was just about to get up when Kyle told him, "Just open your mouth."


Just then, a grape landed inside his open mouth.

"Sweet, right?" Kyle asked, referring to the grape.

"Man, that was awesome Kyle! Sweet indeed," Xing Han replied, referring to the throw, "What else can you do? How high is your skill?"

"High enough," Kyle answered modestly.

"Black widow* level?"

Kyle thought about that seriously then answered ambiguously, "Close enough."

Xing Han, however, knew exactly what Kyle meant. Being the fanatical loyal BFF that he is, he knew that Kyle didn't mean that he was close enough to Black Widow's skill, but rather, that Black Widow was close enough to his skill.

"Awesome," Xing Han commented, opening his mouth again.

Between the two of them, they finished the grapes quickly.

Kyle did a half somersault down from the bed, landing neatly on his feet and causing Xing Han to blink several times.

"You know, I have discovered that knowing you have the skill and actually seeing you execute the skill, are two completely different things altogether," Xing Han said while hitting the side of his head, "I'm still trying to process what I just saw with what I know you as." josei

Kyle gave a small smile and took the two steps to reach Xing Han. Going down to Xing Han's eye level, he said, "I'm still the same Kyle."

"I know THAT," Xing Han huffed, "It's just ... well, it's just going to take me a bit of time to get used to seeing a new you."

"You want me to act like before?" Kyle asked, sitting down next to him.

"Oh gosh, NO!" Xing Han exclaimed, looking at him in shock, "If you do that, I'm not going to talk to you!"

Kyle grinned, "You'll crack before I do."

"Will not!"

"Will too!"



"Arrgh!!" Xing Han yelled, jumping onto Kyle, making him fall on his back onto the sofa. He sat on Kyle's stomach, ruffling his hair vigorously. Kyle had his left leg up, bent at the knee and behind Xing Han's butt while his right leg was spread straight and touching Xing Han's leg.

As Xing Han was straddling Kyle, his knee was actually at Kyle's knee as well. In one smooth motion, Kyle turned slightly to the right, pushing a bit with his left knee and swung his leg over to Xing Han's left leg, trapping it. He scooped it over his right leg, then quickly pushed up his right leg over Xing Han's knee.

So now, Xing Han's bent knee was caught inbetween Kyle's legs.

At the same time, Kyle had grabbed Xing Han's right wrist with his right hand, and his left hand was on Xing Han's shoulder.

With a twist of the leg and a push on the arm, Xing Han lost his balance and found Kyle now on top of him, looking down at him with an evil grin.

"I don't have to act helpless anymore, right?" Kyle said as he leaned closer, "I can show off my skills, right?"

"I - I .." Xing Han stuttered then started laughing uncontrollably as Kyle tickled him on his sides and armpits mercilessly.

Just then, there was a loud, insistent knocking at their cabin door.

Kyle stopped and jumped off Xing Han, and opened the door.

Kyle saw a couple at the other side of the door, with the guy's knuckles still in mid-air as he was about to knock again.

The couple had these really sour look on their faces, which only got worse as they took in Kyle's messy look. With his clothes out of place, his hair tussled and chest heaving, they made the conclusion that this extremely young boy had started on some nightly activities in broad daylight.

"There are other people on this train, too," huffed the lady, staring at Kyle.

"Oh, sorry," Kyle said, knowing that they were in the wrong. After all, they had been making a lot of noise, "We'll keep it down."

"See that you do," growled the guy when Xing Han's voice was heard.

"Anything wrong?"

Their faces became even worse at that as they looked at Kyle in disdain. Kyle didn't like that look. He brought his head down a little bit, licked his lips and gave a slow, sexy smile as he turned his head to face inside the cabin and answered, "Nothing to concern yourself over."

Kyle then turned back to them, his eyes dark with desire as he started unbuttoning his shirt and closing the door with a smile, "Like I said, we'll keep it down."

Kyle found it satisfying to shut the door on their extremely shocked faces.

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