New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 305 - Wrapping Things Up (I)

Chapter 305 - Wrapping Things Up (I)

Once Kyle exited the cabin, he headed back to his sleeping cabin, feeling unhappy.

There were just too many loose ends to tie right now.

Cornelius had been taken care of, but it wasn't enough.

Just before he left, Kyle had altered Cornelius's memory of what happened in the room. To Cornelius, he had been successful in his r*pe, she had woken up in the midst of it and that he had scared her so much she ran out of the cabin.

However, Kyle wasn't confident of the success of the mind alteration as it was his first time doing it. Though he had done it with Samantha to make her believe they had sex, it was different because it was merely 'continuing the fantasy'. In this case, it never happened and there was a lot more work involved.

So there was a risk that he'd remember what truly happened and he'd go after Kylie, and worse, Xing Han had not been in disguise. Kyle could take down Cornelius easily, but he did not want the train ride to be disrupted for Little Kyle's sake. The most important thing to do now is to get him to a safe location, along with his mother.

Doing anything to the couple right now, while the train was moving, would only result in an investigation that would delay them even more. Such an investigation would also prevent them from leaving until all the evidence and statements had been taken.

Not a path he wanted to take.

On the way back to his sleeping cabin, Kyle mused over what he had learned. With this, there needed to be a change of plans.

Initially, he had banked on Cornelius being thrown out of the train due to the lack of tickets but with the value Little Kyle had, that was unlikely. Cornelius and his lady friend needed to go.

[Kay, any agents at the next stop?]

[No, but one can be dispatched and will reach there as the train arrives] Kay said, after checking MIB's database.

[Good. Arrange for a team to be here, incognito. They need to get Cornelius and his lady friend out of the train at the next stop] Kyle directed.

[On it]

[And what is that lady's name anyway? Calling her 'his lady friend' all the time is quite tedious] josei

Kay laughed [I was wondering when you'd ask. It's Belinda. Seems she's his half-sister]

[Makes sense they'd be related in some way. She had no qualms about whatever Cornelius was doing]

[What do we do with them afterwards?] Kay asked [Kill order?]

[No. Just contain them for a while] Kyle replied [Release their whereabouts to the person they were supposed to meet before letting them go. Make it seem like they had sold off Little Kyle to someone else for a higher amount of money]

[Noted] Kay nodded back at home.

She understood Kyle's methods. If the person, being alive, would result in other lives being ruined - then, the kill order would be made. Otherwise, Kyle preferred to let them live and suffer constantly. Either in fear, or in pain. Something about those people didn't deserve death.

Kay noticed that Kyle has an extremely twisted mind. No one would actually think that such a cheerful Kyle could actually be so cruel. The fact that he's an experienced killer was one thing, but this ... Kay felt she ought to keep a closer eye on her brother. She was worried that his world of darkness might overwhelm him one day.

With Kay's words, Kyle felt reassured. Once Kay has taken over, he knew things would be as it should be and he could basically take Cornelius's issue off his shoulders. Now, the other thing would be to find out about Little Kyle's connection with the Sheng's.

Kyle knocked on the cabin door and after ensuring that it was him, Xing Han opened the door.

When Kyle walked in, he noted with a smile how Little Kyle was still munching on his burger. He was almost done, so Kyle took his own meal and started to dig in. All that mental exercise truly drained him in a way that physical exercises would. Actually, it was worse because the fatigue that hit him with only 10 minutes of it was equivalent to over an hour of physical exercise.

"What happened?" Xing Han asked, curiously.

"Turns out the douchebag is a rapist as well," Kyle said as he slurped the pasta, chewing fast, "He put in a sleeping pill and brought me to his cabin."

"What the -!!" Xing Han exclaimed, "How did you get out of that?"

"You mean the sleeping pill bit? No worries," Kyle replied, "I've gotten immune to it."

Kyle continued to eat and noticed Xing Han's questioning eyes, so he explained, "Well, it's quite simple. Since I was 6, Master Shifu had been feeding me with all sorts of poisons in small dosages. You know how vaccinations work, right? You're not injected with the cure, but a weaker version of the thing. Thus, your natural body's immunity system can fight it, and create its 'antidote'."

"So, the concept is the same for building immunity with poisons but got to be careful. It can destroy the body,* but Master Shifu knows acupuncture so the negative effects were neutralised. Had to do eat some really nasty medicinal concoctions, too, just to aid in recovery and build immunity."

Kyle's face grimaced when he remembered those foul-smelling and even worst tasting things. He also learned meditation and 'qi' to aid in the body's recovery and adaptation of the poisons. Took him over 8 years to finally finish the whole thing and he wouldn't want to go through that again. But he would, if it meant saving his kids ...

Kyle looked at Little Kyle, who was now finishing up his fries. Seeing him made him miss his two kids even more. He wondered idly whether Little Kyle would have been good friends with his own kids if they ever met.

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