New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 313 - Little Kyle

Chapter 313 - Little Kyle

Kyle sighed, ran his fingers through his hair and got up from his seat.

Whenever Kay was involved, his emotions would get out of control. The empty train carriage was evidence of how bad his killing aura must have been. Master Shifu would be knocking his head several times right now if he knew.

"Aaaaaah!" Kyle muttered out of frustration under his breath, rubbing his head vigorously.

It messed up his hair completely, but instead of looking like a bum who just woke up from bed, it just gave him a rather unique messy hairstyle that had its own charm.* He went to the other carriage, keeping an eye out for Cornelius.

Right now, he wished he hadn't taken off his disguise.

Messing with Cornelius in his female disguise would have been so good to release this pent-up stress.

As it was, he had to wait until the train stopped. Luckily, it wouldn't be long now.

Kyle looked at his watch and noted the time. If the train was on schedule, then they would reach their stop in 10 minutes. He would need to find Cornelius and shadow him, then get him to get off the train and let the MIB men take him.

Before that, however, he figured he ought to tell Xing Han what he was going to do.

Taking out his phone, he called Xing Han while he walked through the train carriage.

"Yo! Whatssup?" came Xing Han's cheery voice, trying to imitate a street thug (or rather, what he thought a street thug would say).

Kyle couldn't help the smile that formed, thinking the way his BFF's mind works was truly unique, "Nothing much. Just to let you know I'll be tailing Corn."

"Gotcha. You want to take care of him personally?" josei

"If I have to," Kyle said, "I just want to make sure he gets off. Both of them."

"You can handle them?"

"Not a problem, Xing Han. Do not worry," Kyle assured him.

"Okay, but be careful. So we're to remain here?"

"Yeah," Kyle answered, while entering the next train carriage, "It's much too risky to be walking about right now. It won't be for long. Another 10 minutes or so then you guys can wander about."

"Not a problem," Xing Han repeated, "We are fine here. Right, K... OMIGOSH. KYLE. HE ISN'T HERE!! HE ISN'T HERE!! HE WENT OUT!!"

Kyle gripped the phone, while Xing Han continued to panic on the other end.

Xing Han rushed out the door, looking left and right of the corridor to see where Little Kyle could have possibly gone. When did he leave? Why did he leave? How come he didn't hear him leave? Xing Han's heart was pounding hard in his chest as he made a decision and turned to the left.

All the while, he kept wailing on the phone to Kyle when he heard Kyle bark at him, "Xing Han!! Calm down!!"

Xing Han shut his mouth, pressing his lips tightly together as he kept on running in the corridor. Kyle could hear the heavy breathing over the phone and knew what Xing Han was doing.

"Did you turn left or right?" Kyle asked.

"Left," Xing Han replied.

"Turn around and check out the other direction," Kyle instructed, "I'm at the left side so I can check here. If you see him, don't scold him. He must have had his reasons."

Kyle was worried but not too much as the train was still moving. What got to him more was the reason Little Kyle leaving the cabin. He wasn't the type that would cause trouble and Kyle wanted to give him a chance to speak and explain himself. The scolding and punishment, if any, would be based on the reasons for his actions.

Kyle thought of the many times people jumped to conclusions and would scold their child loudly over some supposed wrongdoing. Most of the time, their actions were innocent but after being scolded unjustly, it would affect their temperament and personality.

He didn't want that to happen to Little Kyle. Little Kyle had gone through enough already.

Xing Han's gritted his teeth upon hearing Kyle's words, but he still agreed as made an about-face and headed in the opposite direction. Putting down the phone, Xing Han vowed to himself, 'I may not scold him, but I will as to heck nag him to death!!'

? ? Kai (Little Kyle) ? ?

Kai was scared. Very scared but he walked on, his eyes darting to the left and right as he tried to find Big Brother Kyle. He also had to make sure not to be seen by his dad and aunt.

When he heard that Big Brother Kyle was going to confront his dad, his heart plummeted to the ground. He had to convince Big Brother not to do it. Dad was scary. He didn't want Big Brother Kyle to get hurt.

He had to protect Big Brother, just like how Big Brother was always working hard to protect him.

That desire gave him the strength to take each step forward, making him determined to save Big Brother. As he slowly made his way forward, he saw his aunt in the distance. His little feet stopped and he held his breath as he slipped into a seat. His eyes were glued on her through the gaps in the seat.

When he felt it was safe, he got out and turned, intending to escape from there as fast as possible. However, he hit a solid wall instead. As he staggered back a bit, he felt his shoulder being gripped tightly and the most dreaded voice saying, "So here you are."

Little Kyle looked up, the normal fear hitting him as he saw the angry look on his Dad's face. He looked back down, his heart thumping hard on his chest and he started breathing rapidly, panic slowly rising in him.

Then, the image of Big Brother Kyle filled his mind. He remembered how confident Big Brother was, how he just did what he needed to do without complaint or fear. He had this aura around him that just spoke 'strength'.

Little Kyle wanted to be exactly like him. Just thinking of Big Brother Kyle made Little Kyle calm down. His breathing became more even and he looked back up at his stepfather.

Cornelius was taken aback by the clear eyes that stared at him.

What had happened to his normally timid stepson?

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