New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 348 - The Path To Take

Chapter 348 - The Path To Take

Kay walked silently behind Sarah, her steps light and without any unnecessary steps.

She simply followed quietly as she instinctively felt Sarah needed some time to gather her thoughts and her emotions. Once they were in a more secluded spot, Kay let her steps be heard.

Sarah turned and her face paled a bit upon seeing Kay.

"K-Kay," she stammered, quickly wiping her eyes. She berated herself for not doing so before turning, but she had been so upset and muddled-headed that she didn't think.

Kay smiled gently and took out her handkerchief, and wiped some of the streaks before handing the handkerchief to her.

Sarah took it, blinking rapidly, her mouth trembling.

"You knew?" she asked.

"I suspected," Kay answered.

"Does he know?" she asked nervously, looking up at Kay.

"No. I felt it was your secret, not mine to tell. Anyway, you never even told me so why should I say anything?"

"I'm sorry," Sarah said with a sigh.

Sarah sat down on the grass.

She had walked on until, before she realised it, she had reached the school field. Whilst the field was in the middle of the two school building wings, one part of it was lined with trees that provided shade.

It allowed anyone who wanted to watch the practice to sit there rather than on the bleachers, since the latter was not covered. It was a popular shaded spot for students to relax and chill as well, but at this time, there weren't many students around because there were no sports activities today.

Kay sat down next to her and asked, "Why are you apologizing for?"

"For not telling you about it," Sarah said, "I just didn't want it to be awkward between us. I mean, I was crushing after your brother." josei

Kay shrugged, replying, "I can see how it would have been uncomfortable for you."

Which was true. How would you feel if your good friend confessed that they had feelings for your brother? There were several possibilities.

If you felt like your brother is a pain in the as*, then such a revelation would be regarded as insane. That the friend has bad taste and all that jazz.

You might feel the friend is only being your friend, in order to get close to your brother.

You might feel that if she tried to hook up with your brother and it didn't work out, what would their friendship be like?

Things like that.

Kay didn't blame Sarah for the course of action that she took. After all, her feelings probably started when they were only 13. So young to fall in love and let's face it. Who could resist Kyle? Judgment impaired, decisions made may not be good and the path taken may not be ideal.

Even Kay, who had Kyle to guide her, would often make mistakes. Just remembering Jason and Kazuya was enough to give her a taste of what it was like: trying to be an adult and actually being one.

The important thing was not the mistakes, or the path that you had taken.

It was what you do after that which is what matters.

So right now, what would Sarah's choice be?

Sarah looked at Kay seriously and asked, despite knowing the answer, "So ... Kyle ... he never talked about me?"

"Not in the way you mean," Kay answered, "The things he asked were the same as for anyone else. Whether I was okay with you as a roommate. Whether there were any habits of yours that I found annoying. Whether I could get along with you."

If Sarah had heard this before Kyle stating that he had never been interested in anyone at Sakura Academy, she would have been living in the continued delusion that it meant he was interested in her. To find out if she was a good person, and could get along with Kay.

She realised at that point that everything Kyle did or said, she had seen through 'hopeful' eyes and it got twisted.

It left a bitter taste in her mouth.

Every kind gesture of his. Every sweet word of his.

All were heard and seen through love hazed ears and eyes.

Sarah laughed at herself.

Love truly was blind.

However, knowing it and moving on are two different things.

She had held on to that flimsy piece of hope for so long that simply letting go was not possible.

"What can I do, Kay?" Sarah asked, tears forming again, "I don't think I can let go."

Kay sighed, shaking her head.

"You can, and you must," Kay replied, turning to face her, "Kyle will never have feelings for you. Holding on like this is useless."

"But what if - " she began again.

"There is no what ifs," Kay stated firmly.

Kyle was right. Sarah needed to get a firm grip on reality. There was no sugar coating it with her. Otherwise, she'd keep on having these hopes and dreams.

"But anything can happen, right? No one knows the future, right?" Sarah persisted, "I'm working hard to change and improve. He may ..."

"Sarah!" Kay said sharply, "Are you even listening to yourself? Why are you grasping at straws* like this?"

Kay really did pity Sarah. She had been harbouring feelings for Kyle for so long so her reaction was pretty normal. It's not like she can switch off those feelings now, can she? What would it take for her to be able to let go and walk on a different path?

Sarah took a deep breath, seeing how the normally angelic Kay was actually angry at her.

Deep down, she felt a bit ashamed for the way she was acting.

But she couldn't help it.

"You're his sister," Sarah said, the words coming out of her mouth before she could stop it, "Couldn't you please put in a good word for me?"

Kay's eyes narrowed at that but she chose not to say anything.

She simply looked at Sarah straight in the eyes.

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