New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 410 - First Interview (II)

Chapter 410 - First Interview (II)

Sam watched with amusement at Kyle's antics.

He has been aware of this side of Kyle for quite some time, though it was rare that Kyle would actually show it. Rather, it was rare that he would use it in this situation. From his constant observation of Kyle, Sam deduced that Kyle knew how to use his charm and the such, to get what he needed to be done.

Right now, though, he was simply ... having fun?

There was no 'end game' or something to be achieved at that point, and it was a bit funny to see how Kyle played with the hostess - and indirectly, affecting those around him as well.

Sam shook his head inwardly.

Kyle was dangerous enough as it is. If he suddenly started using those killer moves, he's going to be opening up a whole new truckload of problems in the future.

Sam took out his trusty 'ol notebook from its hidden place, looked at all the notes he had put in there (in code) and made an important note in it:

Keep a closer eye on Kyle. Prepare for possible repercussions.

Sam kept the notebook and hoped that was not the path Kyle was starting to tread on. Otherwise, he's going to have one heck of a headache clearing up the mess.


Ramona gripped her hands on her laps, her face not showing the discomfort she was under, being scrutinized by that deathly charming and sexy boy (yes, boy! Boy!) in front of her.

It was towards the end of the segment and she decided to be more daring in her questions. If it had been a local celebrity, she would never have dared ask personal questions, as they would take it as an insult but he was not local, was he?

That darn hickey also proved it.

Clearing her throat, Ramona turned her flustered gaze towards Kyle, "Thank you, Kyle, for actually coming all the way here just to promote the movie."

"I am glad to be here," Kyle answered smoothly, "Your country is amazing and wonderful. Everyone is just so nice."

Ramona smiled at that, taking what he said at face value. It racked up good points amongst the audience, of course, for they always lapped it up when their country and people were being praised.

"I'm sure everyone is eagerly awaiting to see the movie," Ramona said enthusiastically, "From the reactions of the audience earlier when we showed the trailer."

The audience watching in the studio shouted happily as well, agreeing.

Prior to introducing Kyle on stage, they had aired the John Wick trailer, though the 'sexy' bit (of Kyle being strapped 'naked' on the chair) had been blurred out. Censorship in Country M was strict, though that part would still be shown in the movies when aired at night.

"Thank you for the support," Kyle said, "We truly do appreciate it."

"So, tell me, can I ask a personal question?" Ramona ventured, testing the waters.

"You may ask, but it doesn't mean I will answer," Kyle replied, giving her a small smile as he tilted his head then sat back up. He leaned forward a bit, looking at her intently as if waiting eagerly for her question.

Ramona's breath hitched a bit, and she gulped.

His eyes were so blue! She felt herself drowning in them.

Snapping herself out of it, she was relieved to note that no one noticed her faux pas,* for no professional interviewer should get so distracted by their own guest.

"I'm sure all the girls here are dying to know," Ramona began, "Do you have anyone in your life right now?"

"Of course," Kyle said, then paused as he had this far-away look in his eyes, then answered, "I'm very lucky as my life is surrounded by loved ones. Kayla, my twin sister, my best friend Xing Han, and my bros for life, Sam and Ali."

"Oh, my parents too, of course," Kyle added, as if in an afterthought.

"How about a girlfriend?" Ramona pushed on, digging further, "You're young and handsome. Surely you have one?"

She knew that he knew what she was really asking for, yet had chosen to take the 'safe' route. She was now itching to find out.

Kyle suddenly gave this rather knowing smile, licked his dry lips before answering, "Ah, alas, I do not have a girlfriend. Haven't met the right one yet."

He looked at her in the eyes, his gaze rather intense as he continued, "Who knows? Maybe I will meet someone while doing this promotional tour. I find the people here to be so friendly and nice. Meeting your beloved can truly be by chance."

He turned his gaze away from her and looked at the audience, giving them a great big smile, "Country M is so full of beautiful people!"

Ramona's heart was beating so fast that she felt she was losing it very, very fast. Although he was answering her question, why did it feel like he was actually referring to her?

At that moment, everything around her seemed to fade away and she could only see the intensity of his gaze on her. So she was glad when he turned to face the audience, breaking her out of the chains he had set on her with just that look.

Undeterred, she pressed on further, earning curious glances from her director. She chose to ignore him for the time being as she knew she still had time. She wasn't going beyond the time limit yet - just meant no time to wrap it up with the other guests.

"Does this mean, you are currently looking?" Ramona asked bravely.

Kyle turned to face her, and flashed his sexiest smile ever, saying, "Most definitely." josei

Ramona found that she had stopped breathing for a second.

She gulped, then quickly ended the segment. She had already caught?the glare and angry gestures from her boss, and she knew she couldn't continue the line of questioning anymore.

What a pity.

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