New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 418 - Chaos

Chapter 418 - Chaos

Kyle's entrance caused every pair of eyes to land on him.

Those that had not seen his jump, was told about it and they could hardly believe it. People kept looking at the balcony, then at the young man that was slightly crouched at the floor.

When he straightened his back and stood up, those within his line of sight were so taken aback that they took a step back. Even from a distance, they could feel his explosive anger. Those around him instinctively went further away, their senses screaming at them that they were in danger.

His eyes had this dangerous glint in them, as he stared at the dance floor. He flicked his head, flipping the fringe that had gone over his eyes as he took his first step towards there.

The closer he got, the more oppressive the aura he gave. So much so that everyone - other than Jaxon and his doofus friends - had made way and stood far, far away.

Kay saw Kyle approaching and was slightly miffed. She was handling things okay, so why was he here? In fact, she was just about to disable the last guy when he made that overly dramatic entrance.

Before she could ask, however, he disappeared from sight and she heard three grunts and thuds behind her. She turned, to see that Kyle had one foot on the head of a guy on the floor while he was twisting his arm.

She winced upon hearing the bones crack, and he flung the useless arm aside in disgust. In less than a minute, Kyle had downed three guys. Two unconscious while one was groaning in pain as he clutched his broken and dislocated arm.

Jaxon's eyes bulged wide open at what he had seen Kay's partner do. Sweat poured down his back and when that guy looked up to lock eyes with him, all the instincts within him screamed, "RUN!!"

He ran.

He had seen what had happened but he couldn't believe it.

That guy was like a predator when he first came over. Like the hunter, targetting its prey. Jaxon had thought his over-active imagination was fucking his mind. Until he saw the guy move.

One minute he was there, walking towards them like Death Personified, and the next? Gone. He appeared next to the three guys that were sneaking up on Kay. One of them even had a small knife hidden in the palm of his hand.

That was Yanni's way. He loved using knives to threaten people, liking the sense of power he had over others. Loving the fear he saw in their eyes as he played with them. The fact that Yanni had the knife out meant Kay was really enticing to him and he wanted to subdue her quickly.

Because Yanni had his knife out, Jaxon didn't think that he was in any danger. Even though that guy was so scary. He had no weapons, right?

Seeing him in action made him realise how stupid that thought had been.

Who needs weapons when his hands and legs were the weapons?!

Kyle had grabbed Yanni's hand, twisting it and causing Yanni to grit his teeth and drop the knife. He went down on his knees, his face in agony as his hand was in a weird angle within Kyle's hand.

At the same time, Kyle did a round-house kick, getting the two other guys squarely in the face, one after another.?The force of it literally had them spin aside, their eyes rolling to the back of their heads as they fell to the floor. Thud - thud they fell, like dominos, never getting up.

As for Yanni, Kyle twisted his entire arm, as he turned his own body and pulled. One leg on the head for traction as he did so, popping that shoulder out of its socket while breaking the wrist bone. Only when he heard the crunch was Kyle satisfied.

Jaxon's mind was playing that scene over and over, making him so terrified that dignity was the last thing on his mind. Survival was. The look on Kyle's face as he had finished off Yanni was so cold and calculative, as if it was nothing, made Jaxon fear for his life.

Seeing those angry eyes lock on him made him lose it.

So yes.

He ran. josei

The other four that had been frozen solid, turned to run as well. It was as if Jaxon's movement broke the spell they were under.

It was too late.

Kyle rushed forward, easily passing them and hitting each person at the back of the neck once. All they felt was wind, sharp pain, and nothing.

These were the small fries. His target was Jaxon.

Kyle grabbed Jaxon by the collar of his shirt, effectively stopping the running smurf* in his tracks, choking him. Jaxon tried to loosen the hold but it was futile.

He pulled him close and hissed in Jaxon's ear, "You dared lay a hand on Kay? Looks like her breaking a finger wasn't enough of a warning."

In one swift move, Kyle crushed the knuckles on the hand that had touched Kay. It wasn't enough to just fracture it, but he had completely crushed the bones within it. The force required was tremendous and Kyle had gone into Zen mode to get the required strength to do so.

With the adrenalin pumping, feeling the bones shatter under his hands was truly satisfying.

Such an injury would require surgery to get the bones back into place, with the recovery period taking several weeks, if not months. Jaxon's use of the hand will never be the same again as he would not be able to make a proper grip or have the same strength in his hands any longer.

Fitting punishment for such a filthy hand.

Kyle didn't care if Jaxon's livelihood depended on that hand. That hand did not deserve to live.

It was good enough Kyle didn't snuff out his life.

He was that pissed.

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