New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 439 - Showdown (II)

Chapter 439 - Showdown (II)

Kyle's words cut Patrick to the core.

It was true. He had not been much of a father while Kyle was growing up.

After all, Kyle was the prickly one that kept him at bay, and Kyle seemed to be much more closer to his mother than him. Since he was so busy with the company and Kyle didn't seem to warm up to him as much, it was only natural that he left the raising up of Kyle to Delilah. josei

It wasn't that he ignored Kyle, but he didn't exactly guide him in anything either.

When he thought about it, he had never done any father-son activities either.

All of this was irrelevant, though. The past is the past and no matter what, Patrick couldn't change that.

A heavy silence hung in the air, both Patrick and Kyle's chests were heaving up and down from suppressed anger and the latest shouting match. Luckily, there were in a VIP room so they didn't disturb anyone in the same room but their voices still carried out to those who were outside.

Nurses and families of patients walking by would often stare at the door of the room, but no one bothered the occupants.

"So you're bearing a grudge against me? For not being there for you?" Patrick finally said, his voice lower this time.

Kyle turned to look away, his frustrations clearly evident on his face. If he continued to have this verbal war with Patrick, he would end up saying things that could not be taken back.

Even now, he already regretted what he had said. Though it was true that Patrick had not been there for him, it was his own actions that kept him at bay.

It was an unfair statement.

Kyle knew it, but it didn't detract from the fact of the matter that yes, Patrick did neglect him. He couldn't suddenly now want to dictate his life? Raise him up? Tell him what to do?

Kyle knew that he wouldn't be able to handle having to obey Patrick's demands unquestioningly. Transfer him to a military school? Like, seriously?

"I'm not that petty," Kyle said finally, "You had your reasons and you did the best that you could. I don't blame you."

Turning to look at Patrick, he continued, "But don't expect me to suddenly be able to tolerate you wanting to be a father right now."

Kyle meant that he did not want Patrick to treat him like a kid that had to obey whatever his parent stated and planned. Unfortunately, it didn't sound like that and it appeared as if Kyle was rejecting Patrick completely as his father.

Patrick clenched his hands, his fingers digging into the palm and the pain helped to stop him from blasting at his son again. The anger that he had managed to suppress flared up again and it was as if there were sparks in his eyes.

"Fine. Since you don't see me as your father, and since it's so obvious that you don't need me, you can stay and rot here for all I care," Patrick declared.

He turned towards Delilah and Kay, saying, "We are leaving."

Delilah looked at Patrick helplessly, and towards Kyle. She knew more than anything that when the Smith Anger came out, nothing could be done. But how could she leave her son right now?

Patrick saw that and he grabbed her hand, holding it tightly while looking at Kay, "Kyle is fine. We are going home now."

Kay nodded, not understanding at first what Patrick meant.

"Alright, Dad. I will take care of him," she assured them, more to Delilah.

"Did you not hear what I said? We are going home now," Patrick said with a frown, "Kyle can take care of himself. He doesn't need anyone."

Kay's eyes went wide open and she turned towards Kyle in a panic, "But Dad ..."

"No buts!" Patrick cut her off sternly, "Or are you going to disobey me as well? I am not your father as well?"

Kay's mind was reeling.

[Go with him, Kay. You can't afford to offend him right now]

Kay bit her lower lip and bowed her head.

Patrick, satisfied, turned to look at Kyle gloatingly, "At least one of my children knows how to be grateful. Since you're such an adult and don't need your family, you are free to do whatever you want."

'Hah,' Patrick thought smugly to himself, 'Let's see how well you do without the Smith money and your sister beside you.'

He felt it wouldn't take long before Kyle came back home, contrite and ready to be obedient. Patrick believed Kyle was so arrogant and blind because he always had the Smith money and power behind him. Without it, what was he?

In his anger, Patrick completely neglected the fact that Kyle had proven himself to be a capable CEO-in-training more than once. Kyle had never really spent the money Patrick had given him, unless it was on food and clothing - and even then, the things Kyle owned and wore had cost far more than what Kyle had ever 'claimed' from him.

Patrick would soon find out that this action of his to subdue his son cost him far more than he ever thought possible. Of course, at the end of it, they reconciled and reached an understanding. However, the journey was filled with tons of regret.

For now, the first step on that path had been taken.

Kyle glared at Patrick, his words causing the anger within him to flare up all over again.

What was wrong with the man's mind??

When did he ever say he didn't need his family? When had he shown ungratefulness? Just because he didn't want to follow whatever that man dictated? Other than his personal life, did he ever disobey? Did he ever perform badly?

Now, he was even taking Kay away from him when he knew how tight their bond was? He was using his 'father authority' to force Kay to separate from him, which would only cause them pain??Yet make it sound like he was the one that was the cause of it all?!


Since that's his game, bring it on.

"I never said that, but does it matter?" Kyle said, his eyes cold, "You obviously believe it and it's set in stone."

Kyle looked at his sister and his mother tenderly, "I"m sorry, Mum. I'll be fine, it's okay."

Delilah sobbed a bit and wanted to go over to Kyle but Patrick held her back. She couldn't escape and glared at him. He ignored her and practically dragged her out of the ward.

Kyle watched them go.

[Take care of Mum for me]

[Kyle, what are you going to do?]

Kyle sighed, knowing how agitated and upset she was at the situation since she actually called him by name.

[What I should have done long ago] Kyle said [Just take care of yourself, and Mum. She's going to be pretty upset with all of this]

[Kyle, can't you please just give in this time? Just a little?]

Kyle was silent for a while, causing Kay untold anguish.

[I'm sorry Kay, I can't]

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