New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 49 - Punishment

Chapter 49 - Punishment

In the office of Robins Grey, a thick folder labeled 'Principal Dobbins' was laid neatly on his desk, with a white thumb drive glistening on it. When Robins came in the next morning, his face darkened considerably upon reading the files in the folder.

When he had first opened the folder, the first thing he saw as a single A4 size white paper with one sentence, in bold:

"Herein lies the deeds of Principal Dobbins. I trust you to do what is right."

He flipped the paper and saw what appeared to be curriculum vitae of some kids. There was a photo of a child (presumably a Sakura Academy student) placed at the top center of the page. The name would be right under the photo, then a brief description of what had occurred and what Principal Dobbins had done.

Samuel Wang - Expelled

Reason: Stole $1000 from Student Council's funds. (date and amount highlighted in yellow)

Fact: At the time of supposed theft, Samuel Wang was absent. He was working at K-Mart, covering for a friend who had fallen sick.

Evidence: A photo from a security camera was clipped on the paper, clearly showing the date and time, and Samuel's face.

Ren Xi - Expelled

Reason: Stole Physics exam answers. Papers found in his schoolbag. josei

Fact: Circumstantial evidence. No one saw the deed, and the papers were kept in a locked drawer in a locked room. The door was unlocked and drawer opened yet no proof or explanation as to how it came to be that way.

Gerry Hale - Expelled

Reason: Stole $500 from Student Council Funds (date and amount highlighted in yellow)

Fact: Unsubstantiated and not verified. Accused by a fellow classmate. Money never recovered.

And the list went on. Robins didn't count the number, but from a rough guess, it was no less than 30. All of them appeared to be trumped up charges, or that Dobbins had never truly investigated the matter. She deemed the culprits guilty from the start, ignoring their pleas of innocence.

However, as bad as it was going through the list of students, the last page made him shiver. Dobbins' bank statement had been printed out, and several transactions were highlighted. When he checked it with the list of students, he realised that the dates coincided with the time the money had been stolen from the Student Council AND the amount was the same as what had been reported stolen.


Robins picked up his phone, looked through the contacts and made a call to his good 'ol friend, Chief Pooh.


Kyle was in trouble.

They were at the park, and Kyle was made to sit down at the bench while the rest of the Elite Five were standing in front of him, staring at him. Xing Han was pouting and had his arms crossed on his chest. Kay was looking at him with eyes glistening with tears. Ali was growling at him, his foot tapping on the ground. Sam was ... well, just Sam as he held his head up slightly higher and looked down at Kyle.

They had all agreed to meet up at the park after class activities, and Kyle was the second one to arrive. Kay was already there, smiling at him but he noticed her lips were trembling. As if holding back some tears. Worried, he rushed over and grabbed her arms but she began hitting him on the chest. "Kyle, you meanie!!" she shouted clearly.

Kyle was perplexed and opened his mouth to ask when he felt hands fall heavily on his shoulders. A lightbulb moment happened when he saw the ghost of a smile on Kay's lips before she turned to face Xing Han who came beside her. He was looking at her worriedly, and she sniffed softly. Kyle was pushed forward, and made to sit on the bench.

That was the scene right now.

"Explain," demanded Ali.

Kyle rubbed the back of his neck nervously, "Explain? Explain what?" He looked at them with wide, innocent eyes.

"Don't give me that!" growled Ali, taking a step closer. He leaned down and pointed a finger on Kyle's nose while his other hand pointed at Kay. Kay was still sniffling, her head on Xing Han's shoulder. Xing Han was glaring at Kyle now while rubbing her back to comfort her.

"What did you do to make her cry?!" Ali shouted at Kyle's face.

"Unforgivable," muttered Sam.

"Nothing!" Kyle protested, putting his hands up.

"Nothing? Nothing? How can it be nothing when she's crying like that?!" Ali put up a leg on the bench, to the right of Kyle. He placed one hand on his waist and another on his leg.

"Oh come on, Ali!" protested Kyle, "She's faking it! There are no tears even!"

Xing Han scoffed, "Still denying it, I see." He gingerly took Kay's hand, and led her to sit down on the bench as well - but farther away from Kyle. Kay was dabbing her eyes with her handkerchief, looking down aggrieved.

Xing Han, Ali, and Sam looked at each other. As if on cue, they nodded. Kyle had a bad feeling about this. He quickly tried to get up but Ali was faster. He put his hands on both of Kyle's shoulders, preventing him from getting up. Kyle kicked out, tripping Ali. Just as Ali stumbled, Kyle shot up but was quickly tackled by Xing Han.

Kyle fell to the side, and Xing Han quickly sat on Kyle's back. He then leaned over and grabbed both of Kyle's legs. Sam also promptly jumped onto Kyle, and the sudden weight on his back made Kyle "ooomph" out. Sam grabbed both of Kyle's arms and twisted them around his back.

No matter how hard Kyle struggled, he couldn't get the two guys off his back. He could hear Ali's maniacal laughter getting closer, and Kyle said desperately, "Ali ... don't you dare."

Ali came close, leaned down and put his face right next to Kyle's as he said, "You made our Angel cry, Kyle. You must be punished."

"I did not, damn it!"

Ali tsked and patted Kyle's head. He got up and walked over to Kyle's legs.

"So long as our Angel sheds a tear, that person gets punished," Sam said stoically.

Kay watched this entire scene with a smile hidden behind her handkerchief. Serves Kyle right for not telling her what he had planned for Principal Dobbins. He had known everything and had the counter measures, but he did not tell her about it! She had been so worried, and so angry at the horrible things she said at her brother.

The anger she felt then was akin to the anger she felt now. Kyle was too much. How dare he hide this from her? So, he had to be taught a lesson. Of course, why dirty her hands when she had her knights who would do it for her? All that was needed was just perfect timing, sad face, and tears.

"ALI! NO!" Kyle shouted, "DON'T YOU DARE!" He twisted his head and could see where Ali was heading, fear gripping his heart.

Ali just snickered, walked over and grabbed Kyle's shoe. He took it off, then his face had a slight grimace as he said to Kyle, "Man, Kyle. When was the last time you washed your socks? Ew"

Kyle was trying hard to kick Ali, but Xing Han went to sit on his legs. At that moment, Kyle regretted deeply not forcing Xing Han to continue the exercise regime he had been under during the school holidays. It had only been two days, but just those two days of gorging all his favourite food had made all the weight he lost, return.

This dude was heavy. It normally does not take a lot of effort to lift up your leg when in a lying position, but if you had a rock like Xing Han sitting right on his calf ... it was near impossible to do so. Kyle still tried, however, but hardly managed to move even an inch.

Ali slowly took off Kyle's socks with the tip of his fingers and threw it aside in disdain. Then, grabbing a tuft of grass in his fist, he pulled. Several blades of soft carpet grass were now in his hands. Ah, this park is perfect. They had carpet grass, which was so much better for what he needed to do.

Grabbing Kyle's ankle, and gripping it tightly, he moved the blades of grass slowly and lightly over the sole of Kyle's feet.


Kyle couldn't even lift up his head anymore, all manner of strength leaving him. Yes, ladies and gentlemen. Kyle has a weakness. He is very, very ticklish right at the soles of his feet. You can try any other part of his body - his waist, or even his armpits - and he is completely unaffected. His feet, however, was a different story. Just a small brush and he becomes mush.

"So someone made our Angel cry," ... swish went the blades of grass.


"And he won't admit it".... swish it went again


"Looks like someone has been a bad, bad boy," swish swish swish

After 10 minutes of this torture, they finally let him go. Kyle was now out of breath and his face streaked with tears. He turned and lay on his back, putting an arm over his eyes, and another was clutching his stomach, "Y-you ... *gasp* ... guys ... are ... so ... cruel"

His abdominal muscles hurt so much right now. Though he did exercises to tone his abs, laughing also gives an internal workout through exercising the diaphragm, contracting the abs. However, unlike when he exercises, he didn't warm up and he couldn't pace himself. Laughing excessively like this meant continuous exercise which he had no control over and his muscles were pushed to the limit.

Kay walked over, sat down next to Kyle who was breathing heavily and patted his stomach hard. Kyle's face twisted in pain, but he didn't say anything. Kay looked up at her three knights and said with a bright smile, "Thank you. I feel so much better now."

[Don't do that again, Kyle] said Kay, her voice tinged with real sadness this time, [I was really hurt]

Kyle uncovered his eyes and took her hand in his. He pulled it lightly, and she turned to face him. He looked at her straight in the eyes and said, "I'm sorry, Kay. I won't do it again"

Kay sniffed and bent down to hug Kyle.

"Our work is done," said Ali proudly, then looked at his hands in disdain, "Now I need to wash my hands. Kyle's socks really stink."

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