New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 496 - Save The Kittens (II)

Chapter 496 - Save The Kittens (II)

Kyle's heart lurched at seeing Sari like this.

He scooped her up in his arms and held her close to him as he ran to the nearest vet.

Sari wanted to protest at first when she felt his strong arms reach down and lifted her off the ground. She wasn't that badly injured and she could walk.

Yet, the moment he lifted her up, with one arm below her knees and the other around her back, the protest died.

It was so surreal, being in his arms.?As he held her close to his firm chest, she could hear his heartbeat and it sounded faster than normal.

Any thoughts of protest flew out the window.

She snuggled deeper into his embrace, feeling warm and safe despite still being pelted by the rain. She was holding onto the kittens, but she didn't feel scared at all being carried like that.

He was holding on to her so tightly that she didn't feel that she was in any danger of falling out of his embrace.

She could even smell him, and she felt like he had the best smell ever.

It was nice, sweet and musky all at the same time.

She smiled.

"Please, can someone look at these kittens?" Kyle asked as he dashed through the door.

The receptionist was startled, to see a young man carrying a girl into the clinic, both of them soaked to the bone.

"Rex, put me down," Sari said softly, as she looked up at him.

Kyle ignored her and walked to the reception desk. Sari had no choice but to show the kittens in her hands.

The kittens were gently taken, as the receptionist said, "I'll take them inside."

"Please, I've got to take her to the doctor as well. Could you have them looked at first? I'll come right back," Kyle said, as he looked at the receptionist pleadingly.

She hesitated.

There were many incidences of people abandoning injured animals right at the doorstep, taking for granted that the vet would take care of the animals. The clinic did not run on charity, as they had their costs to cover as well.

"Take my wallet," Kyle said, turning over, "It's in my back pocket. There's a debit card in there, so take it and take out RM500 as a deposit."

The receptionist and Sari's eyes went wide open.

"Rex, please, I can stand up," Sari tried again but Kyle just shook his head and held her tighter.

"You're injured. Don't move and shush," he admonished her. josei

He then turned towards the receptionist, and she relented.

"That won't be necessary. Just get back here right after you settle your matters," she said, waving them off.

She felt that she could trust the young man, who was protecting the girl so fiercely. If her judgment was wrong, she would take the kittens as a charity case and a lesson.

For now, she felt this was the right decision.

Kyle nodded, thanking her profusely then ran off again.

Luckily, the rain had stopped by now but they were still drenched. Sari had begun to feel cold in the clinic as it was air-conditioned, but the warmth of Rex's body took away most of the chill.

Now that she didn't have the kittens to hold, she wondered what she was supposed to do with her hands. Put it around his neck? It would certainly ease the burden, right?

"Rex, please," Sari said softly as she put her hands around his neck, pulling her weight up, "I can walk. Put me down, I'm heavy."

Kyle snorted, and adjusted her higher in his arms, saying, "You're so light. You should eat more."

"It's embarrassing," Sari said, feeling everyone's gaze on them as they entered the hospital.

Kyle finally put her down on the chair as he went to the nurse's station to register. It didn't take long before they were called. Sari went into the doctor's room while Kyle went to buy some towels and dry clothes.

As it was a hospital, there was a mini-mart just outside, catering for patient's carers. Only the basics were there, and there wasn't any choice of clothes. One type of T-shirt, shorts and disposable underwear. What was important was that they were dry.

Kyle got one towel and a pair of everything else: T-shirt, bermuda shorts (though for Sari, it became 3/4 pants) and one disposable underwear.

He changed in the toilet nearby and dumped his soaked uniform in the plastic carrier bag that the clothes be bought were put in.

He reached the doctor's room just as Sari came out, all patched up.

She held a prescription slip in her hand, which he took and he placed the items he got into her hands.

"Here, change over there," Kyle said, indicating the nearby toilet, "I'll get your medicine."

Sari just nodded, and did as she was told obediently.

By the time she came out, Kyle was waiting for her and had a hot cup of milo in his hands.

He took her by the hand and made her sit down, putting the cup of milo in her hand.

"Drink," he commanded.

Sari found that Rex was really, really talkative and extremely bossy .. and very caring.

She liked it.

It was far better than the moody, always-looking-down boy in the store.

"Careful, it's hot," Kyle said unnecessarily.

"I know," she said softly, blowing at the top.

Kyle took the cup from her and blew at it, to cool it down. Sari just blinked as she looked at him, doing these things for her without asking.

It felt nice to be taken care of.

His hair was not covering his face this time, and it was actually slicked back as it was still rather damp. One stray lock fell down over his eyes, and without thinking, Sari reached over and pushed it back.

Her fingers touched his face as she did so, and both of them froze as they looked at each other.

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