New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 498 - Be Mine

Chapter 498 - Be Mine

Sari looked at Kyle in complete and utter disbelief, and she opened her mouth to say something but found that she couldn't. He just looked at her, so lovingly, that she started to blush.

It wasn't that she hadn't been wanting this but this … this was rather sudden, wasn't it?

She was seeing so many sides to Rex right now that her head was spinning. He had been so manly earlier and now, so loving. Her heart beat rapidly.

It just made her smile goofily while her face became a deeper shade of pink.

Kyle found that utterly adorable and quickly grabbed her hand after he made the necessary payment. He had also bought some kitten formula, a nursing bottle, and a hot water bottle. Luckily the vet had that as well.

Sari had been in such a daze, just staring blankly at Rex who was taking charge and doing things all so naturally that she did not hear how much it had been.

It was only when he started walking that she pulled on his hand, and asked, "Rex, how much was it? I can't pay you all right now, but will do so bit by bit."

Kyle gripped her hand, thinking how small her hand was.

Come to think of it, other than Kay, this was the first time he was holding a girl's hand.

He never thought about it when he held hands with Kay, but a girl's hand really was small. It was soft, but not in the sense that she had soft skin - more like, it wasn't hard. In fact, her hands were rather rough, which indicated she did a lot of housework.

Kyle frowned a bit, thinking that when they got married, he would make sure that she never needed to do any housework ever. She could just be a housewife if she wanted and he'll pamper her completely and endlessly. josei

Kyle didn't even think it was strange that he had already thought of her as his wife, taking it for granted as it being something that would naturally happen.

"Don't mention it," Kyle replied, "I had the cash, and you don't have to pay me back."

"No!" Sari protested, standing her ground.

Well, she tried to but he just pulled her along.

"Rex, please," she begged, changing tactics, "I can't have you pay for everything. Actually, I can't have you pay for anything!"

"Why not?" Kyle asked as he stopped, and looked at her.

"Be-because I was the one that … that took the kitten," Sari said, "You were just passing by and got caught up in all of this."

Kyle looked at her seriously, and said, "I wasn't passing by."

"I was looking for you because I was worried when it started to rain suddenly. I was angry at those boys for beating up on you. I was hurt when I saw how hurt you were."

Sari looked down, biting her bottom lip.

"Sari," Kyle said gently, pulling her closer and looking at her properly, "When I said you were my girlfriend earlier, did you dislike it?"

"No," Sari admitted softly, unable to look at his face.

"Then are you unwilling to be my girlfriend?"

"No," Sari replied, her voice even softer than before.

"Then will you be mine?" Kyle asked gently, expectantly, squeezing her hand.

She couldn't answer but just nodded.

"Thank you," Kyle said happily, his heart bursting. He may have done it in a round-a-bout way, but the point of the matter is, it was achieved.

However, the last thing he wanted was any misunderstandings to occur and he wanted her to know the real him.

"But …" Kyle began, hesitating.

Sari looked up then, hearing the fear in his voice, "But what?"

Kyle took a deep breath.

"Sari, I like you," Kyle said as he looked at her in the eyes, "I really, really like you."

Dazed, Sari replied automatically, "I like you, too."

"And having you agreeing to be my girlfriend makes me happy beyond belief," Kyle said slowly.

"Yes, and ..?" Sari prompted, encouraging him to continue.

She could see the struggle in his eyes and her heart started beating rapidly over what he might say next.

Kyle closed his eyes for a while then opening them, he confessed, "But the 'Rex' you know isn't really me."

She looked puzzled, "What do you mean? Not really you? How can that be?"

Kyle looked at the ground, fearing what her reaction would be. He wasn't going to tell her that he was Kyle - not yet, at least. But, he wanted her to know that the slouchy boy was not what he truly was.

"There are many things about me that you don't know," Kyle admitted, "Maybe I was too hasty. Maybe we should rethink this whole 'going steady' thing."

Sari frowned.

"Rex, do you like me?" she asked.

"Yes, more than anything," Kyle said.

"And I like you," she said, "That is all that matters for now. You say that the Rex I know, isn't what you're really like. Do you know what I know about you?"

"What?" Kyle asked.

"That you're kind, and sweet, and always thinking of others," Sari replied, "Are you telling me that you're not all of that?"

"Well … I suppose I am …"

"Then that is enough. You don't know everything about me either," Sari said with a smile, "We will get to know each other better right now. Being your girlfriend makes me happy."

Kyle grinned then, and if Kay could see him then, she would be smacking her forehead at how goofy her brother actually looked at that moment.

Feeling utterly relieved, Kyle nodded and walked Sari home. He stood at the gate, and stayed until she went through the door before leaving.

He sighed, stroking the heavily bandaged kitten that snuggled into his hand, "Looks like it's just you and me now, little one. She never did name you now, did she?"

He smiled, thinking that the kitten was like their baby now.

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