New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 506 - A Problem In The Future?

Chapter 506 - A Problem In The Future?

Time seems to fly when he was doing all of the preparations.

Kay could tell how excited he was, hiding it from Sari and making all the plans. Kay listened patiently, thinking that her brother got it so so so bad.

Would she be as silly as this when she found her 'the one'?

She hoped not. josei

Her brother really was the complete opposite of all that she had always known him to be.

As she lay on her bed, listening to Kyle ramble on and on about the whole thing, he suddenly asked her.

[Kay, when should I tell her? Do you think she'll think I've been lying to her all this while?]

[Well …] Kay said [This isn't something that is easily revealed, is it?]

[But it's been months now that I've been going out with her. When is the right time to tell? When it's been a year? Two years? When she graduates?]

[Maybe after the prom?]

[No!] Kyle protested, his eyes wide as he sat in from of his computer.

Today, he didn't have any shifts at work so he was finishing up on the assignments due at school.

[I mean, I don't know how she'll take it, right? The prom is supposed to be a good thing. If I tell her then, the whole night may be spoilt. I want to leave some good memories]

Kay frowned.

[Are you saying that you feel she'll dump you upon learning who you really are?]

Kyle sighed.

[No, of course not] Kyle replied confidently [But you can't deny that it's shocking, right? It's not something you can accept immediately. She's not Sam]

Kay laughed at that [Nobody is]

[How are they, by the way? Has Ali recoverd from Sophia leaving?]

[I wouldn't really know] Kay admitted [When we meet up to chat, he looks okay. But you know how it is. He could be hiding it]

Kyle sighed.

[Is she okay?]

[Yeah, looks like it] Kay answered [You really don't plan to tell him where she is and what she's doing?]

[No, it's best that he doesn't know] Kyle said [This is between her and Ali. I just wanted to make sure that she's safe.]

[Okay. It's just really funny though]

[What is?] Kyle asked curiously, typing away furiously at the computer.

[You seem to know the best step and method to deal with other people, but when it comes to your own, you're lost. You're always second-guessing yourself and wondering if it's the right move or not]

[Isn't that natural though? You can see other people's situations because you're not emotionally involved.]

[Yeah, but I didn't think you would be affected this much]

[Neither did I] Kyle admitted.

When Kay pointed it out like this, he realised that this could turn out to be a problem in the future. As the CEO, he would need to make rational decisions. If people found out about Sari, and how weak he was with her, would that make her a target?

He wasn't worried about her safety, but rather, he was worried whether he would make rash decisions based on his emotions because of her.

How did Patrick do it?

It was obvious that he had deep love for his wife, but Kyle had never seen him be affected negatively because of it. Was it due to the fact that his mum was strong?

Initially, he had thought she was weak as she had kept silent when Patrick had blasted at him at the hospital. He had seen the way she flinched … so his own anger over that made him blind to anything else.

However, Kay had been keeping him updated about their mother and it was obvious that she wasn't afraid of Patrick like he had initially thought. She just chose not to press the issue and create a scene at the hospital.

Kyle was also aware that both of them had been beyond rational thinking then. Anything said would have most likely not been heard.

[Kay] Kyle said suddenly [Do you think I was too impulsive?]

Even though they had been talking about the prom and his feelings, Kay seemed to know exactly what he was referring to.

[It's hard to say, really] Kay replied [You know I feel you are too harsh on Dad, even though I know you're trying your best in your own way. It's just that … yes, you and Dad are too much alike, really. Both speak before you think]

Kyle sighed.

[The fact that Dad is still trying to find you - and yet, not asking for help - is just like you]

[Huh? In what way?]

[Stubborn, not wanting to admit defeat … and I suspect he's having fun, too, trying to find you. It's become like a game between both of you, hasn't it?]

Kyle was silent.

[Though you can still hear him throwing a tantrum whenever he fails. And I'm sure you're gloating when he does]


[Once you've settled your kids there, you need to reconcile with Dad properly. Talk to him, for goodness sake]

[I tried before, you know. It didn't work]

[Try again]

[It's easy for you, you know] Kyle said with a sigh [He actually listens to you. With me, he's just dictating things. Ah, there's no real solution to this right now. I'll think about it after this is all over]

[You'd better]

[Now, about the prom …]

[Kyle! You're still going on about that?]

[Hey, I've never been to a prom before, you know]

[Wait. What do you mean, you've never?]

[I was an antisocial nerd in my past life, you know. In this life, I'm too popular to go]

[Har har har. Looks like your narcissism hasn't lessened at all]

[Truth hurts]

Typing the final word for his assignment, Kyle read it once over before submitting it.

He picked up the dress he got for Sari. Just a little bit more to fix before it would fit her nicely.

He smiled, imagining her looking so cute in it.

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