New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 527 - Confused

Chapter 527 - Confused

Sam found it to be truly ironic that when it came to Kyle, his work was meticulous. This slight miscalculation on his part may cause him a bit of a problem.

As he sat nervously in front of Betty's parents, the stern look on Betty's father's face confirmed it.

On the outside, Sam appeared cool as a cucumber.

On the inside, however, the storm was raging.

"So let me get this straight," said Betty's father, leaning back on the sofa and staring down at the little pipsqueak that decided to take his princess, "You are here to ask for my precious daughter's hand in marriage?"

"Yes, Sir," Sam said politely.

"My permission is important, is it?" he growled, "Considering you've already given her a ring. If I was to say no, wouldn't she hate me then?"

Sam stood up and bowed then, saying, "My apologies, Mr. Chan. That is not my intention. I had gone ahead of myself out of excitement and for that, I beg your forgiveness."

Daniel Chan, Betty's father, stared at the stiff boy who did not get up from his bow. Such a sight appeased the anger in his heart, and he grunted. He still wasn't going to make it easy for the boy, though.

"Fine," Daniel said, granting Sam the forgiveness he was seeking. Only with that word did Sam straighten himself and sat back down.

Daniel continued to study the boy in front of him.

He had known of this boyfriend of his daughter from the beginning and took it to be just the normal puppy love. Relationships formed at this stage hardly lasted and as long as they didn't cross the line, he had no objections.

Sam was also a good kid.

Serious and obviously in love with his daughter. He had not seen Betty be sad during the entire time they were together.

"You are only 15 years old," Daniel said, "Isn't this too young to be thinking of marriage?"

Sam nodded, "Not for me. I have never thought of Betty as just a passing phase. My feelings for her are true and will not change."

Daniel snorted, "So easy to say now. You haven't even gone through the challenges of life yet. Everything is so cozy for you, and you bear no responsibility other than school."

"With all due respect, Sir," Sam said, "While it is true that I haven't gone through the challenges of life, I am not just a simple student."

Daniel waved his hand, as if dismissing the statement, "Yes, yes, I know that you're a Sage Class member. Hence, part of the elite. But that is still just school."

"No, Sir," Sam said, "I was referring to the fact that I'm already working and earning my own income. As the only son of my family, I also bear the responsibility of? taking care of my parents and have already started doing so, even before I graduate from Sakura Academy."

"Hmmm? Meaning?"

"I give them an allowance each month," Sam began, "And I have already bought them a house. Although my parents are working, they don't have to as all of their living expenses are borne by me."

Daniel was shocked. josei

"Just how much are you earning to be doing all of that now?!" Daniel couldn't help but screech out in shock.

"Enough to be able to support Betty in whatever she decides to do," Sam said.

At first, Daniel thought that Sam had been so caught up with playing adult, he had not considered the reality of married life. As students, how could they actually have money to support each other?

He was under the impression that he, as the father, would still have to provide for his daughter even though she became someone's wife. Yet, now, this boy is saying that he had it all planned out?

He probed further.

"What are your plans for Betty then?"

"Nothing," Sam said, "Her life is her choice. Whatever she decides to do, I would support her whole-heartedly. If she wants to continue to college, I'll be behind her. If she decides to be a stay-at-home wife, I will support that as well. It all depends on her."

"I have also opened an investment account under trust for her," Sam revealed, "So, should anything happen to me before we get married, her future is secure. Should anything happen to me after we get married, then most of my assets will go to her. Either way, you don't have to worry about her future."

Daniel's head was reeling.

The more Sam talked, the more Daniel's head spun.

The more he was convinced that Sam's feelings would never change for Betty. Now, for the first time, he was worried that Betty's feelings might change for him!

This boy is a gold mine!

There would not be any other guy that would be able to take care of his princess as well as this boy. Of that, he is convinced but now, he's actually worried that his daughter may be too young to appreciate this.

He gulped.

"When do you plan to get married then?"

"With your permission, the moment we are of legal age that is, 18," Sam said.

"What if … not that I am hoping for this, but just … what if, before that time, your feelings change? Her feelings change?" Daniel asked, staring at Sam seriously.

Sam sighed at that, and took a deep breath before answering, "I know my feelings won't change, and I believe hers won't either. But, I'm a realist. If she does have a change of heart, I will release her from the promise of marriage. Everything I have given her, is hers forever - and that includes the trust fund."


Sam and Daniels' head whipped towards the sound, to see a crying Betty at the other side of the room.

"Betty?" Sam was shocked and stood up. Why is she crying?

She ran over to him, and hugged him tightly, crying uncontrollably.

Sam was confused.

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