New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 535 - Little Thief

Chapter 535 - Little Thief

Samantha had just been the tip of the iceberg.

The start.

Sari also asked about that hickey he got from Country I.

If Kyle had known that little picture he, Kay and Xing Han had come up with to throw off his parents would bite him in the butt later, he wouldn't have agreed to it.

He didn't really regret it doing it, really. Kyle lived by the motto that he would only do something after thinking of all the consequences. It would be impossible to forsee all the variables, and thus, whatever decision he makes would be the best at that time.

Regretting something done, based on future events, was a waste of time and emotions.

Whatever happens in the future, he would deal with it then.

So it wasn't really 'regret' that he was feeling - more like, frustration.

He was starting to feel rather frustrated that Sari would pick on his past and question him about it constantly.

In truth, he truly did understand that she was feeling worried and perhaps, feeling like she couldn't believe he could fall for her. However, it didn't stop the frustrations from slowly rising at having to keep convincing her of his feelings.

In what way had he ever given her any reason to doubt him?

What Kyle did not know was that her fears stemmed from two things.

One: she had insecurities that someone as great as him could actually be in love with her and two: these insecurities were being fueled by a certain classmate.

She had said she believed in him. It wasn't that she thought he'd cheat on her, but more of the fact that she believed one day, he would perhaps 'wake up' from this dream and realise she wasn't for him.

? Author only posts on w.e.b.n.o.v.e.l. ?

Dina was happy.

Sari was truly a gullible and easily manipulated girl.

All Dina needed to do was be her friend and just drop these little hints and remarks. Nothing too obvious but enough to make her think and ponder on it.

At first, she tried to get Kyle's attention but that didn't work. He hardly gave her any time of day and treated her like he did with any person that came to the store.


Even when she turned on the charm and treated him nicely, he didn't change.

So, she changed her target.

In fact, she wondered why she hadn't done this from the start.

They were classmates, so she had 5 days a week, 6 hours a day, to slowly get herself into Sari's life.

Dina never told anyone about Kyle. If others knew, chaos would ensue. She didn't want that. She wanted to get Kyle all for herself.

For that, she had to get rid of Sari first.

Dina was confident that she could get Kyle once this eye-sore was out of the way. It had been so simple to play with Sari's mind as well.

First step.

Get to know Sari better. Rather, get to hang out with her more.

So Dina started slow.

She greeted Sari more often. "Hello, how are you" sort of greetings as classmates. Then, asking for help with school work.

The next step was to create an illusion of closeness through mutual interest. That, of course, meant Kyle. She created an opportunity by sticking a picture of Kyle into one of her textbooks, and having that picture 'accidentally' fall out just as Sari walked by.

That was the beginning of the end.

The end of Sari, that is.

Dina acted like she was amazed that Sari was also a fan, so she would share all sorts of information she knew about Kyle. Including what she thought about Kyle's popularity with the girls. The sort of girls Kyle must have been exposed to since young.

She smirked when she remembered how pale Sari's face had been then.

Poor, innocent Sari never really thought about Kyle's past before: how rich he is and the fact that he was an idol to many women. What she knew him now, is not the real him. Not really.

Working part-time in a convenience store? Having all this time to himself?

That was laughable.

How could this little normal person fit into his actual lifestyle?

It's better she knows now, how much she isn't worthy of him and step back.

Although it appears as if Kyle's feelings for her were strong - and he was very protective of her - just how long would that last?

Dina was patient.

More so when she could see as time went by, the more Sari appeared to be less confident. More worried. josei


? Back to the present ?

As Kyle was thinking hard about what he had to do, he heard a thump behind him. Turning quickly, he saw a little black streak pass by, dragging something in its mouth.

"Kitty!!" Kyle roared in exasperation.

He dashed after the little bundle of nottiness, that was now hiding under the bed.

"Come here now, you little thief," Kyle grumbled as he went on his stomach to look under the bed.

In response, two innocent green eyes stared back at him, his treasure in its mouth. When she saw Kyle's hand reaching in, she backed away, growling a bit.

"Baby, that is mine, you hear me?" Kyle hissed and quickly shot his hand forward to grab the item.

Kitty didn't let go and Kyle not only got the item, he also dragged the little Kitty along. Kyle had to laugh as he picked up the item and Kitty was still hanging on to it by her teeth.

He stared at her, and tenderly took her in his arms. Once cradled, she grabbed the items with her paws and hugged it like it was the most precious thing ever.

"Baby, if you keep doing this, I'm going to have to go commando you know," Kyle said exasperatingly.

For some reason, his Kitty loved to steal his underwear.

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