New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 538 - A Date

Chapter 538 - A Date

It was the weekend, and Kyle had asked Sari out on a date that day.

It was also the day that Kyle decided he had to tell Sari about him leaving. The date had been planned from morning till evening, so he figured he had plenty of time to bring it up and talk it through.

He also had to make sure that she didn't start having weird thoughts once they were apart. This would be the first true test of their relationship, he supposed. If they could handle being apart, then they would be able to weather any storm.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder, right?

Of course, Kyle chose to blatantly ignore the opposite of that: out of sight, out of mind.

Kyle rode his bicycle over, and parked it at the side of the gate when he arrived. He was wearing a cap, with his long hair tied back in a ponytail and his eyes hid behind dark sunglasses.

He took them off at the door, of course, and waited patiently after ringing the doorbell.

He could hear Sari shouting, "I'm going now! Will be back late tonight."

The door flung open and Sari quickly pushed Kyle ahead, "Quick, quick, before Uncle comes out. Once he starts talking, it'll be hours before we can make a move!"

Kyle laughed at that and did as he was told.

Kyle had modified his bicycle in order to allow Sari comfort as a passenger on his bicycle. He had mounted a backrest just above the wheel at the back,* which was essentially a cushioned seat with a backrest.

Similar to how a child seat would be placed at the rear end of the bicycle, though this was meant for adults.

He had placed bike pegs at the back wheels as well, so all Sari needed to do was sit down on the backseat, place her feet on the bike pegs and hold on to him as he cycled off.

Sari smiled widely as Kyle pedaled off, happy to escape the confines of the house and spend time with Kyle.

They went for lunch at a cozy cafe nearby before going to a movie.

Sari chose the movie and she asked nervously, "Is this okay?"

Kyle didn't care, really. He didn't have any preference for any movie, and all he wanted was just to spend time with her.

"Sure. Anything is fine," Kyle replied.

Sari was a bit nervous at that.

Was it really fine? She tried to choose something that she thought he might like, and it appalled her to realise that she didn't really know what he would like.

"Really?" she asked, just to make sure.

"Yes, really," Kyle told her, smiling, "Don't worry. I like anything."

Sari nodded, but not fully convinced. Kyle always indulged her and she was afraid that her choices were too boring. He never complained but how long would that be?

Figuring it out could be exhausting as well.

"I'll get the snacks. Do you want anything other than popcorn?" Kyle asked as he led her to a resting area.

"I can follow you," Sari said, but Kyle shook his head.

"The queue is long. You'll get tired," Kyle replied, "You just wait for me here."

Sari opened her mouth to insist, then changed her mind.

She didn't want to be a bother, so she obediently sat down and watched him go with a sigh. Sari started fiddling with her phone while she started thinking of how she would bring up the subject of his lack of intimacy.

Her face started going red as she thought about it, feeling that it was really going to be her acting completely out of her comfort zone. What is she going to say?

'Hey, Kyle, why haven't you been kissing me lately?'

Even the sound of that made her feel like a pervert.

All throughout the day, she had been thinking when would be the 'right' moment for a kiss but to her dismay, there wasn't any.

Was she overthinking things?

Although it may sound like it's a simple thing, in reality, it isn't, is it?

They couldn't do it in public and they were hardly together alone in any place. josei

Then, she thought of the cinema that was dark. She quickly dismissed the thought, however. They wouldn't be alone and their seat tickets weren't right at the back. Not only would those beside her notice anything, but those behind them would also as well.

Sari sighed.

Who would have thought that getting a kiss from your boyfriend would be so hard?

Kyle came then, the goodies in his hands and his face with a smile. Sari smiled back at that, and figured that she was just being silly now. Kyle had always respected her and never went beyond what's 'acceptable'.

Thus, she should be the one to indicate to him that she was not averse to more 'lovey-dovey' moments.

It was going to be hard to bring it up, though.

They watched the movie (which was okay) with just him holding out the popcorn for her (so he couldn't hold her hand even if he wanted to). Sari wanted to take the opportunity by leaning on his shoulder, but she was too embarrassed to do so.

Thus, the movie watching went by with just them watching the movie.

At the end of the movie, it was late evening. They walked out and Kyle took her hand in his after he threw away the empty drink cups and popcorn container.

"So, where to next?" Sari asked with a smile.

Kyle smiled and said, "It's a secret."

"Oh?" Sari said, tilting her head while looking up at him, "A surprise?"

"You could say that," Kyle replied, his smile faltering bit.

Sari leaned on his arm. Kyle felt a bit conflicted, and nervous, about 'the talk'. The talk itself was nerve-racking, but one more important question arose before this.

Where the heck does one go to have these talks?

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