New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 559 - The Rescue

Chapter 559 - The Rescue

Nitocris looked at Xing Han's father.

He studied him intensely through half-open eyelids, and he said as Zack and Yuri searched the house, "On account that you are his father, I am not going to hurt you."

He ran his eyes over everyone else in the room, and the gaze he gave was like a Supreme King looking down on ants, "Or the rest of you. No matter what, you are his family and he loves you."

Then, Nitocris's eyes became even colder, "But that does not mean I will allow you to hurt him any further."

Zhènlín found himself unable to breathe, the oppressive aura coming out from the man in front of him subdued him in ways he never thought possible. Any sort of thought to retort back, or resist, was quashed before it even started.

Zhènlín gulped.

How could this man, be his son's lover?

How could this man, actually like men?

Zhènlín felt like his entire thought process was crumbling and he couldn't grasp the concept that such a strong and powerful man, could actually lean 'that' way.

What was wrong with the world?!

Zack came down then, and said respectfully, "Boss, I found him. He's in the second room to the left upstairs."

Nitocris nodded.

He wanted to be the one that went up to see his puppy, so all that the others needed to do was find him. Unexpectedly, Xing Han wasn't in some dark dungeon and Nitocris felt his imagination had been too wild.

Still, being held against his will was not something he condoned either.

"Keep an eye on them," Nitocris commanded.

Zack and Yuri nodded, both in a defensive position. They took out their guns and displayed it conspicuously while staring at them and daring them to make a move.

"Just sit down quietly," Yuri said in his soft, melodious voice, "It will be over soon."

Nitocris stood outside the door Xing Han was said to be in. He looked at the unconscious man right outside, and wondered why Xing Han hadn't come out by himself.

He opened the door, and the sight that greeted him inside made him freeze.

There, his beloved puppy was sitting on the bed while a woman was inbetween his legs, her head bobbing up and down. Xing Han wasn't doing anything other than sitting there, with his eyes closed. They were so engrossed in their own little world that even when he had opened the door, they didn't react.

Silently, decisively, Nitocris came up behind the girl. He grabbed her by her hair and she screamed, letting go of Xing Han's d*ck. Irritated, Nitocris flung her away.

As she landed on her butt, her eyes widened when she saw who it was. She shivered, not daring to move, let alone breathe.

Nitocris didn't say a word, but just glared at her once.

The girl wasn't stupid. She ran out like her life depended on it.

And she knew, it did.

She was a high-class escort, and knew all sorts of people. The reason why she was one of the top in the field was not only because she had the skills, but also because she knew who she should not mess with.

That man inside there … was the King of the Underworld.

Without a doubt, if she had not left immediately, she would not have left at all.

She trembled as she entered the bathroom to catch her breath.

This was not what she had signed up for.

All she had to do was slowly get to know the boy inside the room.

On the first day, she was simply to give the food. The second day, she was to try and initiate contact and conversation while he ate. On the third day, she was to be bolder in her actions and words.

In short, she was to seduce him and let him feel the pleasures of the flesh with a woman.

His food had contained some relaxant and aphrodisiac that would make him weak physically and susceptible to her administrations. It was in small doses, but the doctor said it was required to make him more pliable.

The drugs were used to speed things up, for it would normally take weeks - if not months? - to achieve the desired effect.

Things were going well, but who knew that that Devil would appear? If she had known the boy was the Devil's beloved, she would never have taken the job.

? Author only posts on w.e.b.n.o.v.e.l. ? josei

Nitocris stared at his beloved puppy who was simply sitting there on the bed, unmoving. He seemed to be a bit out of sorts, like his mind was elsewhere. He didn't seem to have any sort of reaction.

He wasn't naked, but his pants were wide open with his c*ck, that was slowly going limp, was exposed.

As much as he wanted to kill the girl earlier, he didn't.?At once glance, the King of the Underworld knew what she was, and that she was only doing a job.

It wasn't her fault.

Right now, what was more important was to get his puppy out of here.

Nitocris went on his knees and looked at his puppy, and it was only then that he managed to see his puppy's face clearly.

There were tears falling down his puppy's face, though his eyes were closed. His face was also slightly puffy from some sort of swelling, an obvious sign of being hit.

Thoughts of killing Xing Han's family went through his mind, and he hissed, causing Xing Han to open his eyes.

Xing Han blinked, unable to fully comprehend that the one person he wanted most, was right in front of his face.


He started crying then, as he wailed, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ... she ... she ..."

Nitocris kissed him deeply, stopping his words, before saying, "Ssssh, I know, Puppy. I know. It's okay."

Xing Han just cried harder.

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