New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 58 - Thawing Out?

Chapter 58 - Thawing Out?

Kyle managed to reach Master Shifu's place easily. However, one look at him and Master Shifu started knocking him on the head with his cane. Kyle didn't really feel any pain, as Zen mode muted such sensitivity - which was probably why Master Shifu was really having a go at it.

"What's up with you, you brat?" he shouted at Kyle and knocked on his head a few more times before he stopped, "That small escape from the dorms and you're in Zen Mode?"

Kyle turned it off and immediately felt the residue of pain on his head and the normal feeling of weakness after.

"You're in no state of mind to do any training today," Master Shifu said, "In fact, take the whole week off until you settle what it is that is bothering you. For now, just do the normal exercises and go back."

Kyle nodded and sat down, crossing his legs while rubbing his head. He was so lost in thought that he jumped a bit when he felt strong hands on his head, massaging it. Kyle let down his arms and let Master Shifu do his magic.

"Kyle," he said softly, "It's been nearly 7 years now that I've been teaching and training you. I have never asked the reason for it, nor have I ever questioned it. I am not asking now but I am asking you..."

Kyle held his breath, as he listened intently while Master Shifu gathered his thoughts, "Are you sure?"

"Yes, Master Shifu," Kyle replied immediately, "My revenge is not yet complete and until then, I do not dare slack. I do not know if my path is required, but I do know that I would regret it if I am unable to fight when needed."

"Then, what about after your revenge is complete?"

"When that is done, only then will I think about it," Kyle replied resolutely. Kyle truly did not know if he really did need such specialised skills, but he wanted to be prepared at all cost. Being strong also exhilarated him, for he had been so weak before. He was in control, even if he did not know what the future held for him. All he knew is that he had to be strong.

Well, he also had to admit that he felt really good when he could beat up people. Sometimes Kyle wondered if that aspect of him had always been there, or was it only after he was reborn? What would he have been like, if he had lived life differently before?

Master Shifu finished his massage, and patted Kyle on the shoulders. "Go. I want you to rest, but do not slack on your exercises."

Kyle stood up, bowed in respect and left swiftly. Master Shifu's question made him think again about the path he had set out for himself and he was grateful for it. Grateful, for it ignited his passion again. Being reborn wasn't as peachy as what the novels he read before seemed to indicate. Yeah, sure, there was the whole 'get more powerful' and 'improve yourself' part ... but it neglected to cover the fact that his past was the past while he had a life in the present. Then again, his situation was unique, he supposed. Those novels only talked about going back in time of their current lives, or they were reborn in a completely different life/world.

He shook his head, concentrating on the path ahead. He was thinking too much lately, and it was most likely because he didn't have Kay at the moment.


Kay was in no hurry to execute her plans.

Since she could not use the Operation Honey Trap that had been planned before, she had to make an entirely new plan, taking into account that she had managed to initiate the first contact with Jason. She also had to include the Elite Five variables and the roles Sarah and Sophia were to play. One thing she had learned from Kyle was that each plan must be laid out as much as possible, and to go through it several times.

She renamed the Operation simply as "Operation Kay". It was sort of a sign for her. A new beginning. It wasn't just that the operation was to get to know the LaSelle boys, but it was an operation for her to come out of her shell. To be more specific, out of Kyle's shadow.

This was the first operation she would be conducting solo. From start until finish, there would be no Kyle and there would be no input from Kyle. Kay needed to make sure that this plan was perfect so that she could then shove it into Kyle's face at the end of it. With a smug, satisfied look. Just the thought itself made her all giddy and happy.

So for the past month, that was what she focused on each night in her room. She didn't even seek Sarah's opinion because there were minute details in it which would showcase the skills she learned from young. It had always been that Kyle would be the more outgoing one and be the one that was the target, so to speak.

She would be the hidden one, that would help him with all the information and such. Getting information didn't only mean the hacking part, but also using her natural charms as a woman. Men tended to treat women lightly and if you press the buttons correctly, they would reveal things that they normally wouldn't.

You know the saying, 'Behind every great man, is a great woman'. That's what she was to be for Kyle.

At first, she had been so excited when Kyle laid out the concept to her. It sounded nice and it started off great: you are the reason that the man can do great things. Just because you're in the shadows, it didn't mean that you're any less. Two units that were one: that is what being a twin was as well. She didn't see Kyle's achievements or what he was doing as something he did by himself and he never said what he did was only by his own efforts. He always acknowledged her and what she did.

But Kay now felt that she wanted to shine more. No, that's not exactly it. It's more of wanting to stand side-by-side with Kyle openly. Of course, if she was better than Kyle, then why not? It's not like a woman can't be better than a man. However, it couldn't be denied that as a man, he could do much more than her so why go through the trouble?

Kay shook her head in annoyance. Her thoughts were going haywire. She didn't think she was better than Kyle, but she didn't think she was worse. She didn't want to be hidden but she didn't want it to be so open either. She wanted to be more active but she wanted efficiency as well - why should she struggle to break through when Kyle could do it better and faster?

Kay felt like a headache was coming on.

Whatever it was, one thing was clear: she didn't want Kyle to be the only one making all the plans. She wanted to be more active in that sense. As for the other things, she will take it one day at a time. Operation Kay was crucial to get Kyle to give her more responsibilities; to acknowledge that she wasn't just good in doing what needed to be done, but that she could also be able to actually make decisions!

Kay turned back to her file, which had gotten quite thick by now. In it, were information on all of the LaSelle boys and any sort of information she could get about their personalities. As they were only 17, there wasn't much that she could dig out except for their school records and any sort of reports from newspapers. She did look through the social media accounts but she was also well aware of the fact that it may not truly depict their personalities.

Still, at least she did have some basic idea. Best of all, they didn't have any criminal records so it was something. When she summarised it down, she admitted that it wasn't much but it still gave her some basic idea of what would work and what wouldn't.

1. Jason - Only child. Never had a girlfriend. Shy but nothing stands out. Nerd, according to some reports. Rich family. Likes to show off things and what he does. Popular.

2. Frank - Eldest brother of 3 other siblings. The jock. Football player for the school. Popular and has had many girlfriends from the sister school (and rival sister school). Average income family. Low profile, seems family oriented. josei

3. Zachary - Middle child, 2 other siblings. Outgoing, friendly. Has a girlfriend. Average income family. Appears to like outdoor stuff like rock climbing.

4. Ahmad - Youngest in the family of four. Shy, quiet and reserved. Average school scores, not a jock at all. Rich family. Has a love for books.

5. Trent - Youngest in the family of five. Outgoing, sociable. Average income family. Loves clubbing.

So far, she only had contact with Jason and since that first day, she hadn't seen him yet. However, she made sure to 'accidentally' be within his sight during certain times of the day. As she was still making her plans to execute, she did not jump the gun to try and develop the friendship further. It was enough to have him see her and remind him that she was there, to pique his interest. If he took the initiative to come over, then it would be different but with Ali around most of the time, he always held back.

Kay found that interesting, and jotted it down for further consideration. During this time, Kay had also formed a study group with Sarah and Sophia. Ali didn't find it strange and took it to be normal to have three giggling girls in the library. When they studied, they studied. When they rested, they giggled. Ali just watched from distance.

After a month, Kay finally felt that it was time to put her plan into action. As for Kyle, you're probably wondering ... has he thawed out yet, right?

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