New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 585 - Just A Dream

Chapter 585 - Just A Dream

Grace and Kristi stood there, at attention, as they gave their summarised report of what had happened when Kyle met with Sari.

The more they talked, the colder the air got and the pressure on them increased.

By the time they were done, they were sweating buckets and had trouble breathing. Xing Han took pity on the girls and he placed a hand on Kay's shoulder.

"Kay, that's enough," Xing Han said softly, and gently, "They aren't at fault."

Kay closed her eyes and retracted her aura, while trying to calm down the raging Smith Blood within her.

Several tense minutes passed before she managed to do so, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Hesitatingly, Grace stepped forward and placed a ring case on the table.

"Sir threw this away. I was worried that he might regret it later, so I picked it up," Grace said.

Kay looked at it and took it, opening the case.

Although she already knew what it looked like, she still wanted to look.

It was a diamond solitaire engagement ring. The light rose-gold band had an infinity twist at the place the pure white diamond was nestled. All along the infinity twist were smaller diamonds.

Kay took it out and looked at the diamond.

The purity of the colour made the 1-carat diamond much more expensive. Kyle had not wanted too big a solitaire as that would be too pretentious. So, he had opted for buying the purest white diamond he could find.

Even the tiny diamond placed in the infinity twist didn't escape his standards.

Kay sighed and put the ring back in the casing, throwing it back at Grace.

"Take it," Kay said, "Wear it, sell it, whatever. It's yours."

Grace nodded, understanding.

They left and the Elite Five guys looked at Kay.

"What now?" Ali asked. josei

"Now?," Kay repeated, cracking her knuckles, "Now, I have a certain Dina to meet. Tomorrow, it's Sari."

"What about Kyle?" Xing Han asked worriedly.

"He'll need to let off some steam," Kay said, "You wait for him here in case he does come back tonight. Sam, please monitor the news and do the needful if necessary. Ali, I'll have to trouble you to accompany me today."

"Me?" Ali asked in surprise.

"Yes, you," Kay said, "I need someone to hold me back in case I lose it and kill Dina."

Three pairs of eyes turned to her in shock.

"What?" Kay asked innocently.

? Author only posts on w.e.b.n.o.v.e.l. ?

It wasn't hard to find Dina.

Kay and Ali stood to one side, looking at the seemingly innocent young girl with her friends. Talking. Laughing.

"It's amazing to see how that person can be such a viper," Ali mused.

"That's nothing," Kay said, waving her hand in front of her face, "Women can be the most vicious and slyest creatures ever. Guys are straightforward, but girls?"

"I don't really care what she did," Kay continued, "Sari would have faced that, and more, as Kyle's wife. Dina was simply the first. What I am concerned about is why she did so."

Ali nodded, understanding.

With confident strides, Kay walked over to the giggling gang of girls.

"Oh, my gosh! Is that you, Dina? It is, isn't it?!" Kay said in surprise, completely looking shocked and happy. She grabbed Dina by the arms and hugged her.

Dina was so shocked that she didn't move while the other girls looked on.

Kay was still gushing about, "Oh, I can't believe that I'd meet you here. No, wait. You did say that you were from here but I didn't think I would come across you at all. What are the chances of that?!"

Dina looked at her in puzzlement. The girl did look familiar somehow, but she couldn't quite place where.

However, since the girl looked familiar and she was treating her like an old friend, Dina was too embarrassed to show that she had forgotten.

"Oh dear, you're right! What a coincidence," Dina said and then pointed at her friends, "These are my friends."

"Ah, pleasure to meet you," Kay said, "I'm Nancy."

Dina breathed a sigh of relief. It worked. By not making the introductions, but starting it, would make the other party actually give their name. Now, she had a name.

"I'm sorry to do this, but can I steal Dina away? I haven't seen her for so long and I want to catch up," Kay said with a sweet smile.

The others nodded in understanding and left, while Kay brought her to the cafe nearby.

Once they sat down, Kay's sweet smile turned vicious as she said, "We need to talk."

? Author only posts on w.e.b.n.o.v.e.l. ?

It wasn't enough.

Kyle was crouching on top of the tree, looking at all the activity below.

Why wasn't it enough?

Shouldn't it have been enough?

At this time, Kyle missed the death matches Big Bro Nic had.

Though he created havoc and destruction, not killing people didn't quite satisfy the bloodlust within.

Kyle stood up while taking a big sigh and ran his fingers through his hair.

The pain was still there.

It had all been a dream.

A beautiful one, but a dream nonetheless.

Throughout the entire night, he had thought of nothing else.

What they had done together. All the sweet moments together. There had not been a single bad moment. They had never fought.

He forced himself to relive each and every memory with her.

He then placed his memories of the love he had then, and the pain he felt for it now, into a chest, lock it up and threw it away.

With each memory being locked away, his heart started getting calmer.

And colder.

He stared into the distance, getting calmer as his heart settled.

"Goodbye," he said softly.

Whether he was saying goodbye to his love, or his ability to love, no one could tell at that moment.

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