New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 625 - Perfectly Matched

Chapter 625 - Perfectly Matched

For his kids, Kyle had shoved everything about revenge aside.

He knew that his team was on the case, and there was no rush since he had waited 19 years for it.

What was more important right now, was to help his kids.

After all, wasn't the last thought on his mind when he died, was about his kids? About how young they still were and were relying on him?

Kyle remembered as well what Keanu had said during one television interview.

To the question posed by the host, 'What happens to people after they die?', Keanu had answered with that rather wistful look on his face, "I know the ones who love us will miss us."

It was such a simple, profound statement that it amassed five million views in two days on Twitter alone.

To those who are dying, that thought would also be on their minds - at least, to those who had unfinished business, or ties that they can't quite let go of.

There are so many thoughts and views about facing death.

The best way, perhaps, is dying in your sleep out of old age. No disease, no illness. Just going to bed and not waking up again the next day.

Some preferred being forewarned of it first so that they could better prepare themselves. Be it to arrange for their loved ones to accept their death, or to settle everything so that they can leave with an easy heart.

Thus, being told you have some incurable disease had its 'up' side and was better than a sudden death situation (like an accident).

Some didn't like being a burden to their loved ones while they are sick and would prefer a quick release.

At the end of the day, it is usually the sick, or the old, who think about Death seriously. The young never seem to think it could happen to them, even though they know one could die at any time.

Kyle's thoughts on Death changed after reincarnation.

He didn't know if everyone reincarnated but he had a suspicion that it might be. He couldn't think that he was such a special case that he was the only one, right?

Perhaps, he was the only special case because he actually remembered his past life. josei

It would truly be funny to find out that everyone around him, was connected to him in some way.

Kyle shook his head.

There was no point in thinking about this as there was no answer. All the 'knowledge' about is like, what the Grandfather paradox situation is all about and even the concept of 'time': all of it was just theories.

Kyle looked at the jottings he had made about what he remembered in his past life when Kylie had sent the kids to cooking classes. In this life, he had affected it so that she sent them for the art class instead.

When he thought back now, he could only remember the art class situation, yet the jottings he had done remained the same. He knew he wrote them, but he couldn't remember them at all.

In theory, shouldn't his jottings be exactly as his memories about the art class? He had completely forgotten about the cooking classes and it was only when he came across his jottings that he remembered about the change.

Thus, it appeared that whatever actions he did before the change, would remain although his memories about them may not.

Kyle got a headache just thinking about it, though in some sense, he understood.

He shook his head, thinking that this information would most likely explode in the world of physicists. All the different theories and beliefs would have something more solid to base their research on.

Not that it mattered to Kyle.

To him, the only thing was that his act in allowing Kylie to die was the best. Even though it was causing his kids immense pain right now.

Kyle turned to look at the sleeping woman in his arms and he gently kissed her forehead. She stirred a bit at that but did not wake up.

Kyle had only managed to sleep for an hour, but it had been a deep sleep. There was another hour before sunrise and he chose to lay in bed as he didn't want to wake Sayuri up.

He had already been selfish enough by waking her up in the middle of the night to draw for him, so he couldn't bear to let her be disturbed by him getting up.

After all, she was using him as a pillow and bolster.

Of course, lying there while not doing anything meant his thoughts went all over the place. Hence, the earlier deep thoughts about his past life and kids.

Now, however, as his thoughts had settled and he was just lying there with her in his arms … Kyle brought up an arm to hit himself on the head.

Perhaps, it would be better to get up after all. Do it as gently as possible so that it wouldn't wake her.

Otherwise, the likelihood of him waking her up in other ways was very high.

As he was busy thinking this, Sayuri moved in her sleep, her hands roaming all over him.

Or so he thought until those sinful hands started stroking a part of him that was already rising.

A smile formed on his lips as the gentle strokes became a grip that was more aggressive.

Truly, Kyle loved the fact that not only did Sayuri match his appetite, she was also not shy about it.

He stroked her hair and was about to bring her chin up to kiss her when she ducked down, avoiding it. She went lower, and Kyle suppressed the moan deep in his throat when two lips replaced the hand.

? Author only posts on w.e.b.n.o.v.e.l. ?

Kay sighed as she placed a pillow over her head, making a mental note to get her room soundproofed.

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