New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 63 - Unexpected Variables

Chapter 63 - Unexpected Variables

The weeks passed by quite uneventfully. At least, to Kay's standards.

She would meet up with Jason once in a while and he gives her this whole show of telling her how to approach people, how to talk to people, how to smile and so forth. Yet, he didn't seem to make any move to actually introduce her to his friends from LaSelle.

Kay took it slowly and found that no matter what she did, he didn't seem to want to move from the current situation. It was getting frustrating. What was initially fun and games with her sneaking out in disguise, having Sophia distract Ali and Sarah keeping an eye out for Kyle ... became boring and tedious.

Kay wanted to actually implement her plans on the others without Jason's help but she instinctively felt that it might not be well received by Jason. If she failed in garnering some interest with the other four boys and cause a fall-out with Jason, she would have lost everything. She also suspected that Jason may sabotage her efforts, so she was treading carefully on that point. Operation Kay actually had several options, based on some variables but none of it was based on an uncooperative and possible sabotagist. So, Kay felt that the best option was to get Jason's cooperation and willingness. Which he didn't appear to be willing to give. Yet.

Though it did seem to mess up with her timeline, it wasn't critical. Kay felt that she would observe him a bit more before changing her plans. One thing Kay did realise was that she could plan all she wanted but the human mind and psyche was a bit too unpredictable. Times like this Kay wondered how Kyle managed to manipulate so many people while her success rate wasn't as high. She could with Sarah - but then again, that could be because she already knew Sarah personally.

Kay was good enough to admit her weakness. She could normally control a situation by seamlessly guiding a person towards a particular direction, but this would depend a lot on her own comprehension of the person's personality. Learning it from paper was completely different than what she imagined.

Jason was easy enough to 'control' but Kay found his manner of thinking to be different than what she expected. She could garner his interest, she could get him to talk but when it came to getting to know other people, he'd clam up or divert the topic. Kay suspected that he wasn't comfortable yet with 'sharing' her, but he had been a gentleman and very kind towards her. Thus, she wasn't too worried about it. She would continue to monitor the situation and decide later on. josei

Jason was an unexpected variable that she didn't like.


Principal Godric was looking at a bunch of papers on his desk. His face showed intense concentration. There were 30 pieces of paper lined up neatly on his desk, with the first page being the name and background of the student. He tapped his fingers on the table, looking at each and every single paper before settling - yet again - on one particular paper.

Kyle Smith.

He shook his head, not believing the scores achieved. He had read the answers given on the psychological aspect and the MENSA questions. The answers he had given to the first part showed maturity in thinking that was unheard of in a 13-year-old. In fact, it appeared as if it was by a person who had gone through a lot in life.

The MENSA questions were all answered correctly. Each and every single one. Although it wasn't a true MENSA type of test, it was close enough to give a general idea of the level of intelligence in the person taking the test. The questions for this last part was also different for each year, as it was catered to their age group.

If one was to take the MENSA iq test, the person would have to do two tests. The first test consists of 50 questions and test-takers are given 12 minutes to complete as many questions as they can. The second test consists of seven sections. What these seven sections consist of, however, was not quite well known but it ranged considerably.

As Principal Godric stared at the picture of Kyle, various questions went through his mind. What was this boy doing in this school and not the top school? His parents certainly could afford it. Why did he do so badly in the last assessment?

So many questions, no answers. None that made sense anyway. Principal Godric sighed and picked up another piece of paper from the pile.

Kayla Smith.

Her scores for the psychological test wasn't as high as Kyle's, but it still showed a person with a stronger sense of deep thinking and maturity. Her MENSA scores were also high but it wasn't a perfect score like Kyle's.

He picked up three other pieces of paper and laid all five side by side. The Elite Five. It looks like their primary school reputation wasn't just for show. It was the real deal. The top 30 scorers in the school were there on his table, and these 5 were in the top ten, with the top scorer being Kyle.

Principal Godric didn't expect this. He had plans for the top students, but he had never expected the best-of-the-best being a first year. He needed to make a few adjustments now. Despite that, he was quite excited as this school had so much more potential than the previous school. It also made his plans to revamp the school system even more plausible.

Kyle was an unexpected variable that Principle Godric was excited about.


"So, the best thing to do to get to know someone better is to talk about their interests," Jason was saying while smiling.

Kay listened while internally groaning. It wasn't the first time that Jason gave this really obvious tip, but he seemed oblivious to his repeated 'lessons'.

"Yes, like you like football and games," Kay replied, "So to keep the conversation going, I should dig more to find out your favourite teams, or games and go back to research on them so that I have more material to talk about."

"Exactly!" Jason said with a wide smile, "So do you know what team I like?"

Kay nodded, "Of course. If it's the World Cup, it would be Team State BB but otherwise, it's MC City Team."

"Correct! Do you know my favourite team member? And who I idolise most of all? Which captain?"

Kay, with extreme patience, said them all correctly. Then, with a sweet smile, she said, "So! Am I ready now? Shall we go and practice on your friends?"

"Of course, of course," Jason said and Kay's eyes brightened up. A flash of annoyance went through his eyes but it disappeared before Kay realised it.

"But not today. They're busy."

"Oh," Kay replied in disappointment. "When then?"

"I'll text you," Jason said. "Soon, I promise."

"Okay," Kay said, letting it go. If she persisted, it would annoy him and he'd just shut down and go into his man cave. As Kay watched him then go talking all about his past glories in Country M - again - Kay made a mental note. Jason needed to be struck off the list now. This was going nowhere and she needed to slowly cut off from him.

So for the next few days, Kay would not respond as quickly to his texts, citing that she was busy. Kay would also be hanging out with Kyle more often and openly, making sure that it was seen by Jason once in a while. Jason continued to text her everyday, but now she would respond several hours late and would be short and to the point.

Kay also texted Jason to let him know that she would be busy for the next few weeks, as she needed to study and catch up on all her work that had been piling up. She also told Sophia and Sarah that she was putting things on hold as her crush wasn't as what she thought he'd be. They all gave sympathetic words of wisdom, which generally meant badmouthing men and how there were no good guys anymore. Oh, except for the Elite Five, of course.

From her studies of Jason, she knew that Jason wouldn't give up quickly but his ego was also huge. She would need to manipulate him to make him stop texting her or give up on her so that she could start the next move. Kay hoped that her lack of communication and enthusiasm would make him lose interest, so she made sure that her responses to him were always polite but would never take the initiative to ask any questions or text him first.

Jason was getting impatient. He didn't like the fact that Kay seemed to be meeting him less and less. Worse, she was putting Kyle back as someone important. She gave the excuse that Kyle was getting suspicious. That she couldn't sneak out anymore. He didn't believe that. He felt that she was distancing herself from him. He couldn't let that happen.

He had to stop it before it was too late.

'What are you doing?' he texted Kay that night.

'Nothing much. Just revising today's lesson' Kay text back almost immediately. Jason smiled at this, feeling slightly happier as it meant she was not ignoring him. He was still important.

'Can I see you tomorrow? It's quite important' Jason's fingers were trembling as he sent that text and he stared at the screen as he waited for her response. She had turned down the past couple of times he had asked to meet and he wondered what her response was.

After two agonizing long minutes, she finally texted back, 'Okay. 3pm at the library.'

'No, not the library. Gym.'

Kay frowned when she saw the text. She looked at the time table for club activities and saw that there should be gymnastic practice then. It should be ok then, as it wouldn't be deserted. She needed to settle this once and for all. The next phase of Operation Kay should start - without Jason.


Jason smiled to himself. Perfect.

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