New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 633 - Getting Out Of The Country

Chapter 633 - Getting Out Of The Country

Joseph started laughing, "Abang Kyle is a he, how can you call him a 'her'?"

He couldn't believe that his normally smart younger sister could make such a mistake. He would cherish this moment forever.

Lianne pointedly ignored him, and he smiled happily, thinking that he finally had one thing on her.

Kay, in the meantime, studied Lianne's face, marveling over how calm she was in accepting everything.

It wasn't just the fact that her mother turned out to have been reincarnated into a boy, but that he had another life with ties that did not include her. It was one thing to know it, but another to accept it calmly.

Kay had been worried that Lianne would feel jealous and start demanding attention. She was really glad to see that Lianne wasn't like that at all.

One was more than enough. josei

Dahlia was already showing signs of being a clingy, possessive girl that took 'Big Brother Kyle' as her exclusive big brother. She wasn't bad, and nowhere near Sarah's level but she might not like Lianne coming into the picture.

The only problem now was that Lianne would need to be warned about Dahlia.

So, the best way was to start telling them all about Kyle. It was also to distract them from the fools that were following them. Kay noticed Lucka had been steadily increasing his speed but it could hardly be felt by them in the car.

"One thing you need to know about Kyle is that he's very popular," Kay stated, "He's like, the idol of Country Tz."

Kay then began telling them all about Kyle as they headed to the airport. The things he did, from the rock climbing to the movie, the rescue and how the baby is now attached to Kyle as if he was her big brother - and even about Kitty, that was pining away for Kyle at home.

"Come to think of it, he even bought this horse that he met while filming John Wick," Kay said with a laugh, "I tell you, he attracts all sorts of people and animals."

Both kids listened with great interest, and Zero gave Kay a thumbs up in his heart.

With the kids' attention occupied, they hardly noticed that Lucka had sped up and was weaving in and out of traffic so as to lose the tail they had. The last thing he wanted was to make the kids nervous.

Although they could have easily taken out the cars by shooting at the tires and the driver, the main objective of any bodyguard was to ensure the people's safety. Right now, that meant reaching the airport as soon as possible.

They needed to create a distance in order to give them more time to be able to enter the secure area faster. There were already MIB agents at the airport, monitoring the situation.

Akira and the others had taken the faster route to the airport and were already there, securing the area. Their people were in place and the airport security cameras had already been hacked.

Zero looked at the kids from the rearview mirror and watched their animated faces listening to Kay about Kyle.

He looked at Lucka, who looked at him briefly, and they both grinned. No words were needed.

The kids were cute.

? Author only posts on w.e.b.n.o.v.e.l. ?

"Damn," cursed the goons following the car, "Those bodyguards aren't weak. Step on it! We're losing them!!"

"Oh come on," the driver said, "What's the point of it anyway? They'll have to get back to the apartment, right? Just tell them to grab the kids there if we can't get an opportunity here, or if we lose them."

The goon beside him stared at him in disdain, "If we're the ones who catch those kids, we're the ones who will be rewarded you fool."

"True," the driver acknowledged.

"And if we don't get the kids today, what will Boss say to that?"

"Ah," the driver said, finally understanding.

He stepped on the gas.

After a while, the goon became nervous, "Why aren't we getting any closer?? In fact, they're getting further! What's wrong with you?!"

"Nothing is wrong with me! Their car is too fast!" growled the driver, "And we have a bigger problem!"

"WHAT sort of problem is bigger than us not catching up to them?!"

"How about not catching them at all? This is the route to the airport," the driver pointed out.

It was only then that the goon looked around and realised that the driver was right. This was the highway to the airport. Although it did lead to other destinations, the only one that made sense was the airport - the others were roads leading out of the state.

The goon's face paled.

"But they didn't have any luggage! Just those flimsy backpacks, like they were going shopping or something," the goon replied, "This is bad. STEP ON IT!"

"What the fuck do you think I've been doing?!" the driver roared back.

As they sped on, the goon checked the airport schedule and noted which planes would be headed to Country Tz. If they can't catch up now, at least, they could grab them before they checked in, right?

He made a few calls, praying that there were some men closeby or at the airport.

? Author only posts on w.e.b.n.o.v.e.l. ?

Lucka slid the car into the outside parking of the airport departure hall, specifically for passengers that were being dropped off.

Zero quickly got out, opening the door before Lianne could and waited until everyone got out before leading the way.

He looked like he was oblivious to everything else, but he had already identified the people targetting Kay and the kids. His face did not show any change in expression, as he fiddled with the wire too thin to be seen by the naked human eye but strong enough to slice a throat through.

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