New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 635 - I’m Scared

Chapter 635 - I’m Scared

While the drama at Country M's airport was happening, there was another drama unfolding at Country Tz.

In Xing Han's and Nitocris's home, to be exact.

Xing Han pouted as he sat there, hands crossed against his chest, the food on his plate growing cold. Nitocris was blatantly ignoring him, eating his dinner leisurely, as if there wasn't a sulking puppy right in front of him.

After 5 minutes of this, Xing Han tsked, took his plate and got up. He took the long way to the kitchen so that he would not need to pass Nitocris in order to do so.

He rummaged through the drawer, mumbling to himself as he looked for the clingwrap, "Stupid Cookie. Overbearing Cookie. Oooooo. Look at me. I am the King of the Underworld. Listen to my orders! Fear me. Pah."

Xing Han wrapped his dinner and placed it in the fridge.

Despite his growling stomach, he had no appetite to eat. He was so worried about Kyle, who was all the way in Country M. Dealing with his first death.

Kay had rushed over, the moment all the immediate matters of Smith Industries were done. Sam and Beatrice held the fort down while she was away for two or three weeks. They still contacted both Kyle and Kay whenever needed, so things were fine here.

Xing Han wanted to go over as well but Nitocris didn't allow him. He had taken his passport and those stupid twins were on his tail the moment he stepped out of the house.

Nitocris didn't know about Kyle's past life, so Xing Han couldn't say why he wanted to go so desperately. All he could say was that he missed Kyle and wanted to be there for him.

Somehow, those words just made Nitocris even more resolute in not letting him go. They had a fight, for Xing Han felt Nitocris was too controlling while Nitocris felt hurt that Xing Han would rush to be with another guy without telling him the real reason.

Nitocris didn't like the fact that Xing Han was hiding things from him. He wanted to force Xing Han to tell the truth and rely on him more.

Thing is, Xing Han normally did share things with him but somehow, when it came to Kyle … Nitocris didn't mind their bond, but he hated it when Xing Han shut him out like this.

Or whenever he hugged Kyle.

And whenever he did his glomping and kissed him on the cheek.

Nitocris was so agitated when he thought of this that the fork he was holding got bent. Upon seeing what he had done, and that Xing Han had left without eating dinner, he got more upset.

Flinging down his fork, he silently entered the kitchen to hear him being cursed. He watched as his beloved puppy was angrily wrapping his dinner to put in the fridge, his mumbling not even drowning the grumbling sounds of his stomach.

Nitocris rubbed the space between his eyebrows.

This was serious.

If Xing Han was so upset that he wouldn't even eat his dinner, then perhaps this method he was using to make Xing Han talk wasn't suitable. Nitocris was just so used to people dropping everything and obeying his every command without question that he tended to forget.

Xing Han was his beloved, not his subordinate.

He stood behind Xing Han silently as the latter resolutely pushed his dinner into the fridge even though his stomach was still growling. Nitocris's heart twisted in pain.

Why was his puppy so stubborn?? josei

Xing Han turned and upon seeing Nitocris right there, he screamed in shock.

Putting on hand on his chest and another on Nitocris's solid chest, Xing Han shouted, "I told you to stop doing that!! I nearly had a heart attack!!"

Nitocris placed both hands beside Xing Han and didn't budge, despite the fact that his little puppy was trying to push him aside.

"Nitocris," Xing Han said through clenched teeth, "Let me through."

"No," Nitocris answered, feeling even more wretched that his puppy was calling him by his name at home.

"Mr. Bianci," Xing Han hissed, "Step. Aside."

"No," Nitocris replied, even more resolute then placed his forehead on Xing Han's.

"Puppy," he breathed out softly, and Xing Han could hear the hurt and pain within. Xing Han's heart wavered, and his grip on Nitocris loosened a bit.

Nitocris, feeling this, immediately swooped in for the attack, claiming Xing Han's luscious lips with his own. Despite being angry at Nitocris, Xing Han's body reacted instinctively as his lips parted to allow Nitocris's sinful tongue entry.

Xing Han was so caught up in the moment that he forgot everything other than the man he loved, being in his arms. When Nitocris finally lifted his head, Xing Han looked at Nitocris in a daze.

Then scolded himself.

Ah, seriously. Why was he so weak against this man? He was trying to make point here, damn it! If he didn't put down his foot, Nitocris would always be flinging around his domineering attitude towards him.

Nitocirs had to learn to be compromising and talk, instead of just ordering him around whenever he was jealous or something.

"I know I can be controlling," Nitocris said suddenly, his voice low as he continued to hold Xing Han in his arms, "I can't help it. I love you too much."

With those words, Xing Han went completely weak and sighed.

He looked seriously at his beloved Cookie, and said softly, "Cookie. You have to learn to let me be. Talk to me, tell me your fears. Don't just order me around and shut me out, okay? I'm not that mean to ignore your feelings, but? it doesn't mean I will tolerate your heavy-handedness."

"You tell me to talk to you, but how can I when you, too, hide things from me?" Nitocris asked, "Like the real reason you want to go to Kyle."

"I'm scared," Nitocris confessed shakily, baring his soul.

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