New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 65 - Break

Chapter 65 - Break

Jason was getting so excited. This beautiful Fairy of his would be his soon. Truly and completely, his. Once they joined, no one else can come inbetween. When his fingers touched her pink bud, he almost ejaculated. When his fingers slid around and felt the wetness at her cave, he almost lost it. He couldn't wait to rip down her pants and thrust himself right into her warm, waiting cave. Her mouth may be saying no, but her body was accepting him completely. This proved that she wanted him. That she was his to take. That she was always waiting for him to do this.

He ignored the fact that he was forcing himself on her, lost in his delusion of desire and possessiveness. Just as his finger was about to enter into her cave, a loud crashing sound erupted from beside them. Shocked and annoyed, he turned towards the sound and was frozen for a minute.

Kyle was standing at the opened doorway, the door that he had kicked open actually been kicked off the hinges. His eyes were wide opened and full of fury as he took in the scene in front of him. His beloved sister was pressed against the wall by a half-naked ape who had his hands where it should not be.

Before Jason could react, Kyle was already beside him. He grabbed that offending invasive hand with one hand and with the other proceeded to punch Jason in the face. As Jason reeled a bit from the force of the punch, Kyle had pulled Jason's hand out of Kay's panties and broke the wrist. Jason howled in pain, clutching that wrist and staggering to gain some foothold since his pants were halfway down his legs.

Kyle gave a roundhouse kick to his face and he fell onto the ground, with his manhood still standing up straight in the air. Kyle turned to Kay immediately, who then hugged him while sobbing. He held her for a while, patting her back then gently pushed her aside. He straightened her clothes, gently zipping and buttoning her jeans after restoring the bra cups to cover her exposed breasts. He took off his shirt and draped it over her shoulders, kissing her on the forehead and wiping her tears. josei

[Be strong for me right now, okay? I need to settle something]

Kay sniffed, holding onto Kyle's shirt tightly around her as she leaned on the wall behind her. She then sat down, her legs too weak to allow her to stand any longer. Kyle looked at her worriedly for a while then after making sure she was steady, Kyle turned towards Jason.

He looked with anger filled eyes as he saw the douchebag whimpering in pain and trying to pull up his pants. As he only had one hand, it was taking far longer than it normally would. Kyle was angry. Angrier than he had ever been in his life. When he heard the distress call from Kay, his heart went up to his throat. He had never heard such panic and fear and he rushed over quickly. He barely managed to tell Ali that Kay was in trouble at the tool shed near the gym before he disappeared.

Jason looked at the Ogre ... no, the Devil coming at him. When he first saw Kyle, he saw him as a harmless boy. As time went by, he was jealous of the closeness he had with Kay but other than feeling that Kyle was an annoying fly, there was nothing else. Now, however, Kyle looked like an Avenging Devil ready to deliver punishment.

Kyle kicked him at the side of his head, knocking some teeth out in the process, and made him fall to the side. Kyle then kicked him again to make him fall on his back and then he stepped on his chest. Jason groaned, feeling like his ribs were broken from that seemingly small step. He already felt that he must have a concussion, and there was a metallic taste in his mouth. He spit out a mouthful of blood and a couple of teeth that had been knocked out earlier.

Who was this guy?! screamed Jason in his head. This boy was only 13 yet when Jason saw his eyes piercing at him, his heart went cold. He couldn't move. He was shaking. When he saw the supposedly little boy lean down, his hand on the leg that was on him, he couldn't control his bladder and peed himself.

Kyle watched unemotionally as a small fountain of pee flew up and fall back down, thoroughly wetting Jason and his pants. Not caring of the mess and the stink of urine, Kyle grabbed Jason's semi-hard manhood tightly in his hand and actually started stroking it gently. Jason's eyes flew wide open, his mind not able to comprehend what was happening but couldn't help his body from responding. What had been slowly going soft was now growing harder.

He bit his lips to stop himself from groaning out loud and Kyle nonchantly hit some spots on Jason's body. When Kyle's hands started moving about in a rather weird way right on its tip, Jason bulked and tried to get up. Strangely enough, not only could he not move but he could not say a word. Nothing came out from his mouth and he started to panic. What was happening??

"We can't have people come and investigate what's happening and disturb us before I am done now, can we?" Kyle said with a smirk when he saw Jason looking at him in a panic.

Jason's mind went blank. It was Kyle? Kyle did that? What did he do?

Then he saw a slow smile forming on Kyle's lips. Jason's heart started beating rapidly for that smile seemed to ooze pure evil and his eyes appeared dead. Just then, there was a loud popping sound and he felt pain like never before. It filled his entire body and he screamed. Or tried to. His face contorted in extreme pain, his mouth wide open with a silent scream and the intense pain knocked him unconscious.

Kyle looked at the unmoving ape and opened his hand and let go. He had, while looking straight into Jason's eyes, twisted the offending piece of meat. The loud popping sound was him breaking it.* The skin was not broken, but the veins inside were.

"You won't be needing this anymore," Kyle said to the unmoving body.

Kyle wiped his hands on Jason's shirt. It still stunk of urine but Kyle didn't care. The anger in his heart was only slightly appeased.

At that moment, Ali had reached the tool shed and took the whole scene in one glance. The crying Kay in one corner with Kyle's shirt and the shirtless Kyle letting go of someone's manhood that now looked quite broken.

Ali roared in anger as well, rushing towards the unconscious guy on the ground. Kyle put up his hand, shaking his head. "No, this one is mine."

Ali screeched to a stop, unsatisfied. He looked at Kyle with aggrieved eyes but Kyle was adamant. Kyle looked at him squarely in the eyes and enunciated again, "MINE."

Ali stared at Kyle for a while. There was this air of fierceness that he had never seen before on Kyle and Ali nodded, relenting. There were times when you can insist, and there are times when you need to step back. Right now, the fury that was within Kyle had not yet been appeased. Ali said a silent prayer for the condemned soul ... hey, he was still human. Jason already looked half dead and his punishment wasn't even over yet.

So Ali went over to Kay, who just lay there while rubbing herself. He wanted to hug her but wasn't sure if she would be willing to, considering what she had gone through. He came closer and sat beside her, not touching her. She felt his presence and knew that he was worried about her. So she turned to face him, trying to smile. When he opened up his arms, she went into it.

"Please take Kay to Master Shifu's place," Kyle said to Ali. Kyle knew that Kay wasn't in any mood to meet anyone right now so Master Shifu's house was the next best thing. Ali nodded, and turned around while Kay wore Kyle's shirt properly. She took off her torn shirt first but had difficulty trying to button up the shirt because her hands were shaking too much. Kyle came over and helped, while she kept looking down.

"Sorry for the stink," Kyle said. Once done, he kissed the top of her head.

[I'll come over as soon as possible. I need to settle this thing first]

Kay nodded, and whimpered a bit.

[It's not your fault, Kay.]

Kyle took her in his arms, careful not to touch her with his tainted hand. He held her tightly as she buried her face in his chest, finding some comfort in his warmth, smell and the sound of his heartbeat. Kyle could feel the wetness on his chest as Kay cried silently, and he just held her until she managed to calm down.

Kay regretted everything. If she hadn't been so bullheaded and overconfident, she wouldn't have been alone. If she hadn't been hiding the meetings from Kyle, he would have known about this meet-up. He would have been around or nearby and Jason wouldn't have been able to even drag her into the tool shed.

[No matter what, Kay. It's not your fault. No one should think they have a right to do what they did.]

Kay heard him but she still felt guilty.

[I'm so sorry, Kay]

[You saved me. Why are you sorry?]

[The fact that you hid this from me makes it my fault] Kyle said with regret, his heart feeling like it was being crushed. She had never hidden things from him and for her to do so was his fault. He pushed her to this corner. He failed to notice so many things. She got hurt because of him. He was angry at Jason, but he was angrier at himself. Though he had been in time and it could have been worse, she still suffered.

Kay looked up at Kyle, held his face in her hands and said firmly, "It's not your fault Kyle"

Both of them looked at each other, both of them full of guilt and blame for the other.

[We'll talk about this later] Kyle promised.

Kay nodded and Kyle let go. She walked over to the waiting Ali, leaning on him. As they walked out through the open doorway, she gave one last look at the boy on the ground, her heart in a mess. There was no ounce of sympathy towards him and she shuddered when she remembered what he had done to her. Ali put his hand on her waist and Kay felt relief.

She could still feel Jason's hands and lips and crotch all over her body, and she felt so dirty; yet Ali's gentle treatment made her feel warm inside. She was glad that his touch didn't make her feel repulsed and though it didn't make the dirty feeling completely disappear, it kept the dark thoughts at bay.

Holding her head up high, she walked out.

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