New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 654 - Foiling Plans

Chapter 654 - Foiling Plans

Kyle could see how the guy was paying attention to his surroundings. As Kyle got nearer, his eyes were fixed on Kyle but then moved away when he noted that Kyle wasn't paying any attention to him.

Inwardly, Kyle scoffed.


Kyle hadn't even passed him yet, and the guy already didn't deem him a threat. He was also only focused on the people in front of him that he didn't notice the tails he got. At first, Kyle thought that the guy was really useless when he suddenly realised.

That was exactly why he was chosen to take the drop from Stephan.

They wanted this guy to be caught.

Well, too bad that Kyle had other plans for him.

Just as Kyle passed him by, he flicked his wrist and a fine, translucent wire whipped across the back of the guy's hand. The guy's injured arm jerked upwards in response and he looked at it.

He was shocked to see that there was a thin line of scab across the back of his hand. Just when did he get this injury? He didn't remember getting scratched or anything. As he was staring at it, walking slowly and trying to think of how he could have possibly gotten the injury, both of his hands were grabbed.

"Sir, we are arresting you on the suspicion of drug dealing," one officer said, "You have the right to remain silent …"

The police officers decided this was a good time as any to arrest the guy. Their target had been engrossed at something else and there wasn't anyone nearby that would be in danger, should the guy resist.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly. There was even a small smirk on his face as the guy allowed himself to be handcuffed. The officer continued to read him his rights while the other picked up the briefcase. josei

Suddenly, the guy's eyes rolled back to the back of his head and he fell forward in a dead faint.

The officer, who had been holding on to him, was caught unawares by this sudden turn of events and he fell along with the guy. The guy just fell face down, and the officer fell onto the guy's back.

The officer quickly got up and turned the guy around, only to be shocked senseless by the empty gaze. A quick check confirmed that the guy was already dead. The other officer looked at him in surprise and both ended up looking at each other in total shock.

It didn't last long, however, for they were policemen. One called the ambulance to take the body for investigation while the other checked the contents of the bag.

It was time for their second shock.

Instead of the bag of drugs that they were confident was inside, it was full of books.

? Author only posts on w.e.b.n.o.v.e.l. ?

Sayuri quietly observed her surroundings while listening to the reports by the team on Stephan's tail. She couldn't help but feel something was wrong with all of this. Kyle had just reported that he had accomplished his part but he noticed one thing.

The guy did not resist the arrest at all.

That did not make sense.

It meant that he wanted to be arrested but he couldn't be the fall guy now, could he? Wasn't Stephan the fall guy? For that to happen, shouldn't have the guy escaped while Stephan, being the normal guy that he is, get arrested?

The guy didn't even care that the bag of drugs would be taken?

Well, of course, he didn't know that the drugs had been replaced by books of equal weight to the drugs. Sayuri still marveled at the slight of hands between the three girls. It had been so quick that if Sayuri hadn't known what was going on, she would have missed it.

The synchronization had been perfect. One would block and another take the item at the same time while diverted the attention of others to her. They took turns doing so, thus not the same person did the blocking, stealing and diversion.

It was beautiful to watch.

Kyle had said that the girls were trained by professional pickpocketers that MIB had saved and recruited years ago. The situation was akin to 'Artful Dodger' character in the book Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens. The book may have been fictional but it had been based on real-life events and situations then.

The pickpocket 'organisation' actually existed, recruiting orphans and teaching them tools of the trade. Their methods were a bit cruel, however, for those who failed would get punished severely.

The ones with MIB had been a pair of siblings that was the brunt of those 'special' treatments. The sister was abused terribly, to force the older brother to learn the trade. He did and was one of the best, but the abuse didn't stop. It just lessened.

By a stroke of luck, there had been an MIB agent when the siblings were trying to escape. They were saved, taken care of and after some physical and psychological evaluation, were given a chance to join MIB.

It was one of those lucky things that happened, which made MIB even better. The siblings turned out to be extremely loyal. To them, anyone who would turn to neglected children and give them a new life deserved all the help they could get.

The amount of work Kyle had put into this MIB, and the Smith Industries, made Sayuri's mind spin. To think, way back then, she had been so arrogant as to view Kyle as some second-generation rich dude waste.

Such a laugh.

If she went back in time to tell her younger self that not only was Kyle magnificent, he would be her lover, she would probably do her infamous temper tantrum.

Even though her thoughts seem to have wandered, Sayuri was still vigilant.

She didn't like where the area ahead. It had?a few blind spots.

Not good.

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