New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 667 - Take Care Of Him

Chapter 667 - Take Care Of Him

He slapped Donnie's face, but the guy did not wake up.

Well, only one thing to do.

He went over to Xavier's body and took out the knife, ignoring the blood that came gushing out. Once the knife was pulled out, it actually opened up the wound that it had created. Thus, even though Xavier was already dead, the blood would still come out.

Walking over to the unconscious Donnie, Kyle sat down and took out a vial from his pouch along the inner side of his waist. He dipped the tip of the knife into it and then plunged it into Donnie's chest.

After a minute, the stimulant worked and Donnie's eyes opened wide in horror.

Kyle then pulled out the knife, and the already wet floor full of blood got another source of blood.

Donnie screamed.

He screamed like it was the end of the world, and it was. For him. The pain was unimaginable. He felt like every pore of his body was screaming with intense pain. He just wanted it to end but it didn't.

The stimulant didn't only wake him up from his unconscious state, it kept him awake.

Kyle just sat there, watching with satisfaction as Donnie continued screaming himself hoarse until he gave his last breath.

Once he did, Kyle double-checked that Donnie was really dead before he went out of Zen Mode.

And promptly fell unconscious right into the pool of blood.

? Author only posts on w.e.b.n.o.v.e.l. ?

Kyle felt like his entire body was like lead.

He was slowly gaining consciousness but he could not open his eyes as yet. It just felt like he would need a tremendous amount of strength to do so. Strength that he did not have.

It had been a very long time since he had entered Zen Mode, and he had spent quite a long time in it. Worse, he was already tired before he entered Zen Mode which, perhaps, made the side-effects worse.

His senses were also dulled at the moment and he was disoriented.

Sounds were muffled and his sense of smell was practically non-existent. He could hardly feel anything other than his body being so heavy.

A new side-effect to the Zen Mode?

Or was it perhaps something he always had but never experienced since this was the first time he entered for so long while being tired in the first place.

[Kyle?! Kyle?!]

[Yeah, I'm here]

[Oh my God, oh my God, Kyle] Kay was sobbing [You're finally awake! I thought I felt something]

Kyle's head was buzzing [What? Why? How long have I been out?]

[Three days]

Kyle's mind blanked out for a second before he shouted [WHAT?!]

[We kept the news under wraps so no one knows about this, other than me and Sayuri. She's the one that found you lying down in a pool of blood]

[Urgh] Kyle groaned [Please let her know I'm okay]

[Wait. Why can't you tell her that?]

[Funny thing is] Kyle began [I'm awake but I can't find the strength to even move, let alone open my eyes]

[What the hell happened anyway?]

[Too long in Zen Mode while I was exhausted] Kyle explain and quickly changed the subject [How are the kids?]

[They're fine. Lianne has become rather attached to Kitty now so they've been keeping each other company]

[That's good, that's good] Kyle said, getting drowsy [I can't seem to open my eyes yet though. Getting sleepy]

[Okay, go get rest, brother] Kay said gently.

Kyle didn't answer, already in dreamland.

Completely unknown to him, Sayuri was beside him at the bed. She had been by his bedside for the past three days, too scared to go should he wake up.

The doctors were stumped as Kyle was in a coma without any plausible explanation. There was no trauma to the head, no bleeding that they could find which could have been a cause (the minor scratches and slashes were not enough) and his oxygen had not been deprived. josei

It was as if his body had shut down completely, just to keep him alive.

The beeping of the monitors was the only thing that kept Sayuri sane. When she had found him lying there, with all of the blood underneath him, she thought he was dead.

She had gone into a state of shock, and could hardly breathe for a while.

It had taken her some time to get some rationality to go and truly find out if he was still breathing. Finding out that he was, filled her up with such relief that she just broke down crying before she could get help.

So now, she was too afraid of leaving him for too long.

She needed to be here, looking at him and listening to the monitors beeping. As long as it was there, she knew Kyle was all right.

Just then, the phone rang and picking it up, she saw that it was Kay.

"Hi Kay," Sayuri began, "He's still in a coma."

"No, he has woken up already and fell back asleep," Kay replied, "That's what I'm calling you for."

"Huh?" Sayuri said, not comprehending, "I've been here the whole time and he hasn't moved at all."

"He said that he didn't have the strength to, but he told me to tell you that he's fine," Kay assured her.

Tears rolled down Sayuri's cheeks silently and she put her hand over her mouth. She stroked Kyle's cheek, brushing her fingers over his eyes.

"Thank God," she breathed, "Thank you for telling me, Kay."

"Take care of him," Kay replied, "He needs you in his life, even though he doesn't realise it yet."

"Okay," Sayuri said, her attention too focused on Kyle to really think about what Kay was saying. She had only heard the first part of the sentence, "I'll take care of him for you."

"Thank you," Kay said before hanging up, humming happily. Sayuri was a good wife indeed.

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