New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 711 - Big Brother Kyle

Chapter 711 - Big Brother Kyle

Chapter 711 - Big Brother Kyle

Sam stared at Beatrice as she gave him the lowdown on what had been happening since he was away.

His mouth was practically wide open, while Beatrice ignored his expression as she rattled on.

Once done, she put down her notebook and looked at him.

He was still staring at her with his mouth open.

"This can't be happening," Sam muttered under his breath, pinching the space between his eyebrows.

"It's all yours now," Beatrice said with glee, "Good luck. I certainly don't envy you at all."

Sam groaned.

"Serves you right for taking more than the scheduled one month leave, you know," Beatrice said with a grin, "Perhaps, if you had been around, it might not have gotten to this stage?"

The fact that even if Sam had been around, nothing would have changed, didn't matter to Beatrice. She knew that Sam liked being in control and having everything going according to plan.

What had happened when he was away was completely random, but she still wanted to tease him about it. After all, her break was delayed because he extended his. Little did Beatrice know, she wouldn't have done this years ago … the effect of the Dante twins was far greater than she realised.

As for Sam, he remembered all those years ago. When they had traveled while he was doing his John Wick promotional tours and he had the fleeting thought of Kyle causing problems with girls. He had dismissed it then, for Kyle didn't show that he was going down *that* road.

Sam had been happy enough that his job only entailed the business, and not having to clean-up after the boss' affairs.

Now, he had only gone for his honeymoon and what had happened?

A fake son that he is fostering. A shareholder that is pregnant with his kid. What else? A childhood sweetheart that starts becoming crazy, demanding his attention?

Sam shook his head, "My bad, Beatrice."

Beatrice laughed and patted him on the shoulder as she walked off, "I'm teasing you, silly. Though the 'good luck' is serious. Send my love to Betty!"

Thinking about Betty made Sam smile. It had only been an hour since he left her and he was already missing her. Now that she was his completely, Sam found his possessiveness went up a notch.

Luckily, Betty didn't mind it.

Or rather, she was oblivious to it.

Sam grinned.

? Author only posts on w.e.b.n.o.v.e.l. ?

Dahlia was still sniffling a bit when she got back to class. Luckily, she managed to dash here in time and she had not cried. Well, technically hadn't. She had been rubbing her eyes and wiping it continuously to stop the tears from falling.

In the end, she had a slightly red nose and eyes.

Her desk partner looked at her worriedly, "What's wrong, Dahlia?"

Dahlia gave a bright smile and wiped her eyes again, "Nothing. I sneezed and now, I have a slight runny nose. Don't worry, it'll dry up soon."

Her partner nodded and the teacher walked in then, signaling the start of class. For the first time, Dahlia was glad for classes to begin.

Dahlia sighed to herself, putting her chin on the palm of her hand as she thought back on all her days with Kyle. For as long as she could remember, Kyle had been a significant person in her life.

She didn't quite remember the whole accident, but she did remember feeling very safe and warm in his arms. Her mother had actually recorded the news of that day, and she thought Big Brother Kyle was truly like a superhero.

No, not like.

He is.

He always treated her well and she loved him to bits. No one was as good as Big Brother Kyle, and no one would ever be. Mother always told her that Big Brother Kyle was her saviour, and she should be grateful but never be a burden.

Dahlia started doodling in her textbook.

Mother had constantly reminded her that one day, Big Brother Kyle would get married.

At first, when Dahlia had told her that she would be his bride, her mother had indulged her. However, when that notion didn't seem to get any less as she grew older, her mother had given her a heart-to-heart talk about it.

Dahlia didn't like that talk, but she pretended to accept it. She just buried her feelings and didn't say it so openly any more.

Deep down though, she knew her mother was right. She just refused to believe it. Her mother started making her visits to Big Brother Kyle's house less frequent and made her mix with more people her age.

When Big Brother Kyle disappeared all those years ago to study, Dahlia had truly felt it then. josei

He didn't even send her a letter, let alone call her. She knew then, that Big Brother Kyle never saw her as anything other than a little girl.

But she still hoped.

Kids are like that sometimes. They don't give up easily, believing that things would always work out somehow.

Still, today's events had completely shattered all of those dreams.

Thus, Dahlia decided it was time to close that chapter and walk forward. Her mother had been right.

As always.

It was time to let the broken pieces of her heart lay where it lay and don't pick it up. Still, what that kid had said made her upset.

Not just because he was the one that revealed the truth, but that he knew about it! What was his name?

Dahlia realised she didn't know. Big Brother Kyle just called him 'Champ' and he called Big Brother Kyle 'Uncle'? Why was that? And he knew how loving Big Brother was with … with … his wife?

She resolved to find out later just who this kid was and what sort of connection he had with Big Brother.

It wasn't that she was harbouring any more thoughts about Kyle. She was just curious.

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