New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 732 - Confession

Chapter 732 - Confession

Chapter 732 - Confession

Once everyone had left and the ward was back to its normal, quiet state, Sayuri turned to Kyle. It had been wonderful catching up with everyone and hearing the 'latest' news - though to her, it was news from the past until now.

She was hoping for something to trigger her memories, but Kyle told her not to rush it. It will come back, eventually. Even if it didn't, Kyle didn't think it would matter too much as she had only forgotten a couple of years.

Sayuri was of a different opinion, however, for those two years just happened to cover the most significant part of her life: Kyle, and her babies.

One may forget many things as time passed by, but there will always be something precious that would be remembered. In her case, those precious things were the ones she had forgotten!

"Kyle, we need to talk," Sayuri began and Kyle's heart plummeted.

Such talks are always the prelude to something major. Who didn't know this unspoken rule?

Movie villains had such theme songs.

Humans had those words, 'we need to talk'.

Kyle gulped but didn't let it show on his face his nervousness as he smiled and sat down on the edge of the bed while giving her?the most loving gaze he could.

Sayuri's eyes narrowed slightly at this, but returned his smile and placed her hand on his.

"Kyle, my love," she said as sweetly, just before twisting his hand.

"Yes, my dear?" Kyle answered with a slight groan, as he held in the pain.

She held his hand at an angle on the bed, with her thumb and finger were on the most s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e parts of the palm.

"What are you hiding from me?" she hissed, adding more pressure.

Kyle could have gotten out of this hand-hold at any time, but that would result in injuring Sayuri in some manner.

"Nothing much," Kyle said, "Just that we fostered Samantha's son and I have Sarah locked up in the dungeons."

Sayuri pressed more, saying, "That … is really unexpected but that's not what I was talking about."

She lifted her left hand and wiggled her ring finger, "Why do I feel like there is more to this story?"

Sayuri started getting rather weird vibes from the way her Grandfather had treated Kyle earlier.

Knowing him, if she was married to Kyle, he wouldn't have given him that third-degree nor the frosty look. It had been subtle, but it was there. It was as if her Grandfather wasn't happy about him - and the way he treated Kyle was akin to someone being tested as a potential husband.

It all pointed towards the fact that they weren't married.

So why the ring?

Added to that, Kyle was acting rather weirdly. As if he was trying to placate Grandfather and kept sneaking glances at her. As if he was worried she may have realised something was up.

"Are we, or are we not, married?" Sayuri asked.

"I'll tell you, but could you let my hand go, please?" Kyle pleaded.

She flung his hand and crossed her hand across her c.h.e.s.t. She had been so happy to think that they were married. To be with the man she loved, but it had all been fake?

Kyle scooted closer to her and took her hands, forcing them apart and replied, "We are married." josei

She gave him a look of disbelief.

"But while you were in a coma," Kyle continued.

Kyle gave a big sigh, then placed his hand on her cheek, "I love you, Sayuri. But it took me a long, long time to realise my feelings for you."

"When you told me that you were pregnant, you also confessed," Kyle said and Sayuri's eyes widened. Then she nodded. It sounded like something she would do, "But at that time, I was still dense."

"When they told me that you fell … and …" Kyle couldn't even continue for it was still a horrible memory for him, "I felt like my life had ended."

He cupped her face and said, "We didn't get married before because you didn't want to marry someone who didn't love you."

"I love you, Sayuri. With my entire being and deep within my soul," Kyle said, "If I was to ever lose you … I would have lost half of myself."

"So, I selfishly registered our marriage," Kyle said, "Because I wanted to have the right to have you by my side. Even if you didn't wake up, or woke up with all your memories lost, no one could take you away from me. I would have spent my entire life, taking care of you and wooing you all over again"

"Sayuri, I love you," Kyle said, "Will you let me stay by your side? Forever to take care of you and love you and pamper you and …"

Sayuri kissed him then, effectively shutting him up.

In fact, she gave him several sweet, gentle kisses on his lips then placed her forehead on his.

"I dreamt of this moment since I fell in love with you so long ago," Sayuri whispered.

Kyle frowned a bit at that, catching those words, "Since when?"

"Since the day you got together with Sari," Sayuri revealed.

Kyle jerked back, "WHAT?!"

Sayuri gave a rueful smile.

Kyle hugged her then, his heart twisted at the thought yet, so full upon realising just how strong and steady her love for him was. This woman was beyond precious.

"I'm sorry," Kyle said, "You …"

Sayuri shook her head, patting his back, "It was my choice to continue being by your side. Looks like all my work paid off?"

Kyle hung his head low, "But to have realised my feelings at the cost of your life … I …"

Sayuri smiled, "I think you would have realised it when I left you. The accident was just an early trigger."

"You would have left me?"

"Definitely," Sayuri said, "Why would I hang onto a dense doofus?"

"True," Kyle replied then kissed her.

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