New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 747 - Who was he?

Chapter 747 - Who was he?

Chapter 747 - Who was he?

Sarah screamed soundlessly into the towel as she watched Kyle shoot Ed.

She couldn't see what happened but she heard the muffled shot then a thud as something fell onto the ground. When Kyle stepped back, she could see the legs of someone, lying flat on the ground.

Sayuri let go of Sarah then, while Sarah ran to the figure. Kyle caught her just as she was about to pass, effectively chocking her as he held on to the back of her shirt.

She saw Ed's lifeless body, his eyes open and staring blankly at the ceiling while his c.h.e.s.t had this red patch and blood was pooled on the floor.

"Serves him right for trying to help you escape," Kyle hissed and flung Sarah back into the room.

He closed the door and wiped his hand on the bathrobe in disgust, as if touching her was horrible. The sight of Kyle doing so caused her more pain.

Sarah fell hard onto the floor, her legs weak and her heart in turmoil. She couldn't think straight anymore.

Too many things happened, one shocking thing after another.

She looked at the cold Kyle with new eyes.

This was not the Kyle she knew.

The Kyle she knew was kind, sweet, and loving. This one was an indifferent, cold-blooded murderer. Who was he? What happened to him? How could this be?

Her eyes landed on Sayuri, who was sitting on the bed with her legs crossed, looking at her in a rather bored manner. Worst of all, she was dressed in Kyle's shirt, which only reached mid-t.h.i.g.h.

"Kyle …" Sarah started to say, her eyes glistening with tears again.

"You, shut up," Sayuri said, looking at her in disdain with her chin tilted slightly to the side.

From Sarah's perspective, it looked like Sayuri was the Queen, looking down on her subjects as they were being addressed. Sarah didn't like the feeling, but she couldn't help but cower in the face of that domineering aura that Sayuri was giving out.

"You tried to kill me," Sayuri began, "And my babies. For that, you deserve to die."

Sarah shivered, hearing the coldness and finality in Sayuri's voice.

At one time, she felt Sayuri wasn't a threat. Well, other than being the woman that had tricked Kyle - but overall, just a normal person. She didn't think Sayuri was capable of anything other than being a useless and mindless person at home.

Yet, right now, that thought wasn't in her mind at all.

The person sitting there did not seem normal.

There was a slight regret in Sarah's heart at that moment.

Regret for not making sure Sayuri was dead. She should have plunged a knife into her heart or something. Trying to make it look like an accident had only turned around to bite her back.

"But, I'm not like you," Sayuri said, "Sneaking up on a helpless person, literally kicking them when they are down."

Sarah didn't dare look up, though hope started in her heart. Perhaps Sayuri wasn't as cold as she thought. She really was a wimp then.

"I'm more of the 'in-your-face' sort of person," Sayuri continued, "I will give you one chance. Just one chance to redeem yourself."

Sarah gulped and looked up.

"Redeem?" she whispered, asking.

She stole a glance at Kyle, who was just standing there, the gun still in his hand. She didn't dare move.

Sayuri looked at her fingernails in boredom.

"Yes," Sayuri said, "If you can pass this, then you're free to go." josei

"Pass what?" Sarah asked.

Sayuri smiled and pointed at the door to the outside.

"You wanted to run away, right? Well, go ahead. Take the backpack Ed so kindly packed," Sayuri said, "If you can reach civilisation before we find you, you're free."

Sarah trembled.

It was that easy?

"I'll even give you a head start," Sayuri said, getting up and stretching, "I need a bath after all. Too sticky with sweat on the outside and Kyle's s.p.e.r.m on the inside."

Kyle snorted.

Sayuri sashayed to the bathroom, her h.i.p.s swaying. She stopped at the door, turned and said to Sarah, "My advice to you right now? Run."

Then, she looked at Kyle and asked, "Aren't you coming?"

Kyle gave a slow grin and walked over. He didn't even look at Sarah that was on the ground but he did say as he passed her, "If you're still here when we come out, I'll just kill you."

Sarah trembled so much that she almost peed in her pants.

She waited until the bathroom door closed before she quickly got up. However, her legs were so weak that she stumbled. It took her quite some time to finally gather the strength to walk out of the room.

Upon seeing the dead Ed, however, she vomited to the side. Nothing much was inside her stomach though, so it was mainly retching sounds with stomach bile. Wiping her mouth after it was over, she quickly went to Ed's room and picked up the backpack.

"I'm sorry," Sarah managed to say to Ed before she ran out of the house.

Hearing the door slam, Kyle and Sayuri looked out the bathroom window as she was busy pumping b.r.e.a.s.tmilk. At her side on the bathroom counter, was an empty glass milk and a protein bar wrapper.

"Ten minutes?" Kyle asked.

Sayuri shook her head, "Fifteen. Makes it more fun that way. Let her feel like she has managed to escape before reeling her back in."

"You're the boss," Kyle said.

"This is such a relief," Sayuri said as the double b.r.e.a.s.t pump did its work, "I felt like it was bursting!"

"Well, you should have pumped it last night itself, but …" Kyle pointed out.

Sayuri laughed.

"Didn't think you're such an exhibitionist, though," Sayuri said, looking at him, raising an eyebrow.

Kyle shrugged, "Forgot she was there, really. With you in my arms and under me, nothing else matters."

"Sweet talker, you," Sayuri said with a smile.

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