New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 776 - Kitty

Chapter 776 - Kitty

Chapter 776 - Kitty

During dinnertime, Kay noticed that Joseph was being much more cheerful than before. She was happy about that and hoped that he would continue to brighten up.

Patrick and Delilah were also content with the kids, glad to see that they were well-behaved and polite. Just like what Kay had said before, Delilah did start to wonder why Kyle seemed to be bringing home 'strays' - be it animals, or humans.

Patrick did point out, however, that it was probably Delilah's social work that rubbed off on Kyle. He wasn't as active as Delilah was, but he did things in his own little way. Kay, too, did some charity work but just like her brother, it was pretty low-key.

It was only these two that Kyle seemed to have gone a little bit off the normal path that he took. Thought Delilah did wonder why, she had long accepted the fact that her son was very private and too weird for her to truly understand.

So she just let him be.

So long as he doesn't create problems like sow his seeds wildly all over the place and have numerous pregnant girls clamouring to be his wife, then she's fine. So far, all of his 'kids' were not his biologically and she likes to think that Kyle was not that silly or irresponsible.

She trusted her son.

She turned her attention to her daughter.

She may not be able to control her son, but her daughter was another matter altogether.

"Kay, sweetheart," Delilah began and Kay gulped inwardly, wondering what her mother could possibly be up to.

Any term of endearment that was being used meant that she was buttering her up for something.

"Yes, mother?" Kay replied sweetly, not showing her apprehension on her face.

"Do you have a boyfriend yet?" Delilah asked casually.

Kay nearly choked on her food, "Mum!"


"A little warning next time?" Kay said with a pout.

"Warning? What sort of warning? It was an innocent question!" Delilah retorted with a slight frown.

"Why are you asking me this all of the sudden?" Kay asked.

"It's not sudden," Patrick interjected, "How old are you now? You've graduated, and you're even the acting CEO at Smith Industries. Haven't you met anyone while studying?"

"Yeah," Delilah continued, "How about those two .. er, what were their names? Lance? And Matt?"

"Mark," Kay corrected automatically, "And no, they are just friends."

"Mark seems to be very keen on you, though," Patrick said, remembering how enthusiastic Mark had been when they met at Kay's graduation.

"Kay g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "Please, Dad. If you're going to use that as a measuring stick …"

"She's right, dear," Delilah said, patting Patrick's hand, "Our daughter is very popular, you know. There are many guys after her. Didn't you know?"

"Know what? That many guys are l.u.s.ting after my daughter?!" Patrick said with a frown.

Delilah rolled her eyes, "You're a guy too, you know. Look at our Princess. She's gorgeous, smart and kind. Who wouldn't fall for her?"

Patrick grunted.

Kay rolled her eyes at her parents' antics.

"Please, Mum, Dad," Kay said exasperatingly, "I'm still young. There's plenty of time."

"You're so busy at work," Delilah said, "When are you ever going to meet anyone?"

"Your mother has a point," Patrick said.

Kay got a sinking feeling about it all.

"That's settled then," Delilah said with a flourish.

Kay g.r.o.a.n.e.d, knowing resistance was futile.

Joseph was quietly eating when all of this was going on. His heart was feeling rather constricted listening to the conversation. He looked at Kay from the corner of his eye.

Of course, he agreed wholeheartedly with Auntie Delilah.

Kay was gorgeous, smart, and kind. josei

Of course, she would be someone that guys would l.u.s.t over.

Of course, she hadn't been interested in any of those guys who were older, cleverer, and most likely, richer than …

He coughed a bit, realising where his thoughts were straying.

"Are you alright, my dear?" Delilah asked Joseph worriedly.

"Yes, Auntie Delilah," Joseph replied politely, and smiled at her, "Just went down the wrong way. I'm sorry."

"Oh, dear child," Delilah said gently, "There's nothing to be sorry about! Just be more careful when eating, okay? Don't rush so much."

Joseph nodded, though he cringed inwardly.


He sighed.

He guessed he really was, in her eyes.

Most likely in Kay's eyes as well.

He suddenly felt dejected and finished up his food quickly. Even if he was in a sombre mood, it didn't mean that he wasn't hungry.

Lianne looked at her brother and sighed as well.

She found it pretty ironic that 'father' and son were having similar problems.

Her mother was obviously with Sayuri, but it seemed like she was in denial of some sort. Why, Lianne had no idea. Was it because her mother was still a 'woman' at heart and couldn't commit fully?

She didn't think so. Maybe her mother was dense?

Then, her brother.

Obviously having a major crush on Kay.

Not that she blamed him, for Kay really was impressive. For a hormone-laden normal guy like her brother, why wouldn't he be attracted to such a beauty?

Still, even though she saw her brother like what any normal sister would i.e. an annoying brat, she acknowledges that her brother wasn't shallow.

Admiring a beautiful person is normal for anyone, and some even did fall in love, mistaking that attraction for love.

Her brother?

Lianne mused, looked at him intensely.

He got it bad, and it wasn't a shallow thing.

But he hid his feelings well.

As Lianne was lost in thought, she suddenly heard a little meow.

Her eyes went as big as saucers and she looked down, to be met with the most adorable and cute black cat. The cat was looking at her with such curious green eyes and meowing pitifully as if it was lonely.

"Oh, that's Kyle's cat," Kay said, "I had wondered where she went."

Kitty jumped on Lianne's l.a.p, purring loudly.

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