New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 779 - Keep Calm and Carry On

Chapter 779 - Keep Calm and Carry On

Chapter 779 - Keep Calm and Carry On

In the end, Kay decided that the best person to make the final call would be Kyle.

In her opinion, Lianne should be told the whole truth as she would not warm up to other people easily. Finding out that such a person was only there for a job (even if they did form a real friendship later on) would be more detrimental than good.

Also, Lianne was unique and observant, thus, would benefit more from the guidance that is more structured. She's observant and straightforward, so she should be cultivated better.

As for Joseph, he was slightly dense, so he would most likely not be told the full truth. Most definitely, he could not know about the existence of MIB but having someone beside him for protection should be okay.

Kay smiled a bit.

It wasn't that Joseph was dense, but rather, he was really like a clean slate.

Pure and innocent at heart. He may not show his emotions openly due to how he was brought up to be a 'man', but one couldn't deny the kindness and strength he had. The way he treated Kitty, for example.

They say that if you want to know how a person is really like, you should see how they treat animals and those in the service sector.

Kay saw how polite Joseph was with all the help in the house. He was friendly and kind, never taking the aid that they gave for granted. He played with Kitty and didn't seem to mind how annoying she could be by hanging on his head or demanding attention.

At most, he would laugh and push Kitty to a more comfortable position but never scolded Kitty.

Thinking of that, she couldn't help but think that Joseph resembled a young Xing Han in terms of temperament. Was that why the latter was Kyle's best friend?

Kay was also of the opinion that this team for Lianne and Joseph wouldn't be permanent. They would have normal lives, so it was enough that the team assigned to them was merely to help and guide them as they grow into a.d.u.l.thood. josei

Their future children, however, were another matter altogether.

She would prefer that the team that their future kids would have, would be with them from young - just like how the original team had been created. The only thing was, finding the right people wouldn't be easy.

It was a good thing that she thought of this now, for then, it meant that they could start the process earlier.

Thinking about Sayuri and Kyle … Kay thought she'd better make a move on the team for his kids, at least. At the rate they were going, was it really possible not to have an accident, no matter how careful they were?

Should she start preparing for receiving a nephew or a niece?

Kay pursed her lips, tapping the table with her pencil when she thought about it.

Then, her thought strayed back to Joseph.

If - of when - Kyle had kids in this life, what about the kids in his previous life?

He couldn't be with them like he would with his own kids, since, well, strictly speaking, they aren't his kids in this life.

It gave her just a headache thinking about what Kyle may be going through.

As for her?

She was beginning to realise that her interest and fascination with Joseph was not quite just 'friend' level.

It slowly dawned on her when she was planning this whole 'team' thing.

Whenever she thought about Joseph and what sort of people should be following him, she would be smiling as she thought about him.

The realisation left her in a bit of a shock, to be honest.

She had been surrounded by so many outstanding - and good-looking - guys all her life, so why was this teen on her mind so much?

She found herself liking his smile, the way his face expressed his excitement when he talked, the twinkle in his eye as he did so. There were so many things about him that just made Kay feel …

Feel like it was all wrong.

If anyone knew what she was thinking, and feeling, they'd lock her up.

Every time she found herself feeling giddy or heart beat faster from his reactions and expression, she scolded herself.

Why on Earth was she like this!

It made absolutely no sense!

She as an a.d.u.l.t and he was a child … no, a teen ... a guy …

Cradle snatching!

Kay buried her face in her hands, groaning and shaking her head.

This feeling will pass, she told herself.

It was just a crush.

Yes, at least she admitted that she did have some sort of interest in Joseph. She wasn't denying these feelings, unlike her brother who was in a constant state of denial about his feelings for Sayuri.

But Kay was also well aware that her feelings were not normal or ordinary.

Even so, it wasn't like she could switch off what she felt.

Times like this, she wished she really was like her brother. Completely oblivious to the growing feeling in her heart so that she could hang out with Joseph like before.

What she was feeling may be branded as 'not right' and most likely be looked down upon if ever found out, Kay couldn't see it as it being something wrong and be ashamed of.

She liked him.

A lot.

Even if she didn't like how he could easily string her along and play her with her feelings without even doing anything other than smile and laugh.

With this thought, however, Kay knew there was only one thing to do.

Occupy herself with work, work, and more work. That was the only way she could get some sanity and peace of mind, and?kick him out of her system.

Kay took several deep breaths.

'Keep calm and Carry on'

Kay thought of her mother, and what she had said last night.

Going on blind dates was good, too.

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