New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 782 - Just a Kid

Chapter 782 - Just a Kid

Chapter 782 - Just a Kid

The feeling was akin to having a loved one pass on.

This was not to belittle the emotions of grief, and the two are not the same, but the sense of loss - to a certain extent, was.

It was more than just a loss of one of your senses, like sight, for it touched Kay at the deepest level of her soul.

When Sayuri called her to tell her what had happened, Kay felt fear. Sayuri was crying, but she still managed to tell Kay properly, "Kyle was fighting Donnie. I … I don't know what happened. I just found him in a pool of blood."

Hearing Kay gasp, Sayuri quickly assured her, "It wasn't his blood."

Kay was relieved, "What happened to him?"

"Doctors are stumped. He's physically injured but none of his injuries would explain his coma. Kay … I … I …"

Sayuri couldn't help the sob that came through, even though she was trying so hard to be strong. She was sitting on the chair, holding Kyle's hand as he lay there, his eyes closed. There were tubes and wires all over him.

To feed him medicine, to feed him nutrients, and to monitor his heart beat.

"He confronted Donnie on his own, Kay," Sayuri said, almost in a whisper, "He got rid of all of us and fought with that despicable ronin. I swear, Kay, when Kyle wakes up, I'm going to kill him."

Kay let out a soft chuckle at that, and replied, "I'll help you."

Sayuri felt a little better at that, and she placed her forehead at the back of Kyle's hand. Even though the doctor told her that his body was healing, it didn't stop the fear and worry that filled her entire being.

"I'll call you as soon as there is any progress," Sayuri promised.

"Remember to take care of yourself, too," Kay stressed.

"I will," Sayuri promised.

Kay didn't believe her, though.

"We'll keep this under wraps," Kay said, making that decision, "If he doesn't wake up …"

"He will!" Sayuri couldn't help but say.

"... in a week, Sayuri," Kay continued, "If he doesn't wake up in a week, then we'll have to make plans. I'll source for some specialists and send them over to assess Kyle."

"...Okay," Sayuri said softly, not wanting to think of the possibility that Kyle would not wake up after a week, let alone, not waking up.

After the call, Kay

As much as Kay wanted to hop onto the first flight over, she knew she shouldn't. Sayuri was already with Kyle and having one more person by his side wouldn't make him heal faster.

She was needed here, to monitor the situation and handle things as they came.

Kay called up Nialla and told her about Kyle. She placed the task of finding specialists upon her. Sayuri would be fine in Country M, for she knew that Kyle's team would do the needful - and, at the same time, take care of Sayuri.

Still, she called up Zero to remind him to do so.

Once she settled everything, Kay walked out to the gardens at the Mansion.

This was one of the things that she had essentially blocked out of her mind and did not think about.

What would she do if Kyle was to die before her?

There was no answer to that question. All that she knew, was that she felt extreme fear and despair. Thinking about death was scary enough. Thinking about losing your loved one was, to her, scarier.

Now, it was even more so.

She could physically feel the loss of connection and the sense of desolation that hit here was severe. She sat down on the garden chair, bringing her legs up onto the chair. She hugged her legs, placing her chin on her knee and bit her lower lips hard.

So hard that blood flowed.

This was but a taste of it.

Losing Kyle.

What would it be like … if … if he really did go? Never wake up?

Tears flowed down Kay's cheeks and she couldn't help crying.

Suddenly, she felt herself being hugged from behind. She didn't have to turn to know who it was. Even though he was only 13, and even though he wasn't big (as in, physically) yet, Kay still felt extreme comfort and strength in those arms.

Kay couldn't explain it, but that was what she felt.

He didn't say a word, but simply held her tight as she quietly sobbed.

When she finally stopped, he didn't ask either.

She was grateful for that and said, "Thank you."

For the hug, and for not asking any questions. Joseph seemed to know that was what her thanks were for, as he just tapped her on the shoulder and said, "You're welcome. If you need to talk, I'm a willing ear."

He didn't wait for an answer and merely left.

Kay turned her head a bit, to see his straight and strong back leaving. Such a small figure, yet taking it upon himself to shoulder so much burden. Just what went on in that mind of his?

Kay wondered, wiped her eyes and took a deep breath.

? Author only posts on w.e.b.n.o.v.e.l. ?

Joseph forced himself to leave without asking Kay what was wrong. josei

He figured - her worries were something that belonged in the 'a.d.u.l.t' world. Which a.d.u.l.t would talk to a kid about their problems, right?

When he had seen her looking so lost and started crying, he couldn't help but reach and hug her, in an attempt to comfort her.

But at the end of the day, he was just a kid.

He was raised never to ask nor interfere in matters of a.d.u.l.ts. When his parents talked, one is to keep quiet and not be a busybody.

His heart twisted each time he told himself 'you're just a kid'.

He thought of Kay.

Normally, a 13-year-old would regard a 20-year-old as "old" but he didn't.

Well, not anymore, that is.

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