New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 789 - Was it Normal?

Chapter 789 - Was it Normal?

Chapter 789 - Was it Normal?

She kissed Yuri first, since Zack had the first kiss earlier. She was inexperienced, so it was a clumsy kiss, but Yuri didn't mind it at all.

It was at that moment that she had a flashback. josei

Food truck.

After the Interview for more members of the Student Council.

Kyle demonstrating and teaching how to kiss. Beatrice was surprised at first that the memory was triggered but she used those lessons now.

What was it that he said?

Kiss either the upper or lower lip, gently. Move the lips a bit as well … there was something about holding the face so that you can judge the distance better but that was not a problem right now.

Yuri compensated by helping, and his lips moved in response to hers.

This kiss was so much more exciting than the earlier kiss, and Beatrice could already feel her knees weakening. It was just a touch of the lips and nothing more, but coupled with the fact that she was inexperienced while he was not …

When she moved onto Zack who was waiting eagerly, Yuri couldn't help but wish it could have been longer. His eyes followed her as she turned and kissed Zack, in the same manner that she had kissed him.

Zack kept his hands to his side, relishing the fact that she had initiated the kiss and was taking charge. The first kiss had been so brief. Too brief but this one …

He almost g.r.o.a.n.e.d when she broke the kiss, then felt that gentle hand on his c.h.e.s.t, pushing him backwards.

He opened his eyes, to see her at the doorway with a smile, before she closed the door.

Inside, Beatrice slapped her red cheeks hard while leaning against the door she had just closed.

What did she just do?!

She couldn't believe she had done that!!

She put her fingers on her lips and thought … damn, but she would certainly do it again.

Outside, the Dante twins high fived and fist pumped each other, saying proudly, "Our woman."

Beatrice heard that, and couldn't help but smile to herself. What woman wouldn't start to warm up when hearing that?

She placed her hand over heart, feeling the fast beat as she was nervous, and excited at the same time.

Initially, she had not been attracted to the twins at all. They were, quite frankly, not her type at all. They were far gone from the 'nerd' type that she liked.

In fact, they were exactly the type that she would avoid.

The bad boy type.

And she knew, that 'bad boy' vibe wasn't a phase nor was it something they did to 'look cool'. She had no idea what they really did, and being Nitocris's right-hand person, she couldn't think they were really bad.

After all, Xing Han, the ultimate innocent guy, was their boss's partner.

She didn't get the vibe of them being white-collar workers at all, despite being personal assistants. Yet, they did not seem to be blue-collar workers either because they were just too suave and had that air of 'dominance' that meant they were used to giving orders and being obeyed.

Police officers?

Beatrice laughed at that thought.


She just couldn't figure them out.

She walked into her apartment, having changed from her outdoor shoes to her indoor slippers, her thoughts swirling in her mind.

It was this that caused her to hesitate in forming a relationship with them, but yet, she couldn't deny the growing attraction she had to them.

Feeling frustrated, Beatrice thought that a nice, long soak in the bath would help untangle the thoughts in her head.

An hour later, Beatrice walked out of the bathroom in her pajamas and was drying her hair.

The events of that night started playing again in her mind.

Something was nagging at her, which started the moment Zack had knelt down, asking for an apology. Her curiosity was triggered even more when the twins just stood there, waiting for their punishment after sneaking in that kiss.

There was just something about it that tugged at her deepest parts of her soul which she couldn't quite explain.

It wasn't that she felt superior at seeing these two strong men groveling… they weren't groveling in the first place.

It was their total submission to her, and an acceptance of whatever she would dish out at them. There was no hesitation, anger, or any sort of reluctance could be seen on their faces or demeanour.

That absolute trust in her made her feel something she couldn't quite explain and had been the impetus that made her go and kiss them.

She wanted to punish them when they did wrong and she wanted to reward them when they were good.

Was she weird for her to like this sort of thing?

Was it normal?

Heck, having two guys pursuing you was already something that was not normal so perhaps how she was feeling and the approach she seemed to leaned towards, was normal?

The best thing about this whole thing was that the twins were really open about sharing her among them. They did it so naturally that it didn't feel awkward. Neither looked jealous or resented the other for the attention she would give to one.

All they insisted on, was that whatever she gave one, she had to also give the other. Equal treatment, so to speak.

Beatrice's face became beet red when she started thinking then … what about … about s.e.x? Was it going to be them taking turns or would it be a threesome?

She plopped herself on the bed and started screaming into the pillow.

Why was she thinking of this now?!

The thought was just too stimulating and too much for her right now. Just kissing those two earlier had taken a lot out of her

She thought about the kisses.

They may be identical but certainly, they kissed differently. Yuri was the gentler type, his soft lips kissing her gently and moving slowly upon hers whereas Zack was the more impulsive type, his soft lips though gentle, were much firmer upon hers.

Her mind strayed to how the twins would be like in bed. Would the way they kissed reflect how they performed?

Beatrice put a pillow on her face, her face a deep shade of red and thought to herself.

She was getting to be a real pervert.

And only from this one kiss from them.

They were way too dangerous to her innocent and v.i.r.g.i.n self, and it was right that she had been avoiding them.

At the rate this was going, she felt that she may succ.u.mb to their deadly charms too soon, too fast.

It was all their fault!

If they hadn't planted the idea that they were pursuing her for marriage, she wouldn't be having such dirty thoughts about them.

That, and the fact that they just seemed to ooze s.e.x.u.a.lity and masculinity each time they were near her, that she had found her thoughts wandering a lot during the dinner.

This cannot be.

She had to be firmer and take control of herself - and them.

Beatrice started to fan herself.

They were just too dangerous for her heart.

? Author only posts on w.e.b.n.o.v.e.l. ?

"Mum would have loved her," Yuri said quietly, as he looked out the car window on their way home.

"That she would," agreed Zack with a smile.

For a moment, they were silent as they thought of their mother, who was now in the nursing home care, suffering from Alzheimer's Disease.

She didn't remember them anymore, though they still came to visit her every month just to check up on her. She had the best care that they could give her, but her condition was getting worse and worse.

In the early stages, it had been mild with some memory but it progressively got worse. There had been times when she was lucid and remembered them but most of the time, they were strangers to her.

Now, it was at the late-stage, where she couldn't carry on a conversation anymore, lost in her own world. She hardly responded to her environment and it tore up at the twins' to see her like that.

"Should we tell her?" Yuri asked.

Zack was silent, his eye troubled.

"I don't know," Zack admitted softly with a sigh.

Their mother was one of the most important people to them, and they wanted nothing more than to introduce their beloved to her even if their mother wouldn't know who she was. They wanted Beatrice to know their mother.

They wanted their beloved and their mother to meet.

Unfortunately, their beloved wasn't exactly theirs yet.

So if they brought her to meet their mother, what would her reaction be?


They didn't want to gain her heart that way. It was as if they were playing with her kind heart to do so.

But ... their mother was getting worse.

What should they do?

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