New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 796 - Discipline

Chapter 796 - Discipline

Chapter 796 - Discipline

Zack and Yuri immediately went down on their knees while Beatrice tapped her feet, her arms crossed across her c.h.e.s.t.

She looked up at the retreating old man and said to him sternly, "And you, Grandpa."

Anton stopped retreating and gave her a grin.

Beatrice smiled at him and said, "You're really very sweet, Grandpa, but you must not encourage the twins so, okay?"

Anton nodded vigorously.

"Be good, Grandpa," Beatrice said, "And you should sit down."

"Okay!" Anton obeyed instantly, sitting down.

Beatrice had to giggle inwardly a bit at Anton's antics. He really was like some little kid at times.

But these two boys?

They weren't little kids and neither were they adorable.

If she let them, they'd just bulldoze their way through. Heck, if left to their own devices, they'd probably kidnap her or something and lock her up.

She had to assert her dominance over them. It was hard enough to stand her ground with one, but she had two to deal with.

Two very strong, powerful … and damn s.e.xy men.

Beatrice didn't want to be like some helpless flotsam that just had to go with the ocean currents. She would be like the lifebuoy that stayed afloat and anchored firmly.

She noticed that they were quite obedient and submissive to her in certain ways, and this was just another example of it.

She … she actually *liked* being in control and having them at her feet.

Was she a control freak?!

No … no, it wasn't that. At least, not in the manner that sprung into her mind.

It was true that she liked being in control, but that was with regard to situations and work. She didn't like being unprepared and she would always be meticulous in what she did. She did not like things to spring upon her unexpectedly.

This, however, seemed to be a different type of control.

Was she someone that enjoyed seeing other people's pain?

Beatrice's eyes nearly popped open at that thought.

No, she couldn't be.

She didn't like seeing people suffer or be in pain.

No, that wasn't accurate.

It would be more apt to say that she was indifferent to it. It wasn't to say that she enjoyed other people's sufferings or that she hated it. It was just that, she detached herself from it because it wasn't her.

But this..?

Beatrice facepalmed herself mentally.

She didn't let it show on her face, though.

The twins were sitting on the floor, their legs tucked underneath them with their b.u.t.t on their heels. Their hands were on their t.h.i.g.hs, and they were just … sitting there, their heads lay low.

Beatrice was so annoyed by this that she stood inbetween them. She reached out and ran her fingers through their hair.

They really had very nice hair. It was so soft. She played with it, letting those fine, soft tendrils go through her fingers. She stroked their heads and they looked at her curiously.

She then grabbed a fistful of their hair and brought her head down inbetween them.

"Always," Beatrice hissed, "Ask for permission. Ask me, and not make a decision for me."

She turned to Zack, saying, "Do you understand?"

He nodded.

"I said, do you understand?" Beatrice asked again, applying more pressure as she pulled his hair.

"Yes, my love," Zack replied, his eyes darkening a bit.

Beatrice smiled, and then turned towards Yuri, who answered, "Yes … hssss"

"I didn't ask you anything yet," Beatrice said through clenched teeth.

"Apologies," Yuri replied and Beatrice smiled.

"Good," she replied, "Don't do it again."

"I won't," Yuri replied softly as Beatrice got closer.

"Very good," Beatrice replied and kissed him.

For some reason, the chaste touching of the lips didn't feel right so she tentatively ran the tip of her tongue on Yuri's lips. When she felt the tip of his tongue reaching out, she broke the kiss and smiled at him before turning to Zack, doing the same to him.

She got up, brushed her clothes down and said, "Just a warning this time."

The twins got up, holding back their intense d.e.s.i.r.e to grab her, run to the room and not come out until next week.

She was such a tease.

Such a hot tease.

Beatrice couldn't help but lick her lips upon seeing them getting up slowly. She had to admit, the taste of their lips was getting to be rather addictive. She had pulled back earlier because she was starting to lose it a bit.

Just that brief touch of the tongue had sent shivers down her spine, invoking certain feelings that she had never felt before.

She gulped.

She may act all tough and that, but she was still a v.i.r.g.i.n.

All of these sensations were new to her and the feeling was beyond anything she could have imagined.

And it was just from a kiss.

It was a good thing that she as exerting control for she would lose her v.i.r.g.i.n.i.t.y very fast if she left it to them!

It was getting really hard to resist them, too.

Beatrice sighed, her 'indifferent look' resting face was on and she walked over to Anton.

"Sorry about that, Grandpa," Beatrice said, taking his hand, "I know you want me and the boys together, but I'm still not sure yet."

Anton looked sad, but he nodded in understanding. He patted her hand and said, "No matter what, you'll still come and visit me often, right?"

"Even if these stupid boys fail to capture your heart, you will still call me Grandpa, right?" Anton asked pleadingly.

"Yes, of course, Grandpa," Beatrice said, "For as long as you want me to."

"I want! I want! Forever and ever," Anton replied with a huge grin.

Beatrice couldn't help but stroke the top of Anton's head, like what one would do to a younger child or baby.

Anton looked like the cat that got the cream. He looked so contented and happy. Zack and Yuri smiled at the scene.

They said it before, and they will say it again.

Their beloved was perfect.

"By the way," Beatrice said nonchalantly, "Grandpa and I met some interesting people while we were out today."

"Really? Who?" Zack asked as they headed to the dining table for dinner.

"Some overdressed banshees making their claim on you while disrespecting Grandpa," Beatrice replied with a small smile.

Zack and Yuri looked genuinely puzzled.

"The same banshees that seem to be in a LOT of pictures in that album over there," Beatrice continued, pointing towards the bookshelf.

Beatrice found some perverse p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e seeing the light of understanding come into their eyes, and then, slight panic.

"Beatrice, sweetheart," Yuri said, coming closer, "You know that is in the past. You're the only woman for us."

"I know," Beatrice replied as she sat down at the dining table, "I'm just glad to have met the women to whom you had your first s.e.x.u.a.l encounter with."

"You … are?" Zack asked hesitatingly.

Beatrice wasn't the type to lie, nor was she the type to play around but the twins were honestly puzzled at what Beatrice was trying to say.

She was glad?

Did this mean that she really didn't care about the situation, or that she didn't care enough for them to feel anything?

Both possibilities didn't sound so nice.

"Of course," Beatrice answered with a smile, "How else would I know who to avoid in the future?"

Seeing that the twins still didn't understand, Beatrice explained, "As the Smith Industries CEOs PA, I basically represent them and Smith Industries. I have to be polite and respectful to everyone."

Understanding dawned on them.

"But now that you know who they are, you are not obliged to be nice to them," Zack said.

"Nice," Yuri agreed.

"You need to do something about them," Beatrice said, "Your past needs to remain in the past and I do not want to be bothered by all this baggage you left behind."

Yuri and Zack didn't think they really had a lot of baggage left behind, truth be told.

While it was true that they have had a lot of women over the years that it would actually be impossible to track down all of them down, they always made clean breaks with them.

It was only those two that really caused quite a headache, partly because they were relatives so they couldn't cut off all ties like they normally would. It was also because of them that the twins were much more careful with the women they chose to sleep with.

The girls were harmless, really so the twins hadn't really taken them seriously. However, listening to what Beatrice said, they became aware that things may not be so simple.

Zack and Yuri shared a silent look to each other, acknowledging that their cousins needed to be dealt with properly this time.

Blood or no blood, no one can drive a wedge between them and their beloved.

After dinner, the twins sent Beatrice home. Anton tried to get her to stay the night, but she was adamant and refused him kindly, but firmly.

WIth a pout, he had to let her go and he stood at the doorway, waving at her until he could not see the car anymore.

"Come on, Anton," Chen said gently, "It's time to bathe and sleep now."

Anton looked at Chen in happiness, "She's a great gal, isn't she?" josei

"That she is, Anton, that she is," Chen agreed.

"And she really liked what we got her," Anton said happily, "But the boys are rather big and strong. Do you think the cat and ratan is enough?"

"We could always get ropes and handcuffs," suggested Chen.

"That's a great idea, Chen!" Anton agreed enthusiastically, "You should get them tomorrow. She's a girl, so make sure they are pretty ropes and handcuffs. Wait. Are there such things?!"

"Oh, you'd be surprised," Chen said, "If there's none, I could always have them custom made."

"That's right!" Anton replied, "Okay, Let's do that then. I leave it to you."

"Alright," Chen said, "I'm sure the boys will be really happy."

"Huh? The boys? It's not for them!" Anton said with a huff.

Chen just smiled.

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