New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 803 - School

Chapter 803 - School

Chapter 803 - School

Joseph found that his classmates were rather nice and friendly.

Hope and Fern had been his first friends and they made sure that he was introduced to the class. Luckily, Hope didn't tell them about him being in TokTik, but in the end, that didn't matter … because it turned out that some of his male classmates were his followers as well.

They started talking about workouts and diets, while the girls were whispering with each other from afar at first. They didn't know about the TokTik, but did search it up the moment they found out about it.

It was hard to imagine that the one in the video was the one in their classroom, but the reality was right in front of them. When they first saw the videos, they had thought it had been touched up but when they looked at the real deal in front of them, they realised that the video didn't do him justice.

They watched as Joseph laughed with the guys, and their knees turned to jelly.

He was so nice! So friendly!

Soon, they mustered up the courage to go over and talk to him as well.

By the end of the class, Joseph had become the darling of the class.

He was good-looking, a joker, friendly, and overall, a very nice guy. The best thing was, this treasure was theirs before he was known to the rest of the school when it reopens next year. josei

"Sorry guys, but I've got to go," Joseph said, standing up, "Thanks for sharing the books with me."

It was kinda weird to be hanging out in the classroom after the lessons were over as well, and Joseph didn't think anything much by it - not realising that people were dilly-dallying in going out because of him.

Once he started to head out, so did everyone else.

Lianne was waiting for her brother impatiently at one side, hidden away from the main area. Well, hidden away from plain sight though she could see the entrance of the school.

The last thing she wanted was to somehow bump into the weirdo that had tried to get her attention earlier. If she was just standing there waiting for her brother, she would be a sitting duck.

Yet, as usual, he was late.

Granted, not by much but when one was used the rules of the household, it was late. Their Dad was the type that if you arranged to meet at 1pm, then it meant you were ready and waiting 15 minutes earlier.

Of course, since Joseph had classes, Lianne had timed it so that he would be out within 10 minutes.

It had already been 20mins.

Lianne sighed but figured that she should give him some leeway this time. After all, he was making new friends and all. She studied the school building again and sighed.

Well, school is school.

She wondered when her mother would be back. It would start being fun then.

? Author only posts on w.e.b.n.o.v.e.l. ?

Time passed by quicker than one would think.

A new year, and a new routine in life.

As Lianne expected, her brother became popular.

That wasn't a surprise, really, but what she did find surprising was how he seemed to fling himself with gusto seemingly into every activity in the school.

He was also the ultimate 'nice guy' that it was nauseating, because she had to listen to people talking about him. Lianne thought his popularity was exaggerated, truth be told, and was more likely due to the fact that he was a novelty.

It should die down sooner or later.

Lianne hoped it was sooner than later.

The worst thing was, with him having such a high profile, she became known as well. Known by association, that is - which basically meant, due to her association with him, she was known.


And she also found out who that stupid idiot was.

Yes, she used both 'stupid' and 'idiot' to describe him, indicating just how much she thought of him being so.

Luckily, he didn't figure out that the person he had seen was her.

He didn't know everyone in the school, so it was only natural that he wouldn't have considered her being that person.

So how did she know who he was?


He was the one mouthing away asking every curly-haired girl that he saw as to whether 'she was the one that was sketching' the other day. He even put up posters in the school, eliciting some oohing and aahing from fans.

Of course, he began to be dubbed as the one who was looking for his 'one' or something. Some romantic sh*t that people started making up.

The moment Lianne heard about that, she started straightening her curls. She didn't do much that she would have straight hair, but just enough so that it was wavy rather than the usual curly mop that she had.

It made her even more agitated at the stupid fool because she had to spend extra time every morning to do her hair.

She had been right about him being a pitcher for the baseball team, and was a third year. He was also good looking and popular, the typical jock guy full of confidence.

The very sort of type that she would avoid.

So, in short, Lianne's high school life was a drag.

She had an older brother that was popular and a weird doofus looking for her. At least, the latter would die out sooner or later but she was stuck with the former.

The worst thing?

Mama was back but she couldn't see her often. She had only managed to drop by a couple of times but couldn't do more than that.

Papa didn't let her and there was no reason she could give that would make him relent and give permission. After all, she was 'disturbing' a busy CEO - and her father didn't like the idea that it was a young guy.

Lianne lay on her school desk, lamenting her sad fate.

"Oh come on, it's not that bad," came a voice from beside her.

Lianne turned to face her deskmate, Brenda, and replied, "Yes, yes it is."

"It's been some time now, and he still hasn't figured it out, so you're pretty safe," Brenda pointed out, "And he'll drop the matter soon."

"Don't underestimate the tenacity of the stupid," Lianne muttered under her breath, "They have endless hope fueled by naivety that surpasses normal human beings."

Brenda laughed.

"Just what goes on in that mind of yours?"

Lianne sighed audibly, "I just want a low-key life, forgotten by the masses as I blend into the background while having to go through this rite of passage called 'school'."

She looked at Brenda, "Is that too much to ask?"

"With Joseph as your brother?" Brenda said with a smirk, "Yes."

Lianne g.r.o.a.n.e.d.

Brenda was a rare find and Lianne was grateful for having this person as her deskmate.

She was not googly-eyed over Joseph, and, she had the same interests as her. Not everything, of course, but enough so that they could chat amicably without Lianne having to worry about the latest trends, fashion or boys.

What were the chances of finding a kindred spirit?

"But you know, your brother isn't that bad," Brenda said.

"Of course I know that," Lianne replied, "He's like this, pure sweet angel or something. His heart is sincere."

Brenda nodded.

She may not know Joseph but she had heard of things from others. About how he treats people (girls, boys, it didn't matter) and that he viewed friendship to be quite sacred. He often helped out without being asked, and went out of his way to help others as well.

"But he's just too …" Lianne sighed.

Too pure that sometimes, he was just too dense. He was also unaware of his surroundings sometimes that it was a bit annoying.

Lianne didn't say those words but instead, said, "He's my brother. Need I say more?"

Brenda shrugged.

Just then, Lianne felt the phone in her pocket buzz. Since it was self-study period, they were not monitored that strictly. Thus, Lianne could check out the phone message.

Her mood perked up when she saw that it was from Beatrice.

She opened it eagerly, and smiled widely at the message. She got up, taking her bag and told Brenda, "Something has come up so I'll be making a move."

"Is everything okay?" Brenda asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, all is good," Lianne replied. More than good.

Beatrice had texted and requested her to come and appease the bad-mood CEO. She had already obtained leave from the school for her, and the best thing?

Zero was waiting to pick her up.

She texted Beatrice as she headed to her brother's classroom <What about my father?>

<He's been informed that your sponsors need to talk to you>


<So you shall go home with him later>

Not so sweet.

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