New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 810 - The Ban

Chapter 810 - The Ban

Chapter 810 - The Ban

After 'Bella' left, Rudy studied the picture again and the file that came with it.

The file contained some basic information about where the mark worked and lived, so that it would make them finding her easier. That Bella really must want the property that badly.

Rudy took out one particular picture that had the mark in an almost see-through outfit, due to the rain which made her clothes cling to those curves. Most definitely, too good to just eliminate. Since she was going to be snuffed out anyway, might as well enjoy while one can, right?

The best thing was, there was no deadline.

Rudy smiled as he took one picture out of the envelope and looked at the men who were waiting.

"Well, this is an easy mark," Rudy said, handing the envelope to one of his subordinates, "So give it to the new ones as initiation."

The guy took it and looked through the picture as Rudy continued his instructions, "Just a normal secretary or something. Since Bella wants the property the mark inherited, make sure you leave the body somewhere that can be found."

"Got it, boss," the guy answered.

"But bring her to me first," Rudy said, staring at his men.

They understood what that meant.

Capture, hand her over to the Boss, and then they were free to do what they wanted so long as the evidence of what they did to her was wiped out. There could be no traces of whatever violence as it was meant to look as an accident, and the body needed to be found.

"Car crash? Or just a simple car bursting into flames because of a leakage?"

Rudy thought about it and nodded, "Both sounds good."

"Car crash that bursts into flame in the end then," the guy confirmed. He turned and left, followed by two who often worked with him.

Once they left, Rudy leaned back on the sofa, thinking that it was the easiest mark yet. Bella's jobs were really quite easy, as the girls they had to get rid of were hardly any trouble.

This time, however, there was an added bonus.

He picked up the picture he had chosen earlier and smiled.

A very good bonus indeed.

? Author only posts on w.e.b.n.o.v.e.l. ?

Zack was reluctant to send Beatrice back home.

In fact, he was getting a bit impatient already despite their earlier agreement to take it slow. They've been going out for quite some time now and things were good, so when was she going to tell them 'yes'?

He had brought it up to Yuri the other day, but the latter just shrugged and said to just be patient. She will tell them when it is time, no sooner and no later.

Zack wasn't really the patient type.

Thus, as he sent her back home, he purposely drove a little bit slower. When he parked the car, and walked her up, he deliberately took a lot of 'oh look at that' moments. He wished he could have her by everyday, instead of only seeing her once - for a few hours - every two days.

It was pure torture.

Beatrice's eye twitched at Zack's antics.

It wasn't as if she didn't realise it when he was being so obvious.

After all, what 'oh look at that' was there? Twice, it was 'oh, my mistake' and once, it was just a lizard on the wall.

Beatrice stared at Zack as he continued this farce and wondered just how long he was going to keep it up.

Apparently, quite long as it lasted until they stood at her door.

"Are you quite done yet?" Beatrice asked as she turned to look at him, her back to the door.

Zack pursed his lips and he sighed loudly, coming closer and putting his forehead on hers, "Can you blame me? I miss you."

Beatrice frowned, "I'm right here."

"But you'll be going in and then I won't see you again until two days later," Zack lamented, giving her the sad, soulful look.

He leaned back, tilted his head as his hand gently c.a.r.e.s.sed her cheek, "Have you decided yet?"

Beatrice licked her lips, her throat suddenly dry as she looked at him who was so close to her. She could see the genuine love and care in his eyes, and how eager he was to hear her answer.

Zack, seeing that, s.u.c.k.e.d in his breath and couldn't help but reach down and kiss her.

Tentatively at first, but when she didn't resist, he tried to deepen the kiss. However, Beatrice was having none of that as she clenched her teeth, not allowing access. Despite that, Zack didn't give up.

A few seconds later, Zack was half bent over in pain, one hand against the wall for support and another cupping his crotch. His face was scrunched up in pain, and he barely managed to stay standing up.

By sheer willpower, he did and when he managed to do so, he saw the furious face of his beloved.

He gulped.

He had messed up badly.

"Beatrice, honey, I …" he began, wanting to apologize profusely but was cut off when she put up her hand.

"One week," Beatrice announced.

"One week?" Zack repeated in puzzlement, still half bent over.

"No dates, no calls, nothing for one week," Beatrice clarified, "I shall see the both of you, next Sunday."

Zack's eyes widened in horror.

"You … you mean … both of us?" he croaked.

"Yes," Beatrice said, as she unlocked her door and stepped in.

She turned to face him, and said before closing the door, "You're just going to have to tell Yuri why I am imposing this one week ban." josei

Beatrice had a sense of satisfaction to see the blood drain out of Zack's face as she closed the door. Serves him right.

Well, in truth, she wasn't angry, but just a little bit upset. Just as she thought, she had to be strong and stand her ground with the twins. Otherwise, they'd just run all over her.

Disciplining one is hard enough, but she had two that she needed to keep in line. Thus, she adopted the 'military' method. What one did, the whole team took responsibility.

It was a collective responsibility and it was apt to be used on the twins.

She also needed that one week to clear her mind.

Her emotions were heavily swayed by the twins, for they were very charming and charismatic. She didn't want to make a decision based on what her current emotions were feeling.

Just like impulsive buying.

You should take a few days to calm yourself down and think about it, as to whether you really want (or need) the item.

The choice of a life partner is a huge one and it wouldn't be easy to maintain a relationship with two people. Thus, before Beatrice took the final step, she wanted time away from them to sort out her feelings.

One week was rather short, but she felt it should be just enough time to clear her mind.

Beatrice headed to her bedroom to bathe and settle for the night.

Meanwhile, outside, Zack was still leaning on the wall. The pain had subsided but it was still too painful to move properly.

He really wasn't looking forward to going back and telling Yuri about this.

He moved his jaw, already thinking of the punches he was going to have to take when Yuri blew his top. For him to be subjected to the slightly more than one week ban for something he, Zack, had done would not be something Yuri would take to kindly.

Still, Zack couldn't help but smile when he thought about his fierce beloved.

She could certainly hold her ground and she treated them equally. As individuals but at the same time, as one unit - like right now. Each had to be responsible for the other's action.

She was truly made for them.

Once Zack recovered, he walked down and gave a small nod to the nondescript car parked nearby. Satisfied that the men he and Yuri had arranged to keep an eye on Beatrice were in place, he left.

? Five days later ?

Rudy was unhappy.

It had been five days already, and his men were only starting to make a move now? True, he did say that there was no deadline, but this was ridiculous!

He was certainly going to have a very long talk with this inept team that was sent. How difficult was it to capture such a soft target?

According to those bungling fools, the mark had been working late for several days now, and was always sent home by someone. However, with today being a weekend, the boys were finally ready to make a move.

Luckily, the mark was one that stuck to routines. She would be doing her grocery shopping today.

Rudy smiled, just thinking about what would be falling into his hands soon.

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