New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 812 - You Will Regret This (R16)

Chapter 812 - You Will Regret This (R16)

Chapter 812 - You Will Regret This (R16)

Beatrice knew that they must be waiting for someone, but what she couldn't understand was why her?

They weren't interested in money - she didn't have much anyway. She wasn't some rich heiress either.

It just didn't make any sense.

The only possibility was the people she kept company with.

The Smiths?

Possible, since she's their PA.

Yet, the ones here all reeked 'hoodlum' and it was hard for her to imagine that anyone this low could use such tactics against Kyle.

The only ones that she ever had this sort of 'feeling' was from Nitocris, albeit in a much more dignified and regal manner. If you could actually call it that.

In short, 'mafia' came to mind.

Though it was weird to label 'dignified' with 'mafia', it was apt with Nitocris.

Though the aura around Nitocris and the guy behind her was like Heaven and Earth. With Nitocris being the top of the chain and the one behind at the bottom.

She hadn't thought much about Nitocris and the impression he gave because Xing Han was his partner. With that bundle of fluffy joy, who could truly see Nitocris in any bad light, right?

It was the same with the twins.

She had that vague sense and vibe from them, but nothing truly dangerous. She just put it down that the twins were 'cold' due to the business they were in. How they were at work was of no concern of hers.

Only how they treated her and how she felt about them.

Now, however, all those inklings and 'feelings' that, on its own, were nothing - when put together …

Nitocris. The twins. This situation.

Her eye twitched when a possibility entered her mind.

If it was like how she thought it would be, those twins had a lot of explaining to do. This was not a small matter and hiding it from her when they were wooing her felt like they had cheated on her.

Suddenly, the handcuffs and leg cuffs seemed to be very good gifts indeed. Once this was all over, she may just need to use them.

Beatrice had no doubt that the twin would come and save her. She couldn't quite say why she had that confidence - she just did. All that was needed was time.

So, she didn't mind having to wait.

The longer this took, the better the chances of the twins arriving.

Goon A couldn't help but be impressed by the woman who was rather calm, considering the situation. Granted, she did look slightly nervous but that was to be expected, right?

Most women would be blubbering idiots who would be scared out of their wits by now while those in the 'industry' would be trying to seduce him to let them go.

He couldn't help but run the blade on her skin again, just to make her nervous.

He liked making people shiver in fear.

Beatrice s.u.c.k.e.d in some air in shock as she felt the cold steel that had been lying flat on her stomach start to move.

What was the guy doing? Was he going to kill her?

They were in a remote spot after all, with hardly any people or traffic around. If she was stabbed to death here, her body would probably only be found much later.

But why would he only make a move now?

She felt the blade go up, with the blunt side running itself on her skin until it reached below her b.r.e.a.s.ts. She gritted her teeth as she felt it push her b.r.e.a.s.ts up while his thumb started touching the side of her b.r.e.a.s.ts.

She turned to glare at him, only to see his lecherous gaze fixed on her c.h.e.s.t. Throwing caution to the wind, she was going to grab that offending hand when he twisted the knife.

Beatrice gasped, feeling the cold blade being right inbetween her b.r.e.a.s.ts with the sharp point facing outward. It was a miracle (or perhaps, a testament of his skill) that she was not cut when he had done that.

The guy snickered.

Beatrice glared at him and said, "I wouldn't do that if I was you."

He didn't flinch, "Ooo, I'm so scared. Well, you're not me and I would definitely be doing this."

He started moving the knife, slowly cutting through her bra while he stared at her. Wanting to see her despair. Wanting her to beg him.

Instead, she was looking indignant and angry.

He started l.i.c.k.i.n.g his lips, saying, "Once the boss is done with you, we're all going to have a turn. It won't be long before you'll start begging to die."

Beatrice pressed her lips tightly closed together, angry beyond belief. However, she didn't dare move as the knife was extremely sharp. One wrong move and it's more than likely he would stab her.

What the guy was doing was horrible, but not enough for her to risk her life to stop. Embarrassing, perhaps, but to get heavily injured - or die - for it?


"Strong one, aren't we?" the guy continued to take a jibe at her, hoping for more of a reaction. He was severely disappointed that she didn't struggle, or fight.

Weren't all conservative women like this the type to scream bloody murder to protect their chastity?

In frustration and in an attempt to get some sort of reaction from her, he jerked his hand forward, slicing through the bra strap and shirt easily.

As the knife cut through, Beatrice quickly took the torn pieces of the shirt and held them together, closing the opening that was made.

She had to use both hands because the sc.u.mbag hadn't just sliced the top of the shirt, but had cut all the way through to the bottom. The lower half of her shirt was flapping open, but at least she had her b.r.e.a.s.ts covered.

The guy laughed.

"What do you think you're doing?!"

Beatrice and the guy turned towards the voice the bellowed from outside.

The guy behind snorted and kept his knife, saying, "Just opening the present for Boss."

The door flung open and the gorilla-type man outside grabbed Beatrice's arm and pulled her out roughly. Beatrice didn't have time to get out and she was practically dragged out.

She stumbled and the gorilla-man impatiently pulled her up, causing her to hiss in pain as his grip on her arm tightened. He continued to pull her along and Beatrice had to run to keep up while trying to keep her shirt closed.

They entered the building. To her dismay, Beatrice noted that while the place wasn't empty, the people in there completely ignored the fact that this brute was dragging her along.

It explained why no one bothered with her being in the car just now.

Just how long were the twins going to be?!

The gorilla-man opened a door and threw her in, then shut it closed. Beatrice stumbled forward a few steps before she caught her footing, then saw a man sitting leisurely on a sofa while staring at her.

"Nice of you to drop by, Stephanie," the guy said.

Beatrice frowned, "My name isn't Stephanie. You obviously have the wrong girl."

The guy frowned as well, "I never make mistakes."

Beatrice snorted, "Obviously, you have. Now, let me go before you regret it."

The guy laughed, his loud booming voice filling the room.

"That's rich," he said, getting up and walking over to her, "Now tell me just how am I going to regret this?"

He was standing in front of Beatrice now, who had stood her ground. There was no way out of here and running around the room was not an option. It would only tire her out and most likely, aggravate him further.

"You took the wrong person," Beatrice replied calmly, "And soon, my beloved will come and rescue me. If you let me go before then, we'll let this matter rest."

The guy laughed again, his bad breath hitting her squarely in the face. That was something she had not been expecting and she recoiled a bit, feeling slightly faint.

"Just who in this place dare go against me, Rudy Baltone?" he said in a low voice, bringing his face closer to her face.

Beatrice turned her face away, repulsed by the odour as she said, "Don't you ever brush your teeth?!"

Rudy snickered.

"Fiesty," he said, "I like."

Then he put his lips to her ear, saying, "because it's so much fun to beat it out of you."

Before Beatrice could react, he had given her a backhand slap. Her head jarred at the sudden onslaught and she stumbled from the force.

Her ears were ringing and tears formed in her eyes.

Rudy watched as 'Stephanie' steadied herself and then turned to look at him, her cheek was already swollen from the hit. However, instead of fear that he expected to see, her eyes were ablaze in anger. josei

"Oh?" he said, raising his eyebrows, "You like that, I see."

"Yeah, as much as I like your bad breath stinking up the place," Beatrice spat out.

"Then you're certainly going to enjoy this," Rudy said, as he grabbed her neck. He smiled maniacally when he saw her gasping for air as he squeezed tightly.

Her hands grabbed his wrist, hitting at it feebly as he squeezed harder. His gaze landed on her b.a.r.e c.h.e.s.t, the twin peaks out in the open for him to see and his eyes darkened.

Letting her go, Beatrice fell to her knees while coughing uncontrollably, gasping to get air back into her throat.

Rudy couldn't stand it anymore. He grabbed her by the hair and pulled her up. She was resisting, trying to grab his arm and kicking.

He laughed, thoroughly enjoying her useless struggles as he dragged her to his desk. With a shout, he rammed her head onto the desk, pinning her head down. He pulled her torn shirt and bra completely off her then turned her over.

With one hand holding her two arms above her head, his other hand was busy unbuckling her pants. He cursed the fact that women could now wear pants but that didn't stop him.

He released her hands, only to slap her several times before he used both hands to take off her pants and u.n.d.e.r.w.e.a.r.

Beatrice's head was pounding and she could barely focus. The constant hits to her head made her unable to retaliate but she could smell his sordid breath and feel his slimy hands all over her.

Her hands had been searching for things on the desk for anything that she could use to hit him with, but it found nothing. She tried to kick him but she couldn't even garner the strength when she felt her legs go b.a.r.e.

Suddenly, there was an explosion.

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