New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 83 - Contemplations

Chapter 83 - Contemplations

Beatrice turned to face her parents with a smile. She saw how they stood next to each other at the door, smiling widely as they looked at her - and Sam.

"Beatrice! You're home! Who's your friend?" her mum asked.

Sam took a step forward then, and made a 3/4 bow, introducing himself, "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Chan. I'm Sam, Beatrice's classmate, and future fellow Student Council member."

Mrs. Chan looked at Sam, who stood there next to her daughter and she put her hands on her cheeks. He looks like a really nice boy. An adorable young boy that she felt like she wanted to brush his curly hair. He looked so serious. It was so cute!

"Classmate? You mean, from Sage Class?" Mr. Chan asked, his eyebrow raised in surprise.

Sam nodded, affirming it, "Yes, Mr. Chan."

"He's my junior," Beatrice said quickly, "And he has to go home now. The taxi is still waiting." josei

"Yes. Since Beatrice is back safely, I should go now. Nice meeting you, Mr. and Mrs. Chan," Sam said as he gave them a slight nod and walked back to the taxi.

"What an impressive and nice, young man," Mrs. Chan said with a smile.

"Yes, Mum. With an emphasis on the young part, please," Beatrice said as she walked in, "He hasn't even broken his voice yet!"

"Age is but a number, my dear," Mrs. Chan replied with a knowing smile while closing the door, "And time passes by quicker than you think. Boys grow SO much faster in these years."

Beatrice's eye twitched.

"Mum, seriously? Please," Beatrice said with dismay, "Yes, he's nice and all that but he's just too young!"

"For now," her mum said, relentless.

"Mother!!" Beatrice said with a huff.

Beatrice's mum finally decided to drop it. Whenever Beatrice started calling her using formal language, then it meant that she was truly upset.

"Then how about the other one? Kyle? He's the Student President, right? Is he good looking?"

"There's nothing going on with him either. Yes, his name is Kyle. Yes, he's the future President and yes, he is good looking," Beatrice answered all of her mother's questions seriously, then before she could stop herself, she added, "But not as good looking as Sam."

"AH-HAH!!" her mum shouted gleefully, "I knew it!"

Beatrice gave up. She quickly ran into her bedroom and shut the door, effectively preventing her mother from asking more embarrassing questions. Sam was nothing but a classmate but she could already tell what her mother was thinking. Or perhaps, hoping.

Did she look that desperate?!

Beatrice knew that it wasn't that her parents were pushing her to get a boyfriend, but it was more that they were excited that anyone would be interested in their plain daughter. Still, it was bad enough.

Beatrice sighed as she looked at herself in the mirror. She wasn't ugly but she wasn't attractive either. She had cut her hair once she entered Sakura Academy, getting rid of those dreaded pigtails of hers. Now, it was a bob cut, its length the same as her chin. It was easy to take care of and maintain - just brush her hair after waking up and done.

Her lips were thin, her eyes were rather small as well and her skin may be free from blemishes, but was rather pale in her opinion. She twirled around and noted that she was quite thin. She remembered with a blush about Kyle commenting on Kay needing a bigger bra, then she looked at her own chest with a sigh.

It was obvious that she didn't need a new bra at all. The size didn't seem to have grown at all since hitting puberty. It didn't really bother her before and she wondered why she was even thinking about it now.

Beatrice measured her height and took note that she didn't grow any taller either. Samuel was only 12 and was already at her height. It meant that he would only grow taller once puberty hits. She sighed, thinking about it and scratched her head.

Why was she even thinking about her appearance now?

Heading to the bathroom to bathe and get ready for bed, Beatrice figured that it must be because she's hanging out with such good looking people. Making a comparison like that is only normal. Before this, she was always alone and by herself, but now she began thinking that perhaps ... she should take more stock of herself.

The Elite Five, for example, weren't showy people nor did they deck themselves in branded clothes. It was simple, normal and casual outfits yet they looked good. Kay didn't wear make-up either, but she still stood out.

<Perhaps, I've been looking at this all wrong for all this time?> Beatrice thought to herself. She honestly didn't know.

After the shower and putting on her pajamas, Beatrice flopped onto her bed. She noticed that her phone was blinking, a sign that there was an unread message. She felt puzzled as she never gets messages or calls.

Picking it up and after unlocking the phone, she noticed that it was an unknown number. She read the message:

<Beatrice! Kay here. We'll meet at Mall T at 9am, okay? You promised we'd go shopping together!>

Oh yes. She did.

Beatrice first saved the number then replied, <Ok>

As she put down the phone and switched off the lights, she couldn't help but smile a bit as she thought of the day's event ... and feeling excited over the next day.


Beatrice looked at her wardrobe and realised, for the first time, that she doesn't have that many clothes. She shrugged then just picked out her normal outfit. 3/4 pants and a baggy T-shirt. Going down, she popped her head into the living room and told her parents who were there, "I'm going out and won't be back for lunch."

Her Dad put down the newspaper that he was reading and looked at her with eyes wide. Last night, she went out for dinner with friends. Now, she is actually going out rather than staying in her room like normal?

"Where are you going?" he asked gruffly, hiding the delight in his heart.

"Mall T," Beatrice replied respectfully.


"No, with Kay," she answered quickly before he started asking more awkward questions.

She deliberately left out Kyle's name because she didn't want the third-degree interrogation. She escaped the twenty questions about Sam last night, but if her father was to hear another boy's name today, he might flip.

He nodded, then resumed reading his newspaper while saying, "Take care. Be home before dinner."

"Will do, Papa," Beatrice answered as she went to wear her shoes. She needed to escape before they start asking more questions. She took the bus and dropped off at the Mall T stop with 15 minutes to spare.

However, as she walked towards its main entrance, she realised that the Smith Twins were already there, waiting.

Kyle was in simple blue jeans and a white T-shirt tucked in, which, to Beatrice's eyes, was a bit too tight as it fit his lean, muscular frame too well. He also had on an unbuttoned blue denim shirt that was folded up to his elbow. Blue certainly was a good colour on him as it made his blue eyes stand out more.

Kay was wearing a slightly oversized white shirt over blue jeans and had on black ankle boots. Her wavy hair was let loose and it swayed in the wind as she stood there, talking animatedly with Kyle. There was another girl next to them, and the two tall Smith twins appeared to tower over her.

To strangers eyes, they looked like a couple wearing matching couple clothes and the other girl was their younger sibling or something. Beatrice steps slowed down a bit as she observed them from a distance. Just like she noticed before, their dressing was simple and casual yet they could stand out so clearly.

Beatrice looked down at her own ensemble and grimaced. While they looked like they were heading to a party, she looked like she was heading to the wet market. Life was so unfair. Then again, she knew that already. Taking a deep breath, she plastered a smile and headed over to them.

"Hey! Beatrice!!" Kyle called out loudly in excitement, waving his hands in the air like some idiot.

Kay came bouncing over and took her hands in hers, saying, "Yay! You're here! Come, come. Meet Sarah, my dormmate. Hope you don't mind her joining us!"

"Of course not," Beatrice said, smiling and giving a slight nod, "Nice to meet you, Sarah."

"Likewise, Beatrice," Sarah said shyly.

Kyle took a bow and swung his hands towards the entrance of the Mall, "After you, my Ladies."

"At least you know your place, peasant," Kay said with a smirk, flipping her hair.

"Yes, yes my Lady," Kyle replied, taking several bows as she walked by, taking the other two with her.

Kyle ran up to the front of them, and walked backward as he pouted to their faces and gave puppy-sad eyes, "How could you walk off without me?"

"After all, I'm SO striking!" Kyle continued, immediately striking a pose, putting one hand on his waist while the other under his chin. Then he wiggles his eyebrows at them.

Beatrice idly wondered how Kyle was able to keep up with them while walking backward. She noticed that he would move slightly to the left or right, narrowly missing people. Kay wasn't walking fast either, so perhaps that was the reason why Kyle could adjust accordingly?

Kay pinched his nose and pulled him out of the way.

"OW, KAY!" Kyle protested, grabbing her offending fingers and lacing it into his own, as he then walked side-by-side with her. "My nose is sharp enough, thank you very much. It doesn't need more help."

Suddenly, Kyle pulled Kay's hand and went into a store. Beatrice and Sarah looked at each other and followed them in.

It turned out to be a lingerie shop, and both Sarah and Beatrice's face turned red. All manner of intimate apparel was on display and Kyle just walked inside without a care in the world.

Didn't guys just avoid such areas or something?!

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