New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 883 - Epilogue

Chapter 883 - Epilogue: Beatrice

Chapter 883 - Epilogue: Beatrice

Beatrice was as big as a whale.

She could now truly understand what Sayuri had been feeling.

Just like Sayuri, Beatrice was pregnant with twins. The boys, of course, were over the moon. They were most likely fraternal twins and were both girls.

When the gender reveal was done, the twins had been there.

That had been a really funny day.

Even now, Beatrice would laugh when she thought of it.

? Author only posts on w.e.b.n.o.v.e.l. ?

Beatrice was waiting in the house for the twins to arrive, in order to go to the doctor for her regular check-ups. This would actually be the first time that both of them would be accompanying her, for it had always been either one of them.

However, since today would be the day the doctor would be doing the scan to find out the gender of the babies, the twins could not just do work now, could they? They even waited extra weeks for this big day.

Although one could already determine the gender of the baby in the 18 - 20th week, the twins waited until it was the 28th week. This was because they didn't want there to be any mistakes (rare, but it could happen) and also because they were too busy earlier.

Both wanted to be there for the big day.

Wait while the other called with the news?

Fat chance!

So they quickly did all the work that was needed. With the major things dealt with, they could take leave for three days just for this. One day before to prepare and one day after, to celebrate.

The funny thing was, even though they weren't working, they weren't at home either.

So where are they, you might ask?

First, they had gotten Beatrice's favourite things for breakfast. They all had breakfast together happily. Right after, the twins left to get a few things before the appointment. They weren't worried about leaving Beatrice alone, for she wasn't.

They had hired Nurse Lin, who would be responsible for Beatrice during the last trimester. She just started work and was quite efficient, making the twins feel much more confident with her by Beatrice's side.

At the moment, the twins were at a convenience store, getting snacks.

"Don't get too much of that, Zack," Yuri was telling his brother with a frown.

"But she likes this the most!" Zack pleaded, holding up potato ch.i.p.s.

"Too much junk food is not good for her, or the babies," Yuri insisted, taking two canisters and putting it back on the shelf.

"If she starts her cravings, then you're the one who has to go out and get them," Zack huffed.

"She doesn't get the cravings for these badly," Yuri countered, "It's the food that you cook that she likes."

"You cook just as well," Zack said.

Yuri smiled, "I know. But she likes YOUR cooking and my massages."

Though it may sound like they were complaining, it was far from the truth. Both were more than happy to be able to help their wife, and pampering her was the least they could do.

They were happier by the fact that she would ask them for help for most of the time, she kept quiet. They were the pro-active ones who would think ahead so when she actually voiced out what she wanted … well, suffice to say that they were quite willing to be at her beck and call.

The closer she got to her due date, the more clingy she became as well.

The twins loved this part of her so much that they were even entertaining the thought of keeping her pregnant most of the time.

Of course, it was merely a fleeting thought.

It was just a whimsical idea and not feasible at all for it would take a toll on her body (that, and the fact that they had to be extra careful whenever they were intimate). So they had to figure out ways to make her be more vocal with her needs and wants. josei

They spent the next 15 minutes getting items …

Okay, to be more accurate. Zack spent the time getting the items while Yuri kept putting the excess back on the shelf.

Their original intention was to get some tidbits and drinks for Beatrice while she was waiting in the waiting room, but it ended up basically getting whatever snacks they thought was needed even for home, and also more ingredients for Zack to cook.

"Let's have hot pot tonight," Zack said with a smile, "It'll be a cause for celebration, right?"

"Indeed," Yuri replied, smiling wide.

They couldn't wait to find out if they were going to have sons, or daughters, or both. Although it didn't really matter what gender the babies were, it couldn't be denied that a part of them did have a slight preference.

It isn't to say that they wouldn't accept the babies if the gender was the opposite of what they wished for, or that they would love the babies any less, but it's just human nature. Of course, some do put too much stock in what the gender should be that they do reject if it was otherwise - that couldn't be denied either.

For the Dante Twins?

They truly wished to have girls.

Princesses like their wife.

To pamper. To dress up.

Just thinking about holding mini Beatrice's in their arms made the twins giggle amongst themselves.

Of course, if the babies were boys, it just meant that there would be more who would take the role of taking care of their mother.

The boys would still be pampered but not in the same way as they would for girls. The boys wouldn't like it anyway.

By the time the twins got back, they had a whole lot of groceries to unload. Beatrice just looked at their happy faces and shook her head. She couldn't scold them for being late, not when they were obviously so enthusiastic and happy about their little haul now, could she?

Once the twins kept everything, they headed off.

When it was her turn to go in, the doctor did a double-take to see carbon copies walk in behind Beatrice. He wasn't sure why the other twin felt the need to be there for the gender reveal, but then put it down to it being something twins just had to share.

Though it was getting harder and harder to keep a straight face.

From the start, the two of them were hovering over Beatrice. The doctor already had a hard time figuring out which one was the father of the babies, and their actions made it worse.

Now, it was time for the gender reveal.

BOTH were there, holding her hand while looking at the monitor so excitedly.

Wasn't this a bit too much?

Still, the doctor ignored them as best as he could.

He knew that they were here to know the gender of the babies. In reality, he already knew the gender. How could he not? He's been conducting the scan each time. He just didn't tell them because that was their wish.

The scan that would be done today, in the 28th week, had other more pressing issues.

The first aim of the scan is to determine the position of the placenta. The second aim was to check on the fetuses' growth pattern. The third aim is to check the adequacy of the fluid in the uterus (aka amniotic fluid). Lastly, to check the position of the fetus.

Having twins made this scan even more important.

After he had done all the necessary scans, he now focused on revealing the gender.

"Here," the doctor said, going through Beatrice's swollen stomach carefully, "You're very lucky. The positioning is perfect to see things clearly."

"So? So?" Zack asked excitedly, "What are we having?"

"Girls," the doctor replied, "Congratulations."

Zack shouted with a loud "YES" and did a fist pump while Yuri just smiled broadly.

"Are you saying that if it was a boy, you'd be unhappy?!" Beatrice hissed.

"No no no!" Zack immediately shouted, "I'd be happy no matter what we're going to have."

"But we were kinda looking forward to pampering our girls," Yuri admitted, "It doesn't mean we would have loved our sons any less."

Beatrice smiled and patted both their cheeks, "I know. I'm just glad you're honest about it."

"You're not angry?" Zack asked, amazed.

"Why would I be?" Beatrice asked curiously.

"You're the best," Yuri said, then kissed her on the lips.

"Naturally," Zack replied, kissing Beatrice right after.

The kisses given weren't just pecks on the lips. Even though they were short kisses, it was obvious it was of the tongue tango type.

The doctor, seeing this, was frozen.

Beatrice got up then, and Yuri helped her up while Zack carefully wiped the ultrasound gel off her stomach. She turned to thank the doctor and saw his rather shocked face.

His open mouth was funny.

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