New Life, New Task: I'll Be A Mom Then!!!

Chapter 132 Calling Her Papi

Chapter 132 Calling Her Papi

The second wave confirmed Leon's doubt that everything happened too easy for them.

They were unable to apprehend any key person that could be detrimental to obtain information about the upper echelons of the Spectre. Even the aptitudes of the raided men were surprisingly so low that it didn't even pose a threat to the local knights.

Leon had a nagging feeling that the matter of the operations clearly alerted the Spectre and managed to prepare themselves to save their key men and safeguard important assets to their sinister organization.

Immediately elevating this concern to General Farauld and his Father Emperor, the team was forced to become more vigilant and stringent in sweeping the territories.

Thus, the interval between the second and third wave became significantly longer. The team became more desperate in searching for any key men who were left roaming around the territories, but to no avail.

The third wave ended without mishaps but with an utterly disappointing outcome. It was like winning the prize but losing the battle for Leon and the rest of the clearing operations team.

Leon believed that this matter only meant one thing, there's a traitor in the Empire.

"I believe that our plans have been revealed to the enemy that made them prepare to minimize damage on their side." Holding the communication stone, Leon told General Farauld with an extremely cold tone.

"It would be impossible for the exhibition team to do that, even the nobles who cooperated with us during the raid couldn't because of the oath of secrecy." General Farauld knitted his brows in distress. He was utterly disappointed to know that their victory was actually something that the enemy mockingly gave to them.

"I had my men verify the wardens and the other persons we apprehended in my assigned territories. Most of them had similar backgrounds - they were hired mercenaries taken to do the dirty job."

Leon's voice turned cold as he tightened his fist in anger. "No one in the kill list was even a bonafide member of the Spectre!"

He could hear General Farauld's heavy sigh and disappointment from the communication stone. Although they had taken down the hideouts, they also obtained no leads about the inner core of the sinister organization that they could take as a starting point to truly bring the organization down.

"Teacher, I believe that the one who did this was not involved in the operations themselves. They must be someone with a position high enough to know the existence of the raid yet not directly involved with the details." Leon added with certainty.

"What made you think of this?" General Farauld asked.

"The situation in the hideouts were one and the same, all of them only carried their works in status quo without even a hint of vigilance to their surroundings. This could lead us to conclude that the people left in the hideouts were people of no importance to the Spectre."

"Moreover, there was little to no information found in their hideouts. It was clearly an indication that the Spectre only intended to save their own people and leave no traces behind, not really viewing the abandonment of their posts as a loss."

General Farauld then figured out what Leon was actually saying, "Abandoning their post only meant that they were confident enough to resume their operations within the Empire in a matter of time. This means.."

"Yes, the traitor of the Empire is powerful enough to smuggle them again inside the Empire." Leon confirmed General Farauld's deduction.


The sound of a table being pulverized to smithereens was heard on General Farauld's side. Leon could imagine that apart from the poor table being pulverized into dust, the floor or ground underneath would be unable to hold its form and collapse.

Even if he was already an S class mage, he still couldn't deny that this teacher, General Farauld, was a hundred times scarier than him when angry.

"Alright, this will bring a great change of plans!" General Farauld's booming voice could be heard resonating in the communication stone.

"You lot will get ready to sweep every nook and cranny of this Empire, while I'll teleport to the palace directly to seek permission with the Emperor right now!" He declared with resolve.

"We will wait for your orders, Teacher." Leon didn't try to stop General Farauld. He too would not want all the time he spent separated from Little Han and Eli be futile.

After hearing Leon's reply, General Farauld immediately ended the call. Leon on the other hand let out a heavy sigh while resting his exhausted body on the couch, staring blankly at the ceiling.

His face became a bit tan from the prolonged exposure of the harsh elements within the territories he visited. He also clearly lost a lot of weight and his skin was visibly dry and dehydrated. He also had grown a bit of stubble from being unable to stay in a decent dwelling for so long.

The most time consuming and gruelling part of the operations was travelling from one territory to another. Thus, they spent more days in the wilderness than in towns where the raid happened.

Apart from keeping their food and drink supplies last for the journey, they also had to guard themselves up for any bandits roaming around the area.

Now that the third wave was done, he was utterly exhausted and drained. He mustered his remaining energy to drag his body in the washing room to clean himself up.

After that, he took the blades to eat for a while then ordered them to restock their food supplies and recuperate for the next orders from General Farauld.

After that, Leon's body collapsed on the inn's coarse bed. Suddenly, he started to miss the scent of his bed back in the cottage. Without delaying, he called Eli while his exhausted body lie on the bed.

"Leon! How are you?" Eli enthusiastically responded to Leon's call.

In the background, Leon could also hear Little Han's squealing and some rattling noise from baby toys. Adding to hearing Eli's cheerful voice, the stress and exhaustion from almost a half year journey were instantly washed away.

"We just finished the third wave. We are fine, no one's hurt.." He said with a hoarse voice. But even with his weary tone, Eli could actually feel that Leon was smiling on the other side.

"I think you should take a break first. You sounded so weary…" Eli's voice had a tinge of worry upon hearing his voice. "Do not worry about us, infact, Little Han could already sit and eat solid food!"

"So feel assured about our well being. Look after yourself instead. Little Han and I will wait for you patiently." Eli convinced Leon with a soft yet determined voice.

"Hmmm.." Leon started to grow sleepy upon hearing Eli's words, however he still tried to squeeze a few more words to give Eli a head's up.

"Eli.. the operations might extend for a little more.. Teacher immediately traveled back to the capital to ask Father's permission for us to do an all out sweep in the Empire. This will take more time…I'm sorry."

"I understand. It's fine, do not be sorry. You are doing all of this not only for us but to the people of the Empire. To you and the rest of the army, we only have gratitude in our hearts."

"So do not feel anxious about those for the meantime, but seize the opportunity to rest and recharge."

"Hmm.." Leon could not hold the exhaustion anymore.

Eli could only hear the steady breathing from the other side of the communication stone. "Sleep well, Leon.." She mumbled softly as she terminated the call.

As soon as she ended the call, she called out for Rosea and the rest of the blades. "We need to prepare another batch of food and rations for Godfather Eugine and Leon. I need you to gather the ingredients and materials needed, we'll work faster this time!"

"???" There was a big question mark on their faces upon hearing Eli's sudden orders. However they need not to ask for further questions, instead they immediately move to carry out their tasks.

Eli on the other hand immediately contacted General Farauld. "Godfather, how are you?" She asked in a genuine tone. She had a feeling that General Farauld would be in a bad mood from the hints given by Leon earlier.josei

"Hmm, call me father. I heard you called Tyce 'Pops', why not call me the same also?" General Farauld had a stern yet sulky aged voice.

"Then I shall call you Papi?" Eli replied playfully. She didn't know but she could feel that General Farauld was not really someone who is hard to talk to.

"Hmm, good daughter!" General Farauld was pleased with Eli's call of endearment.

"I guess that kid called you to inform me about my whereabouts, right?"

"Yes, Papi. Is the situation grave?"

"It would be, if we do not sacrifice more time and manpower to rectify our plans." General Farauld had an exhausted reply.

"I see, Papi. Well… I am about to go and pack food rations for you and Leon in the coming extension of your expedition… If you don't mind?" Eli tried to sound General Farauld out.

"You'll cook us food?" A hint of excitement could be detected in General Farauld's tone.

"Yes, you can drop by the cottage tomorrow, but I would be able to finish all these by that time. Is it alright for you to be delayed by that long?"

"No no no! I can wait until tomorrow! Infact, I might be staying for a few more days so take your time. Oh, why not I call your Mami to spend dinner time with you and Little Han later?" General Farauld replied with obvious enthusiasm.

"That's good too!"

"Then! I look forward to your cooking!"

"Alright, take care Papi, I'll start to work with it." Eli then ended the call.

In the palace, inside the Emperor's study room, General Farauld's smug face continued to look at Emperor Valentin's dark expression with a hint of mocking.

"Aiyooo, it's really good to have such a great daughter~~~ The heavens blessed this old bones!" He taunted as flicked his communication stone back to his pocket.

It turned out that his conversation with Eli was all heard by the Emperor!

"Hmmf! Do not be so smug! Soon, my son will snatch your daughter and will become my daughter in law instead!" Emperor Valentin barked furiously as if someone had ruffled his fur.

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