New Life, New Task: I'll Be A Mom Then!!!

Chapter 151 The Way Of A Researcher

Chapter 151 The Way Of A Researcher

The students also gathered around upon noticing the commotion. They craned their necks and engaged in hushed discussions as soon as they saw the research team.

"Woah, that's the research branch?!"

"I never knew there were also good looking people in that branch! Oh my, even the old faculty members looked so dignified!"

"I always thought that they were scary people who always neglect hygiene and appearance for research!"

"Looks like their exile to the temple made them be so prim and proper!"

"Now that you mentioned it, it seemed like the punishment was quite effective to the research branch!"

"Yeah look at how orderly and submissive they are now!"

"I know right?"

The onlookers couldn't help but comment on how different the research branch looked as compared to the time before they were punished.

However, they failed to notice what Eli and the deans saw on the eyes of the members of the research branch.

They felt like the researchers have become more aggressive than before, which made their hearts dispirited.

'The temple exile had most likely affected them negatively, as expected.' they couldn't help but sigh in their hearts, the more they contemplated this situation.

But because they were out in the open, they kept their thoughts in their minds and maintained their diplomatic expressions, as they assisted Bramwell in exchanging pleasantries to the Temple Administrator, Mort.

"Temple Administrator Mort, we would like to extend our sincerest thanks for accommodating our research branch for the temple service. We would like to invite you and your crew to come inside for some refreshment." Bramwell led his team in welcoming the temple representatives.

"No need, Vice Chairman Bramwell, we are only here to send the volunteers back. It is us who want to thank you for allowing them to serve in the temple, for they really have become a big help." Mort respectfully declined Bramwell's offer.

"Alright, I shan't hold you off then, Temple Administrator. The institute will always be here should the temple need assistance."

Bramwell did not insist on letting them stay longer, for he knew that the temple really avoided socializing with any official or establishment. One could only arrange a visit if they needed to talk to someone from the temple.

"Alright then, may the Creator bless you and everyone in this institute. May He grant the desires of your hearts according to His will." After the benediction, Mort and his crew solemnly boarded the wagons and left.

Everyone waited until the temple wagons could no longer be seen. After that, there was a long awkward silence in the entire open grounds.

For Eli and the deans, they were actually worried about the attitude of the research branch.

For the onlookers, they were actually just silently waiting for something interesting to unfold.

But for the research branch they actually had a different thought in mind.

Contrary to what Eli and the others think, what they felt was great remorse and guilt. However, as awkward people who prioritized researching over socializing skills, they really didn't know how to deal with the emotions they were feeling.

"Alright, research branch, it's been a long time since I last saw all of you. As the Vice Chairman of this Institute, I warmly welcome you back to the campus." Bramwell addressed everyone to break the uneasy atmosphere.

"Many thanks, Vice Chairman! Many thanks, Dean Zeke, Dean Simone, Dean Athena. Many thanks, Counselor Eli!" Finally given a breather, the research branch replied in chorus.

After hearing their reply, Zeke stepped forward and also said his piece to address the research branch. "For now, let us return to our headquarters. There will be some announcements regarding the promise I have given before you all went to the temple.

"While you are out, we worked with the Counselor in order to think of better ways to make our branch improve. But that can wait until tomorrow. For now, give yourselves a good rest as you prepare to come back to your respective research!" With that, Zeke beckoned the research team to start moving towards the branch's headquarters.

However, the research teams remained in their position with contorted faces. They were obviously struggling to figure out something they wanted to convey. But they seem to not really know how to do it.

Eli, who didn't stop in observing their behaviour, immediately stood near the troubled researchers and faculty members, "Is there something wrong?" She softly asked. "You all looked troubled.."

She used a tone that always made her subordinates let their guards down. Making them feel it is safe to share what's on their minds without the fear of receiving contempt.

Her technique had displayed its formidableness, when a familiar looking faculty member took a step forward and knelt like a knight in front of Eli.

Eli was surprised with this sudden gesture, and so were the others around.

She saw the face of the kneeling faculty member and remembered that it was the teacher who stood up for her and Zeke back in the cafeteria.

She remembered Zeke mentioning his name as Professor Rufus who had great talent in crafting and inventing magical weapons and items. However, he had an extremely aloof personality and a terrible temper.

"This.. Professor Rufus! What are you doing?" Eli panicked and stepped forward to beckon him to stand up.

"No, Counselor! Let me stay like this until I say my piece!" The eccentric professor declared loudly, but there was no hostility in his tone, only nervousness, awkwardness and a sense of urgency.

Seeing Professor Rufus' action, the rest of the research branch also followed suit, unanimously thinking that what he did was a bright idea.josei

"Dean Zeke.. first of all I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve in the temple." Professor Rufus loudly expressed with a shaky voice.

"Because of that , I would never know that there are many things our Empire lacked. I also saw things the citizens desperately need and things that would definitely help mankind!"

"Without seeing it with my own eyes, I would never realize that instead of cooping up in the four walls of the laboratory, thinking that my research would be so amazing that people would love it, I have to put the people's needs in consideration to the research that I would do!"

"I never thought whether my research would help the citizens. All I thought was that, the success of my research would give me immeasurable happiness."

"That is why, from the bottom of my heart. I thank the Dean for your wise decision!"

Professor Rufus delivered his heartfelt monologue.

"We also think the same way and would like to thank the Dean!" The rest of the members also echoed Professor Rufus' words

Dean Zeke and the rest were left frozen in surprise. Only Eli had an amused smile on her face.

'It turns out that the expression on their faces wasn't actually aggressiveness but determination to express their feelings.' Eli pondered, truly studious people would find it hard to socialize and communicate their true emotions to others.

"Eherm! It's alright. I am more than happy to see you all reflect and feel that way. Use what you have experienced outside to fuel your motivation for doing your research! I believe that you will all succeed as long as you put your heart and the right attitude into it!" Zeke stiffly replied to Rufus' words.

He was feeling a bit shy as it was the first time he interacted with the eccentric group like this.

Feeling unsure if he chose the correct approach, he gave an uncertain look to Bramwell and the two other deans, who in turn just gave him an assuring nod.

"Alright, if there's nothing. Let us proceed to the branch so that you could already rest."

"Dean! There's one more thing.." Professor Rufus hurriedly said.

"Go ahead." Zeke magnanimously allowed them to speak, this was a rare change for him to see the branch so genuinely outspoken, apart from discussing their research.

Receiving his Dean's go signal, Professor Rufus and the rest looked towards Eli respectfully and declared,

"Counselor, during our service in the temple, we went to the remote areas just outside the borders of the capital. The situation there.. is so heartbreaking."

"It was the first time I felt helpless. It was the first time I felt that I didn't know anything at all."

"But while I was brooding over my shortcomings, I saw your invention, the portable water purifier making the lives of the poor villagers better in their current situation."

"As the winter was already approaching they couldn't afford to waste firewood to boil drinking water. As such, they would go for days drinking only one glass and use the rest for cooking. This made eveyone in the village extremely malnourished and dehydrated."

"Without your invention, everyone in the village, may it be the elderly, the women or children, had to walk for the entire a day to fetch water to the next village who had a well."

He looked at Eli with admiration, and it was as if the rest of the research branch were sharing the same minds as him, they also did the same.

"Counselor, no.. Great Inventor, help us be like you, who poured your talents to help the people in need through your creations."

"Help us be like you, who made creations that would reach even the poorest among the poor, the weakest among the weak!

"Help us be like you, who was able to make both the simplest and most complicated set of things bring hope to the hopeless."

"Just like how you helped a certain village who didn't have access to sufficient drinkable water."

"With your invention, they could finally use the little stream nearby and drink without worrying whether the water was safe to drink nor whether they have to spend more firewood for boiling."

"We want to be like you, Great Inventor Eli! Teach us your way of being a researcher!" Professor Rufus and the rest declared in unison.

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