New Life, New Task: I'll Be A Mom Then!!!

Chapter 181 Arabella

Chapter 181 Arabella

Arabella Liv Vesala.

The precious second daughter of Duke Vesala, who was one of the most powerful aristocrats in the Empire. Youngest of the three siblings, Arabella Liv Vesala rather had a mysterious profile.

Unlike her elder sister Mariella Lei Vesala, who was already wedded to a prominent aristocratic family outside the Empire, and the only young master of the Vesala Duchy, Nikolai Kir Vesala, who was one of the strongest members of the Amethyst Warlocks, Arabella had little to no information about her roaming around the Capital.

That was aside from her sickly constitution, wherein she would often stay within the Vesala territory, instead of making a name in the capital just like her elder siblings.

However, unbeknownst to all, she was the most pampered offspring of the Vesalas. Whatever she wanted, may it be magical items, people or a privilege to go out, she would be indulged by his Father Duke Maxim Vesala.

Just like how she spent months going to the outskirts of their territory and eventually settled at the Riverfort, where she stayed to pursue 'love' with a mysterious doctor named Einz.

If not for her father persuading her to go to the winter banquet, which was supposed to be something that was organized by the Imperial Family along with the Class S Grandmasters Reuben Farauld and Andvari Forgeworn, she would still be in Silvertown searching for any trace of Einz, who suddenly disappeared a few months ago.

She had already searched high and low in the nearby territories of Riverfort and almost mobilized the knights under her father's territory just to look for Einz.

It took her a few months before she received a tip from the mercenary taverns that a man matching her descriptions appeared in Silvertown along with another mysterious man.

But after days of investigating, Arabella didn't find any trace of the doctor!

Thinking about this, she couldn't help but divert her disdain towards her escort, the tracking knight Igor!

If not for his inadequate talents in tracking Dr. Einz's scent, they would have long found him!

Just as she was about to sweep the Silverdew Forest, she was suddenly summoned by her father. Gritting her teeth, she had no choice but to make a trip to the Capital.

Standing with a cold expression outside the majestic walkway, Arabella, who was just in her early twenties, finally came into the Vesala Estate in the Capital to attend the winter banquet.

Although the estate was small compared to their main estate located in their territory, the Vesala Estate in the Capital still showcased their status and grandeur in the Empire!

She casted a perfunctory glance towards the lined up servants in the house and took slow dignified steps towards the entrance of the grand estate.

But just as she was about to enter through the main door, she slowly turned back and looked without any affection towards the tall burly man behind her.

"Disappear in my presence. I don't need you while I am here. Wait for my summon." She ordered without any expression.

The burly man didn't show any shock nor anger, he knelt in one knee and saluted while responding, "As you wish mistress!"

Without waiting for her acknowledgement, he turned into a blurry shadow and disappeared without a trace.

Arabella didn't bother anymore and entered the estate. The butler of the house escorted her to the bedroom for rest and left her with the servants attending to her needs.

As she was being bathed and cared for, she casted a side glance towards one of the personal maids and asked, "Has my brother gone back?"

"Milady, it is said that the knights, along with the Princes, are set to come back two days from now." The maid didn't dare to delay and answered with utmost diligence.

"Hmm, alright. Is there anything I need to attend today? If not, can I sleep?" Arabella lazily said, her eyes were full of detachment.

As if none of the things happening in the capital, not even the matter of her family, was interesting to her.

Infact, her whole demeanor actually showed that she was extremely bored.

"Young Miss, the Duke and Madame hope to share dinner with you later on. We can also postpone your meeting with the designer for the fitting of your dress for the banquet…" The maid replied.

"Alright, arrange everything tomorrow. As for the dinner, I'll have to show my face to my parents, shall I?" She nonchalantly replied.

The maid answered in acknowledgement and joined the rest to serve her with all their abilities.

Outside the main building, the tall burly man looked intently at the direction of Arabella's bedroom while perfectly hiding on a nearby tree.

Unlike his expressionless and detached look earlier, he was looking in her direction with a hint of possessiveness and passion.

Even after how cold and disdainful the mistress treated him earlier, there was no trace of grievance in his eyes. Instead, he took a little glass box in his space pouch.

A handkerchief with the Vesala Insignia and initials ALV delicately embroidered lay neatly inside the glass pocket. Looking at the item inside, the gaze in his eyes became much more passionate.

Afraid that it would be contaminated, he wore a sterile glove and carefully scooped the handkerchief in one hand. He brought it near him and allowed the scent of the handkerchief to attack his nose.

For a tracking knight, even the faintest scent could not escape from their distinction. As long as someone had their scent attached on whatever item, they would lock on it right away.

He inhaled deeply, looking so intoxicated while breathlessly saying, "Ah, my mistress. My lovely mistress.."

Seemingly not getting enough with the scent, he continued to smell the handkerchief until he reluctantly put away the item on his glass box.

Only then did he stood up, looked at her bedroom's direction again and vanished inside the Vesala Estate.  His shadow headed downtown, where the mercenary taverns are located.


Meanwhile on a certain cottage, Leon was currently sparring with Eli in the front yard. There were sounds of wooden swords clashing, fists and kicks swooshing in the air.

Wild cheers were coming from every direction as if someone actually held a tournament on the humble cottage.

Neal: "Madame you can do it!"  (Show master what you got!)josei

Chad: "Go go go Madame!" (I just want to see our master get hit once! Just once!)

Ron: "Remember all the things we practiced!" (Make master's eyeballs drop with your special move! Madame, I'm counting on you for my entertainment today!"

Genos: "Go Madame, show your prowess in footwork!" (Madame c'mon! Spook master with your speed!)

Blanc: "..." (When will I eat rice again?)

On the side, Rosea, Baobao and Wisey couldn't help but look with pity towards the five Blades who were cheering as if their lives depended on it.

If not for them building a strong and good relationship all these months, the trio would have long exposed what the Blades were thinking right now.

It was because the Blades held a grudge towards their Master for taking away their duties to teach Madame immediately upon his arrival!

Nowadays, not one of the Blades could get into Madames good books! Humff!!

What's more! Even their routine assignments in the kitchen were completely taken over by their Master!

He completely monopolized our precious Madame!!!!! So unfair!

Aiyooo, what are we, Blades?

Freeloaders? Watchdogs?

We want to serve Madame!!!

We demand our Blade-rights!!

They have been so idle these days that they could just gloomily train all day long. Too bad, if they were even one bit good at handling children, they could have helped Babao, Wisey and Rosea in looking out for the little master.


At the sparring area, there was an intense fight going on between Leon and Eli. The mechanics of the sparring match is pretty simple, Leon is only allowed to defend, while Eli will do his best to land a clean shot on Leon's body or if Leon was forced to use even a drop of his mana to avoid Eli's attack.

Even though the matchup was clearly not balanced, Eli took up the challenge. It was not only because she wanted to be stronger.

She needs to be stronger!

Now that the enemy has been identified. She has to somehow learn to defend herself.

Thus, even with a busy schedule, she worked with the Blades to train regularly, while she unceasingly followed Leon's previous training regiment.

Using the footwork technique painstakingly passed down by Genos to Eli, she gave a feint kick effectively carrying a load of dust in the air to distract Leon. Then she expertly maneuvered to get behind Leon in a blink of an eye and attempted to slash her short wooden sword on his back.

Leon's eyes glimmered with a pleasant surprise, but it was only for a split second. He immediately strided forward and twisted his foot to immediately face Eli using the motion he just made.

Shwosh!!! The distance Leon created was just enough for Eli's sword to fall short.

"Ya!! So close!!" The bunch exclaimed. Even Kayden couldn't help but grunt in frustration.

However there was a hint of excitement on their faces, even Leon had his heart beating fervently.

Eli was showing shocking prowess in physical combat!!!

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