New Life, New Task: I'll Be A Mom Then!!!

Chapter 46 Wrapping Up

Chapter 46 Wrapping Up

"It worked!" Wisey exclaimed triumphantly.

"Wheeew!" Heaving a sigh of relief, Olivier wiped the cold sweat in his forehead as he went down from the collapsed wolf.

"Now we only need to do this again for the last two wolves! Cover me while I put them to sleep!" Olivier coordinated with Baobao and the grizzly bears to aim for the last two attacks.

Nodding in acknowledgement, Baobao and the grizzly bears distracted the wolves by provoking and holding off their attacks. After the wolf was distracted enough, Olivier would stealthily jump on top of it and place the droplet of the green liquid on the tip of their noses.

Wisey and Baobao couldn't help but be amazed by how nimble and experienced Olivier was in the battle.

Although he is a summoner, he does not only rely on the contracted beasts he could utilize. He could very well defend with his own, his physical strength was comparable to that of a D class Devourer. He could also use the artifacts and spell papers efficiently. No wonder, he became a close aide of the Barbaric Blood Prince!

He wasn't just a naive looking, carefree freckled young man who followed the Prince like a tail, he was a legitimate and strong warrior! In fact, only his comrades knew how many lives have ended through his hands for underestimating his strength based on his temperament and appearance.

Soon all hell wolves were down. Finally, the trio and the grizzly bears had the time to breathe.

"What to do next?" Asked Wisey. The wolves were just sleeping. She was not sure if they should take this chance to eliminate the wolves.

Between the heavy breaths due to weariness, Olivier turned to answer, "No, not this time, we need His Highness to look at them before doing anything for now. I'll put these restraining artifacts to ensure that they wouldn't be a threat should they wake up."

Olivier took out his artifacts and passed it to the grizzly bears, soon the three sleeping wolves were restrained.

"Now shall we wrap this up?" Olivier said, as a magic array appeared beneath the grizzly bears and disappeared at site.

After inspecting the corpses, confiscating items and clues about the Spectre, the trio stepped out of the messy entrapment spell and heaved a sigh of relief.

Olivier touched the barrier and uttered some incantations. The entrapment spell reacted and shrinked into a tiny little bird cage, all of the corpses and creatures inside transformed into their miniature version.

Although still a little bit weary, Olivier summoned the harpy and gestured the two to immediately set off and go to Randel's location.

Through Baobao's monstrous sense of perception and smell, it did not take long for the trio to arrive at Randel's location. Upon landing they saw Randel outside the entrapment spell, unconscious. A mysterious golden light covered his wounds.

"Sir Randel!" The trio rushed in distress.

Olivier took a closer look and saw that Randel's body was covered with deep wounds that would cause severe blood loss. If not for the mysterious golden light stopping the blood loss, Randel would have long died from losing too much blood.

"This golden light was similar to the golden light who led me to the artifact that controlled the wolves!" Wisey informed Olivier and Baobao.

The trio proceeded in performing first aid measures for Randel's wounds, after that the golden light had disappeared.

"It's time to go back and report to the master…" Olivier said towards his companions.

After carefully mounting the unconscious Randel and transforming the entrapment spell into another small bird cage, they set off to go home at Eli's cottage.

The moment they arrived at Eli's cottage, they saw the Prince, unscathed. He was sitting on a log chair waiting outside with his signature cold face. In his feet were two bird cages with the miniature corpses, all dead.

Wisey and Baobao were curious as to how the Prince managed to eliminate the two groups without even having a single scratch.

Look at them, they were exhausted and disheveled! Even Randel was left unconscious!

"Your Highness! We are done capturing the threats. However, Sir Randel was severely wounded.." Olivier greeted and reported the result of their assignment, he wasn't bothered by how relaxed the Prince was, it was all a normal sight for him.

"Hmm.. I could detect how many lives are in the entrapment spell you have set up, but it seemed like there were three left alive?" The Prince inquired in a frigid manner.

"Your Highness, it's like this, the remaining ones are the subdued hell wolves used by the Spectre as a mount. Upon triggering through some liquid, they went berserk and their strength multiplied. Our group was only lucky to have found out the way to subdue them. Unfortunately Sir Randel had to use everything to defeat them." Olivier calmly explained.

"We have determined that there was something strange about these wolves, that is why I opted to spare them in case Your Highness wants to look further into the matter." He continued.

"Alright, that is good to know. I didn't even notice that there was something wrong with the wolves…" The Prince answered with a hint of surprise in his face.

Olivier on the other hand, almost face palmed. Surely the Prince had eliminated the enemy even before they knew that they were under attack!

"I'd like to look into it after we dispose of these." After contemplating for a while the Prince nodded and disdainfully pointed at the bird cages.

"Head towards the point between the fourth and third village from Silvertown, release these cages in an inconspicuous area." The Prince ordered Olivier.

After extracting the subdued hell wolves, he casted an incineration spell on the bird cages which turned all corpses into ash.

It was imperative that they do not leave traces of the dead Spectre near Silvertown, as it would only provoke the Spectre to send more people, much more to leave them outside the bounds of the Silver Dew Forest. It was like saying to the Spectre that the person they were looking for could be found inside the Silver Dew Forest.

Thus, the Prince had made an entrapment spell that could isolate the surroundings and was portable enough not to leave any trace on the original battlefield. This way, they could redirect the traces and evidence on other sites that would make the investigators wonder what actually happened.

Baobao and Wisey decided to go with Olivier, just in case something happened. They quickly set off to dispose of the enemy's remains away from Silvertown and Silver Dew Forest.

After seeing the trio off, Leon casted a floating spell on Randel's unconscious body and went inside Eli's cottage. He carefully set Randel on a couch in the living room while he immediately wrote a letter, sealed it with his blood, and placed it in the teleportation array to communicate with the Silver Dew Elves.

After a few minutes the teleportation array reacted, a hooded figure and Eli appeared on it.

"Leon! How are you? Is everyone alright?" Eli immediately rushed towards Leon worriedly and inquired about everyone's condition.

"E-everything's fine, we have all subdued the enemies, however, Randel was severely wounded.." Leon was flustered by Eli's sudden approach, as well as how natural Eli had called his given name.

Looking at the unconscious Randel, he tried to compose himself and continued, "His wounds were severely deep, I'd like to ask for the mercy of the Silver Dew Elves to help our comrade." He pleaded as he bowed towards the cloaked figure.

"Azayn…" Eli also pleaded to the cloaked figure. Her face was full of dread and guilt. It was because of her that Randel was hurt.

"Do not worry, Randel is also my friend... Do not worry yourself." Azayn, who took off her hood, answered gently and patted Eli's shoulders trying to calm her down.

She then looked towards the Prince and remarked, "I now get why Uncles Ben and Andi had been talking a lot about you, it turned out that you are 'related' to my dear Eli. Anyways, you have proven your abilities quite well today... I look forward to seeing how able you are in protecting our dearest Eli."


"Thank you for your care and protection of Lady Elise, please also extend my gratitude to the Elven Chief, Eirllon." Leon politely replied and gave a gentleman's bow of gratitude to Azayn and the entire Elven village.

"Hmm, do not worry too much, our elven village would continue to look after Eli especially as she approaches her upcoming delivery.." Azayn replied promptly while she calmly walked towards the unconscious Randel.

"Then I would see myself out first, to investigate other matters. Again, I couldn't thank you enough.." Knowing that his presence may affect Randel's treatment, Leon excused himself to investigate the hell wolves.

The two women then proceeded in tending Randel's injury.

Walking outside, Leon created an isolation barrier and took out the sleeping wolves out of their restraining bird cages.

Inspecting closely, he initially did not find anything wrong in the wolves' outer appearance. Everything looked normal except for the fact that they looked more savage than a normal wolf.

He touched one wolf's body, closing his eyes, he used his own mana to inspect the wolf's inner composition. He focused his mind to perceive the wolf's body and noticed something unexplainable.

In his vision, he could see the mana pathways all around the wolf's body. Networks of shining grey veins could be seen, indicating that the wolf's mana pathway was active. However, along the main pathways were blue colored dots embedded in along the grey paths.

Leon took a look at the other two wolves to verify his observation. He repeated this step a few more times. The more he double checked, the more furious he became.

"These wolves' bodies contain human mana receptors!"

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