New Life, New Task: I'll Be A Mom Then!!!

Chapter 7 Hug Them Golden Thighs! 3

Chapter 7 Hug Them Golden Thighs! 3

Shocked by the sudden turn of events, Eli was speechless. She stayed silent for a moment and then came to her senses.

"Eli is grateful for your thoughtful blessings!" She gratefully and humbly thanked the deities.

Indeed, they were the ones tapped by the Great One to help her. Surely, they have hers and Little Han's well being in mind. She decided to trust them.

"You're most welcome dear Eli! By the way, about your new constitution, it was actually a rare constitution!" Sylvain excitedly shared.

His emerald green eyes shone brightly as he excitedly continued, "Your new constitution is called the Open Paths Constitution! From the name itself, your body can have a choice on how you will use mana anytime. Whether you want the caster's abilities, the summoner's, or the devourer's, your body can adapt to how you want your magic to be used!! Isn't that great?"

"Also, this type of constitution was so rare and almost extinct. The last known Prasinon with this constitution belongs to the Seirende Imperial Family, however he passed away 10 years ago! All other races in Prasinos no longer recorded the Open Path type in the last 500 years. So, many believe that among all Prasinons, it is only the Seirende family who has the highest chance to have a member with that constitution again." Sylvain continued.

"But we will be bestowing it to you. We believe that giving you the freedom on how to use magical power will help you a lot in this journey." Zale interjected with a serious look on his face.

'Indeed, as I am still in the process of how this world works, the Open Path constitution gives me a great advantage. Though, it might also be a time ticking bomb because of its rarity… I must use this in a lowkey manner,' Eli contemplated.

"Alright it's time! Let us all get ready!" Celeste announced.

The four guardians nodded at each other. They formed a circle with Eli at the center, a colorful aura surrounding their bodies. Suddenly, a tiny speck of light appeared on top of their chests, it was of the same color as the aura surrounding each guardian.

Sylvain the guardian of the earth, colored green. Celeste the guardian of the skies, in yellow. Amihan, guardian of the wind, in white. Zale, guardian of the waters, in blue.

The tiny speck of light slowly flew towards Eli. As it slowly does, another two specks of light appeared, one in red and another in silver.

Eli heard the their voices in chorus saying-

"We, the Guardians of Prasinos, permit you, Eli, the blessed one, to see all paths Prasinos has to offer!!!"

Then the specks of light shone brightly and slowly entered Eli's chest.

The scene was so bright that it looked like it was daytime in the middle of the night. The brightness was too much for Eli's eyes, she closed her eyes, wondering what would happen as the light continued to engulf her vision.

As the light entered, she felt her body being gently carried up in the air, then very suddenly she felt heavily sleepy.

In an instant she completely fell asleep.

After the absorption of the blessings, the winds very gently laid down Eli's body in the bed of soft leaves.

"Now, let us wait for the assimilation to finish, and the memories to be imprinted into her mind." Celeste said with a gentle voice.

"I... will watch her.." The shy Amihan said, full of concern. Immediately she transformed into a red velvet cockatoo and flew beside the sleeping Eli.

"All right Amihan, go ahead. Then the rest of us will prepare for her entry!" Sylvain looked so proud of Amihan as he was finally seeing her growing as a guardian.


When Eli woke up, she felt that her face was wet with tears.

After she was bestowed with the blessing, she suddenly fell asleep and she found herself in a dream. Later, she realized that it was not a dream but a glance of Elise's life in Prasinos. From her childhood, to her death, it was as if she was watching her life in a cinema.

Elise's tragedy sank into her heart. As if she was the one experiencing all of it herself. She was glad that she agreed to her request to solve her deepest wish. Eli again had a newfound strength in taking on this journey.

'For Elise, that brave lady, I can do this.' She thought with resolve.

Maybe if the circumstances are different, it would be nice to have her as a friend. Perhaps, they can get close, as close as sisters, and share a lot of things like what friends do. But all she could do right now was to be a mom in Elise's place.

She will do her best to raise Little Han into a good and happy person!

'Mum, is this how you felt when you decided to take me in?' Full of longing, she looked up at the sky and thought.

"Chiu chiu!!"

She came out of her blues when she heard a bird crying. It was only then that she felt something gently brush the back of her hand.

She looked down and saw a red velvet cockatoo alarmingly brushing its tiny head against her hand. It seemed like the little bird was concerned because of her sudden crying.

Immediately, the cockatoo transformed into an adolescent girl kneeling on her bedside. It was Amihan.

"Please don't cry.." Amihan pleadingly said.

Her eyes teary as she was filled with worry. She still continued to gently brush her soft cheeks at the back of Eli's hand.

Eli's heart melted.

The way Amihan looked was so adorable that it awoke Eli's urge to pamper the childlike guardian. She patted her head, smiled and said, "Thank you, I just had a sad dream. I am alright."

"Really really??" Amihan's round eyes shone as she inquisitively replied.

"Really really." Eli replied with certainty.

Amihan smiled. She stood up and carried a tray of food to Eli's lap.

"Eat.. to nourish the body.. and the baby!!" Amihan shyly said, "It's for you… I prepared it.."

"Thank you!" Eli said as she took the tray of food.

In it was a bowl of pumpkin soup, a nice piece of bread, some fresh leafy greens and a bowl of sliced fruits. Talk about a healthy meal!

Delighted, she invited Amihan to join her. "Come join me, let's eat together!" She took a slice of apple with a fork and brought it near Amihan's mouth to feed her.

Shocked and not knowing what to do, Amihan just mechanically accepted the food and ate it.

Eli smiled and continued the meal, occasionally feeding Amihan on the bedside.

At some point, Amihan got used to the unusual routine and started to look like she was looking forward to the next spoonful of food Eli would give her. While waiting, her short legs swayed happily as she comfortably sat on Eli's side.

This was the scene the three remaining guardians witnessed when they went back after finishing the arrangements needed for Eli.

Their brows twitched as they saw a guardian being happily fed by a human being. To some, it definitely was heartwarming scene. But to them it was unimaginable.

Feeling that Zale and Sylvain will reprimand Amihan for her actions, Celeste said with a chuckle.

"Seems like Amihan had taken a liking of you, little Eli.."

Eli saw the guardians came back and greeted them politely "Greetings guardians, I have woken up. Thank you all for your graces."

"You are welcome! We are back to tell you that everything is ready." Sylvain said with a smile.

A pouty Zale grudgingly said, "Why not tell her also that the Boss kept nagging us to hastily arrange everything so that she can finally use the gift that He sent??"josei

On Sylvain's peripheral vision he could see Celeste was about to point her finger again in the sky to summon lightning down to Zale's messy hair, so he immediately patted Celeste's shoulders and said,

"C'mon c'mon, Celeste be lenient with Zale, he had already taken a lot of hair damage from the Overseer's punishment."

"Hmpf!" Celeste had chosen to heed Sylvain's request, then she walked towards Eli.

"Be ready, for now you will be going out of here to go to Prasinos. The Overseer has repeatedly requested us to remind you to summon the book after you have settled down there."

She said with a sigh as she remembered how her superior nagged the three of them to remind Eli of the book.

Apparently, the Overseer was afraid that Eli would no longer value the book once she received the guardians' very advantageous blessing.

Eli's brows twitched as she could actually visualize how the Great One acted while nagging the three guardians.

Poor guardians.. Sigh..

"I will remember your reminders. I could not thank you enough!" Realizing that these guardians had done so much for her, she repeatedly said her thanks.

As she was saying this, she saw that she was already sitting on a magic circle, glowing in green and she was already surrounded by the light.

"Go on Little Eli, live your life!" Sylvain waved his hands and said with a smile.

"Will I have a chance to see you again?" She asked the guardians.

She felt a little sad that she will part with them as they are the first beings she met in Prasinos.

"We would, if you invite us on Little Han's day of birth!" He said.

"Then, would you all be Little Han's Godparents?" Eli shyly requested.

The guardians were surprised, the offer was very new to them. Being a guardian, they do not have any offspring. Thousands of years had passed, but they never had any experience in having a baby to raise nor having a godchild.

'What would it feel like to have a godchild?' is what was in their thoughts.

Then they imagined themselves carrying a cute little baby, the baby growing suddenly walking towards them calling them 'godma/godpa!' with a cute childish voice. Welcoming them during their visit with a bright and precious smile.

'YES WE WANT IT!!!' is what was in their minds.

"SURE!!!" Excited, they answered in perfect unison. They themselves became a little embarrassed by their actions.

Cheerfully smiling, Eli said as her figure started to fade, "Then, I look forward to your beautiful gifts during Little Han's day of birth!"

Then the magic circle vanished, along with Eli's figure.

A long silence ensued.

"... I will go to chief dragon grandpa.. And ask him.. how he cares for his young grandson," Amihan again broke the silence as she said with determination. As soon as she finished she immediately vanished in the mystical forest.

The three other guardians: "....."

Zale said in a hurry, "Need to go, I should ask the ocean king how he raised his descendants.."

"Eherm eherm , well, I'll go to the Elven Village to arrange for young Eli's Doctor," Sylvain said, seemingly not following the suit. But in the back of his mind he said "And to also inquire to the Elven chief how to be loved by kids.."

Celeste couldn't take it anymore and said "Go on you guys, don't you dare look for me!! I'll go back to the paradise realm and demand the Overseer to give me a child rearing crash course!!"


While the guardians were worked up bickering, Eli on the other side of the portal had a smug look on her face.

She said with a triumphant look, "Thigh hugging success! Conning complete!"

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