Night of Destiny Novel by Vanessa K

Chatper 1211

Chatper 1211

Ruka was in her room as well. She had gone from crying her heart out to staying still. All she could think of was the time she spent with Ren. And then... she started crying again.

She had never felt so helpless in her life before. She was in a state of distress. She had no idea how happy she would be if she dated him, but losing him would kill her inside.

It felt like everything was starting to spin, and the world became silent. She had fainted without anyone knowing. Someone rang the doorbell.

Robert had just woken up. He sat up, wondering who it was. The man opened the door and saw Scarlet and Walter outside. “Scarlet? Walter? What brings you here?”

Robert was surprised. He thought they would have dinner at the Husson residence. Okay, it’s a bit too quiet here. Scarlet asked, “Are Claire and Ruka home?”

Robert looked at the shoe rack. “Yeah. They’re in their own rooms.

“Good. We have something to talk about.” Scarlet smiled. She heard sounds of footsteps coming from the bedroom. Claire came down tying her hair. She was surprised that Scarlet and her husband were here.

“What happened to you, Claire?” Scarlet noticed that her friend’s eyes were puffy. She looked pale and exhausted.. Claire heaved a sigh and took a seat on the couch. “Scarlet, there’s something | need to tell you, but you might get angry too.” “What is it?”

“It's about Ruka. She... She’s a bad girl now.” The guilt Claire felt crushed her, and she buried her face in her hands and started crying.

Robert looked at his wife in shock. “Claire, just say what you have to say. Don’t cry. What do you mean, she’s a bad girl?”

Scarlet sat down beside her friend and patted her back. “Just say whatever is on your mind, Claire. Ruka’s a good girl. What do you mean she’s turned bad?”

Claire was too ashamed to look at Scarlet. She hung her head low. “Scarlet, Ruka is a good child at heart.”

“| know. | always thought she’s a kind, upright girl. Just tell us what happened. Don’t scare us!” she quickly said.

“Yeah, just tell us what happened!” Robert was shocked as well.

Claire didn’t plan on hiding anything. She sighed. “Back at your house today, |... | saw Ruka kiss Ren.”

Robert was petrified. My daughter kissed the VP?

Scarlet and Walter exchanged a look. There were smiles in their eyes, but Claire didn’t notice it. She quickly said, ‘I'll tell her to stay away from Ren, Scarlet. Don’t you worry.”

Scarlet smiled. “This is why we're here, Claire. Have you ever thought that they might actually like each other?”

Claire gaped at Scarlet in disbelief. “What do you mean, Scarlet?”

“Ren told us he likes Ruka back at the hospital. He really likes her. He hopes you'll bless their relationship,” Walter said. The Singed couple exchanged a look. The news was a bombshell for them. Ren likes Ruka? They like each other?

“Is that a joke, Scarlet? | mean, Ren is the VP, and Ruka is just... Ruka.” Claire was still in disbelief. Robert quickly asked, “When did this happen? Why didn’t Ruka tell us?”

“Probably when she was staying with Ren. They fell in love and probably just started dating,” Scarlet quickly answered.

Claire realized what was going on. She regretted everything she said and did to Ruka. So they love each other. It’s not a one sided love like | thought.

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