Night of the Broken Gliph

Chapter 149

Chapter 149

“That’s your problem.” Chui Yim sighed, shaking his head as if he was impatient with Mo-Yung Kit. “This is more than a test, our mission is to save our patient’s life! So what if the ingredient wasn’t provided? I have the frozen sky fruit if you need it! I could’ve given it to you.” 

It was fun to see a kid speak in such a manner, but nobody dared to laugh seeing how upset Mo-Yung Kit looked. 

“I’ll consider this round a tie,” Mo-Yung Yin spoke up with a grimace. “Both parties came up with a treatment regimen that saved the patient’s life, which was the aim of this test. However, Chui Yim used the frozen sky fruit, an ingredient that wasn’t provided. This could be considered cheating as well.” 

“However, Chui Yim’s regimen has the most appropriate method to handle the amputated arm. With the Frosty gliph keeping the arm fresh, it could be rejoined back at a later time. Moreover, there isn’t a rule that says participants aren’t allowed to use ingredients that weren’t provided. This isn’t considered cheating,” said Ping San Yat calmly.

“Who are you to call Chui Yim by his name directly?” Ping Chi turned back to glare at Ping San Yat. “He’s your senior brother! How rude!” 

“Master…” Awkwardness washed over Ping San Yat’s face. “Please give me some face here…” he whispered. 

“Chui Yim’s the winner of this round,” Ping Chi ignored him and announced the winner with a sneer. 

“Since when can someone who isn’t a clan leader decide the results?” Mo-Yung Yin shot up from his chair and asked spitefully. 

Hearing him, Ping Chi blew his top and jumped out of his chair. “Mo-Yung Yin! How shameless can you be? This round is a tie? Where’s your honour as a doctor?” 

“This is a competition between the five clans, and the five clan leaders should decide. This is a tie, and I feel that they should compete once more.” Mo-Yung Yin gritted his teeth. 

Cheung San watched them with a complicated look. With a sigh, he voiced his opinion. “I agree with clan leader Mo-Yung.” 

“Hahaha! Shameless old men! Shameless old men! Chui Yim’s the winner to me!” Suen Ho laughed loudly and sarcastically. josei

“It’s obviously Chui Yim’s victory. Only shameless people will deem this a tie. The Ping Clan feels that Chui Yim is the winner of this round,” Ping San Yat spoke calmly. 

All four clan leaders turned towards Wong Ding Tin, who had always remained neutral, siding with neither the Ping nor the Mo-Yung clan. Feeling the stares on him, he laughed and caressed his beard. “Like what Clan Leader Ping said, it’s a clear win.” 

Mo-Yung Yin’s heart fell immediately, while Ping San Yat stared at Wong Ding Tin meaningfully. None of them were innocent or naive. Wong Ding Tin might be laughing, but he was staring at Wong Lai with the corner of his eyes. Ping San Yat understood his intention and nodded in response. 

In that simple exchange, both men exchanged conditions, and from today onwards, the Wong Clan would stand by the Ping Clan! 

On the other hand, Mo-Yung Kit looked pale as a sheet of paper. “This is impossible… I’ve practised medicine for almost a decade… How could I lose to such a stupid boy…” 

His words made Chui Yim laugh. “Because instead of thinking about how to use medicine to eliminate the fire poison, you chose to use energliph. Your violent method of removing the poison means the patient won’t feel any pain, but it will aggravate his wound, ruining the chances of rejoining his arm.

“What’s worse is that you didn’t even think about how to handle the amputated arm, only focusing on saving the patient’s life. If you don’t think like a doctor, you won’t have any medical ethics, didn’t I tell you that back at the inn? 

“Medicine is about using your medical skills in cultivation; gliphism only acts as a support.

“But instead, you think with your cultivation, which is wrong!” 

“Shut up!” Mo-Yung Yin bellowed. “I’m Mo-Yung Kit’s master, a boy like you has no right to criticise my teachings!” 

Before Chui Yim could reply, Ping Chi’s sneer was heard. “Am I qualified enough?” 

Mo-Yung Yin was stunned by Ping Chi.

“Yes, being a Divine Doctor is so great. But I’m sure you know how great a Divine Doctor you are. You have the cultivation and ability of a Divine Doctor, but not the mentality. You’ll never be an actual Divine Doctor, a doctor that cares for the world, seeing how you disregarded your morals and lied about this competition’s round.” 

Mo-Yung Yin was infuriated to hear Ping Chi, but there was nothing he could say. He knew that unlike him, Ping Chi only lacked the cultivation. His knowledge, skills and medical ethics were all at the level of a Divine Doctor. However, Mo-Yung Yin wouldn’t mention it if Ping Chi didn’t. 

He stared at Chui Yim, Ping Chi, and Wong Ding Tin menacingly and snickered. “Fine. I concede defeat this time.” He then turned into a white shadow, vanishing on the spot. 

The Mo-Yung Clan had paid a hefty price to bring the competition forward. They won the battle and alchemical sections, but they sadly lost in medicine. Some were shocked, while others had expected the Ping Clan to win from the start.

The Mo-Yung Clan’s territory on the Southern Mountain had increased no matter what. They were now neck-to-neck with the Ping Clan, and it was hard to say if the Mo-Yung Clan would eventually overtake the Ping Clan and become the leader of Southern Ping. However, this wasn’t Chui Yim’s or the current generation’s problem. 

Since he had won the round, Chui Yim had done a meritorious deed for the Ping Clan. The Ping Clan members no longer treated Chui Yim coldly and instead gazed at him in gratitude. Having grown up in an elite clan, those like Mo-Yung Kit and Ping Man Bun never cared about commoners like Chui Yim no matter how capable he was as their clan was so powerful. 

But now, everything was different. Chui Yim was their clan’s great master Ping Chi’s disciple, and this title was enough to make people respect Chui Yim even outside of Southern Ping. That was the extent of Ping Chi’s influence. 

Chui Yim was easygoing. He wouldn’t care about those who treated him coldly, but wouldn’t reject their good intentions either. The Ping Clan celebrated their victory. Chui Yim accepted all their toasts. Still young, he could drink as much as he wanted without getting drunk, which some elders envied. 

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