Night of the Broken Gliph

Chapter 184

Chapter 184

The road to South Imperial City. 

Trot trot. A hardyhorse coach driven by an honest-looking old man moved along the road slowly.

“I say, don’t go to South Imperial City where it’s dazzling with gold and money. I’ve three children, and none returned after going there, leaving my wife and me to fend for ourselves… So unfilial…” the old man mumbled to a man who was chewing on grass while sitting on a pile of hay. “I see that you’re pretty strong. Come stay with me at the farm and lead a stable life. My three children have left, I’ll even give the farm to you in the future…” 

“It’s fine, gramps. This is my destination anyways.” The middle-aged man smiled as he jumped off the coach while the coach slowly drove into the city. 

“Thank you for taking care of me recently, gramps,” he said as he turned to bow to the elderly man. “See you again!” 

With that, he skipped into the South Imperial City with a whistle. 

“Siu Chun!” The elderly man shouted! “Remember to come back if you can’t survive in South Imperial City!”  


If anyone from the North saw this, they’d be stunned to hear Yeung Chun, vice sect leader of the Four Seasons Mountain, being addressed as Siu Chun… However, such problems didn’t exist in the South as not many people recognised Yeung Chun. It had been ages since he left his sect, after all. 

“Mhmm… Let me find a residence first so my cute nephew will have somewhere to stay when he arrives!” Yeung Chun made up his mind as he chewed on the bitter hay. Very soon, the bitterness seeped into his heart. “But… I forgot to bring money… 

“What should I do?! Ahhhhhh!”  josei

Chor Shing Chit arrived at Chui Yim’s residence at the Wandering Son’s Lake. 

He had been very busy recently.  

Chor Huet Zhin’s death drastically changed the status of the Chor Clan in South Imperial City. They had to deal with both consolations and ill intentions from other clans while preparing for Chor Huet Zhin’s burial simultaneously. As the clan leader’s son, Chor Shing Chit was extremely occupied. 

The handover of the Spiral Dragon Soldiers’ duty made them even busier. Chor Shing Chit’s father had recently left for the Southern Bulwark with part of Chor Hung Chi’s faction after his grandfather’s burial. Only after a few days did he remember Chui Yim, only to find that the child had already left the clan. 

When Chor Shing Chit arrived at the house, he saw an antithetical couplet on the wall. 

All money spent shall return one day, 

With an empty pocket away you stay. 

The horizontal scroll had the words “Poor men’s entry rejected”. 

“What the hell?” Left speechless, Chor Shing Chit walked into the house, ignoring the couplet. “Chui Yim?”  

“Who is it!”

Chor Shing Chit received a reply from afar and followed the voice to find Chui Yim hammering at something with a hammer.

“Oh, Chor boy, it’s you? Take this. You’re here just in time.” Chu Yim jumped up and stuffed a shortsword-like weapon into Chor Shing Chit’s hands. “Hold it tightly.” 

Chui Yim then raised his right hand and stuck out his finger, which lit up. That was a wave of energliph; he activated it through the grade one gliphility, Flowing Flame Finger. This allowed him to carve gliphs before breaking through his innate chamber. 


His fingers moved rapidly speed along the blade without hesitation. As he did, a glow shone across the short sword while Chor Shing Chit had his eyes out on stalk. 

On their way to South Imperial City, Chui Yim had always mentioned that he knew how to forge, but Chor Shing Chit never believed him. Forging was difficult, and unlike medicine and alchemy which were related, it was an entirely different subject. 

Chui Yim being skilled in alchemy, medicine and gliphism was already shocking enough, yet he actually knew how to forge—the glow indicated the creation of gliph weapon!

The glow and finger-sized cloud-shaped gliph patterns slowly faded on the short sword. 

“Not bad.” Chui Yim nodded as he snatched the weapon from the stunned Chor Shing Chit’s hands. “What should I name it… Ah! I know!” 

Chui Yim exclaimed and growled at the weapon, “You’ll be called the New Rich One!”

Life was difficult for the poor, so Chui Yim had already decided to become rich! However, Chui Yim never thought that this weapon, the New Rich One, would become one that took over the world. In the future, gliph weapons of the New Rich series would become rare items that one couldn’t buy even with money.  

A tall building stood in the middle of the Evergreen Palace. 

Emperors dreaded figures with great contributions that overshadowed themselves the most. This didn’t just refer to military strength, but architecture too. This was why buildings taller than Pure Sun Hall had a special position, and this building was known as the Heaven Tower. 

Nobody could be seen entering or exiting the Heaven Tower. After the intentional disregard from the previous emperors, those in the Evergreen Palace who came across the Heaven Tower would subconsciously ignore its existence.  

However, this didn’t mean that its reason for existence was gone. It was in the centre of the Evergreen Palace as it was the core of the Evergreen Palace’s formation, and a thousand-gliphic cultivator lived in the Heaven Tower. 

It was Old Ngai who was forgotten by the world. However, his cultivation allowed him to view the world apathetically and not care. Well, anyone who had lived for over a century would likely act similarly. 

To him, researching gliphism to find the slither of hope to break through to the ten thousand-gliphic state was the most important thing. However, things were different today. There was a change in his quiet life that had lasted hundreds of years. 

Somebody knocked on the door softly, but it was thunderous to Old Ngai. His mind was connected with the entire Evergreen Palace’s formation, allowing him to know who the visitor was immediately. 


The Heaven Tower’s door creaked open, sending dust flying everywhere.  

The door was never used as Old Ngai didn’t use the door to enter or leave the tower. He could instantly appear anywhere in the world, and normally, nobody would visit the tower either. 

A girl wearing a simple dress walked in. “Old gramps, where are you?”

The cheerful voice was similar to a bird’s chirp. It rang loudly through the tower, filling it with vitality.  

“Little girl, what brings you here?” Old Ngai asked in a slightly exasperated and tired voice. 

The girl was none other than Lam Ming Sum who wore a huge smile while her eyes creased. “I heard from Uncle Kan Hang that it was gramps who tattooed a gliph for me, so I’m here to repay grandpa.” 


The Heaven Tower towered over the Evergreen Palace but didn’t have any stairs. Only a few old-fashioned pieces of furniture were placed on the tower’s ground floor.  

Instantly, Old Ngai appeared on one of the chairs. “What does girlie have up her sleeve now?”  

“Hehehe…” Lam Ming Sum laughed, which made her resemble a fox. “Ta-da!” 

She presented a plate to Old Ngai. 

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