Night of the Broken Gliph

Chapter 84

Chapter 84

Chui Yim was invited to Tse Yu Bak’s room the next day. He went without Chor Shing Chit and Bak Wun as the Tse Mansion was the safest place in Night Lion City. 

He checked out the place as he followed behind Tse Clan’s servant. The Tse Clan members that passed by him on the way couldn't help but to have their eyes on the kid that demonstrated extraordinary skills yesterday, as well as his extremely eye-catching bald head. 

Within no time, Chui Yim arrived at Tse Yu Bak’s room. Chui Yim was at a loss of words. They call this a room? 

Despite being a room, it was larger than his house back in the small village in the South, and it was as big as a small courtyard. There was a garden, a study room, a guest room, and even a living room. It was a small version of the Tse Mansion instead! 

Seeing Chui Yim, Tse Yu Bak came to him with smiles. “Brother Chui, you’re here.” 

“Now I feel like I’m friends with a nouveau riche.” Chui Yim gasped. But Tse Yu Bak only laughed in response as he led him in and waved as a signal for all servants to retreat. Only Chui Yim, Tse Yu Bak and Tse Chun were now left in the room. Chui Yim wasn’t surprised with Tse Chun’s presence as, afterall, he would be treating the heir of the Tse Clan, and it was only reasonable for the clan leader to be here. 

“Alright, Brother Chui, can we start? Sorry for the rush, but I’ve suffered too long to not want to waste anymore time.” Tse Yu Bak stared at Chui Yim, eyes shining bright. 

“Whatever that old bastard Chi Ping said yesterday was not true.” Chui Yim nodded. “It’s not difficult to treat the snow centipede’s dissolved tendon poison, and no unique herbs are needed. All I need is a set of silver needles that’s thoroughly sanitised and a silver basin to hold them.” 

A set of silver needles contains thirty-six silver needles in total. 

Shortly, a set of silver needles wrapped in cloth was sent to Chui Yim along with a silver basin. Tse Yu Bak laid on the bed with his top off. 

“Brother, is everything alright?” Tse Yu Bak asked after Chui Yim had stared at him for a long time, so long that he was feeling uneasy. 

“Yeah, it should be…” Chui Yim said, fiddling with a needle. “I’ve always practised with a wooden doll and never a real man. But be at ease, I never once made a mistake on the wooden doll!” 

Seeing how confident Chui Yim looked, Tse Chun who remained silent for the entire time had his face twitch slightly. Tse Yu Bak even felt uneasy. “Are… Are you sure it will be alright?” 

“Why do you have so much to ask!” Chui Yim waved his hand and the needle dropped onto Tse Yu Bak, making him scream in pain. “Ah, sorry… I’ve made a small mistake…” Chui Yim plastered an embarrassed smile on his face. 

Other than the first needle, Chui Yim never made any other mistake. Tse Yu Bak was puzzled at the fact that Chui Yim penetrated on spots that weren’t pointed out by him as where the lumps are. However, he had such a great trust in Chui Yim that he tried his best to hold his questions in. 

Sometime later, Chui Yim took a deep breath. The nonchalant expression of him was now replaced with seriousness. “Okay, I’m done with the preparations. josei

“Normally, there’s two types of people after they were being poisoned with the snow centipede dissolved tendon powder. Either it’s discovered early, or never discovered and ended up losing their lives when the lumps explode. I’ve found no records in books about how someone like you, who only discovered it when the lumps are almost formed. So even I have no idea what the results will be. Therefore, I blocked all your main acupuncture points so that it will not flow into your other Eight Extraordinary Meridians except your heart chamber. 

“Because of your innate heart chamber, all your energliphs are stored in the heart chamber, and that’s where the snow centipede dissolved tendon powder is near. Since they are too close, I can’t block it so if anything happens… I want you to be prepared for it.” 

“Brother, just do it.” Tse Yu Bak replied calmly. “I, Tse Yu Bak, have spent the last six years of my life like trash, and now that I have a chance, I’ll definitely grab it. I'd rather die now than to spend the rest of my life like a piece of trash. 

“Do it!” He turned to Chui Yim. 

“What a man!” Chui Yim watched him with admiration.

Tse Chun was obviously moved too. Great! Indeed a Tse Clan’s man! 

“Then I’ll start.” 

Chui Yim had already punctured thirty silver nails in Tse Yu Bak, and he had six more between his fingers. He pierced it through Tse Yu Bak’s body after a short pause. 


All five needles landed on spots around the lump in quick succession, surrounding it. As soon as it happened, a dark green lump popped out on  a spot on Tse Yu Bak’s body that seemed fine. Tse Chun was greatly amazed. 

After Chui Yim’s debate with Chi Ping the day before, he trusted that Chui Yim would be honest to him. But he couldn’t help but to be won over happily by Chui Yim when he saw the lump. 

“It’s coming!” Chui Yim growled, and the last needle between his fingers landed in the middle of the lump. Once pierced open, dark green liquid flowed out of the lump. But Chui Yim was already well-prepared; he caught the liquid with the silver basin, which formed bubbles like it was boiling as it fell into the basin. 

The lump dissipated not after long of spurting out.  

The sight put a frown on Chui Yim’s face. Tse Chun, who couldn’t hold it in anymore, spoke up. “Is something wrong?” 

“The poison stayed in brother Tse for six years. The size of the lump also indicates that there should be more poison flowing out…” Chui Yim took a glance at Tse Chun and replied. 

On the other hand, Tse Yu Bak did not feel anything, except that his body was warm and it felt good. It was like he had been released from the cangue on him and the great feeling enchanted him. But not after long, Tse Yu Bak sensed that something was out of place. 

The warmth increased till it turned into a burning sensation. Seeing how painful Tse Yu Bak looked, Tse Chun dashed over to Chui Yim. “Little friend Chui, what’s wrong with Yu Bak?” 

However, he received no reply as Chui Yim frowned hard in silence. 

“Argh!” Tse Yu Bak let out another yell in pain, grasping his chest with both hands tightly. 

“Little friend Chui!” Tse Chun shouted at Chui Yim again, anxiousness washing over his normally calm face. 

“Right!” Chui Yim clapped. “I got it!” He turned to Tse Chun immediately, speaking rapidly. “Clan leader Tse! Call your clan’s gliphist over right now!” 

“What!?” Tse Chun looked at him, dumbfounded.

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